205 Live – 30/04/2019


Hello everyone and welcome to yet another 205 Live review. I’ve been incredibly busy (and a tad bit lazy) but I’ve finally gotten time to get to this review. The Singh Brothers returned to the cruiserweight scene to clash with the Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado) as well as Cruiserweight Champion Tony Nese putting on another masterclass with long time rival, the increasingly impressive Drew Gulak.

Lucha House Party vs The Singh Brothers

In a debut for the Singh Brothers, they finally get to step out of Jinder Mahal’s footsteps and get a chance to prove themselves, and what a chance this is for them. Lucha House Party, probably the divisions best built up tag team are looking to pick up another win and the Singh Brothers are looking to get off to a good start in their 205 Live career. The clash of styles with the high-flying, highly talented Lucha House Party was apparent but along with the Singh Brothers eccentric. no-nonsense style, this was bound to be a good matchup from the get go. After an impressive beatdown from the Singh Brothers for a good portion of the match, the Lucha house party finally got back some momentum as Dorado manages to tag in Metalik. A springboard crossbody and he’s all fired up! Metalik follows it up with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, superkick and reverse slingblade before both Sing Brothers manage to get into the ring. Metalik tags in Dorado who immediately delivers a double superkick to Dorado who is nearly pinned if it weren’t for his partner. Dorado tags Metalik back in and throws Sunil Singh out of the ring. Metalik nails a rope-walking springboard elbow drop before tagging Dorado back in who nails a shooting star press for the 1, 2, 3 (@9:30). This was a really, really fun match with a brilliant ending stretch. I felt like the Singh Brothers really managed to show off their in ring abilities whilst Dorado & Metalik were in a big fight with this match and they did a great job at making the Singh Brothers look like a future force in the cruiserweight tag team division.

Drew Gulak vs Tony Nese

Whilst this wasn’t a title match, I’m always down to watch Gulak & Nese go at it. Both men are supremely talented and two of if not the best two all-rounders in the cruiserweight division today. I don’t really have to sell how good these two are so let’s delve right into the action. Both men find themselves in a brutal striking exchange which Nese manages to get the better of, eventually dropping Gulak. He scales to the top rope and attempts the 450 splash, only for Gulak to move out of the way and lock in the gu-lock. Nese struggles but he manages to use the ropes to propel himself off the bottom rope and turn the lock into a pin. Gulak manages to kickout. Following the kickout, Nese delivers a german suplex into the corner and goes for the Running Nese, only to get caught as Gulak delivers a fierce lariat and both collapse to the floor. Gulak gets to his feet first and goes for a powerbomb, only to receive a superkick for his efforts before getting levelled by yet another brutal German suplex into the corner. With Gulak out and down in the corner, you know what’s coming next. Running Nese! 1, 2, 3 (@17:25). This was fantastic. I’ve talked plenty of times about how good these two are and they showed it yet again. Nese stands tall with his championship after the bell and the division looks really promising, even without Cedric Alexander & Buddy Murphy. I’m really looking forward to next week’s show.