My Week in Wrestling (week ending 24th March)



The Kofi Kingston storyline has been amazing so far. Myself and a lot of other non-white fans have been dissecting and analyzing the nuanced way the story is being told. And Big E’s little promo was icing on the cake, especially when he said “people like us”. That video, and the storyline itself, has really resonated with a lot of us in a way that we don’t normally get. Of course lots of people are determined to miss the point but we expected that. I hope there’s a great payoff for this.

Extreme Rules is a go! My friend and I locked in a hotel and car rental. All we’re waiting on is the tickets to go on sale. I’m hoping to take my Raw women’s belt with me, though I don’t know if I’ll put Sasha or Charlotte’s plates on it yet.

I’ve been on a weird AJ Styles kick lately, even though I’ve been ragging on his hair lately. Not only have I been watching stuff on the Network and on Youtube, I actually found my old digital cameras with recordings from his matches. I’ve gotten to see him wrestle live on two continents and for three different promotions. Maybe I’m in my feelings because a guy told me I was a bandwagon fan?

And lastly, my friend and I decided to get drunk while we watched basketball games and I ended up shopping for wrestling merch. I checked my orders this morning and it turns out I ordered a Charlotte Flair pop, a wrestling book, and two Marty Scurll shirts. At least I don’t get myself in trouble?


This week started off with my annual trip to Wolverhampton for Fight Club: Pro as part of my front row season ticket, full thoughts on the show can be found at this website, but in summary; I got to see the Besties in the World and GYV again, so yay!

Then on Sunday, I took myself to the IPW show at the ResGal just to see MJF as well as a few favourites of mine. I was going to write a full review for it but truth be told there wasn’t a lot to write home about and the turnout of the event further shows IPW decline in popularity as most of the crowd were London Lucha League trainees. Some really good wrestling though, in the forms of M&M vs Pretty Deadly and MJF vs Kip Sabian, which are worth watching when there released.


I seem inundated with projects at the moment, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. What it does mean is that I am dipping my toes in and about a variety of different stuff that hopefully will build towards more substantive projects over time. Amongst the potential ideas is a sequence of articles looking at the Death of WCW, one focusing primarily on the action on the television shows and PPVs more so than the stuff that was happening behind the scene. Whilst it is a well-trod path, a more in depth look at the bell to bell offerings of the promotion should be interesting for reader and writer alike.

Sitting in my ‘to watch’ pile is a Jerry Lawler versus Harley Race time limit draw from 1977 that went sixty minutes. As it is part of an ongoing attempt to catalogue the Memphis footage that is out there, it is a needs must situation, but I’m almost sceptical as to my own ability to watch a match that lasts that long these days. I’ve almost conditioned myself to enjoy matches that rarely go past twenty, so I’ll be interested to see whether the two men put on something that will excite me.

Speaking of excited, that Memphis project also saw me watch Jerry Lawler versus Bill Dundee from 1977, a match during their epic first feud that saw cars, titles and many different people’s hair end up on the line as they met a ridiculous number of times over the summer. This seems to be the only match that still exists on tape and it is great stuff. Dundee and Lawler don’t mess around and everything looked realistic enough. In this match, Dundee defeated Lawler, but Lawler would eventually win the feud, leaving Bill and Bill’s wife Beverley both bald.

I’m steeling myself for Wrestlemania Weekend. With access to around twenty-five shows at minimum, I will have a lot of wrestling to watch.


Things are speeding up on the road to Wrestlemania. The card for Takeover is amazing and I’m delighted to see the NXTUK Championship being defended at the event.

The Wrestlemania card is coming together but you can’t help but notice a couple of things are missing. Firstly, what are they going to do with the Intercontinental Title? Speculation around Demon v Deadman has been put to rest, as we understand The Undertaker isn’t scheduled for any WWE appearances until the next Saudi show. So will be see Demon Balor take on Lashley? Perhaps. And where is John Cena? There is a huge part of me that wants him to come out at ‘Mania, flatly refuse Kurt Angle’s last match to be against Baron Corbin and somehow, take his place.

I’m really excited to review ‘Mania with Wynter and CB. As I’m watching live, I’ll be live tweeting and taking over Instagram during the event. Be sure to follow PW Journal across all our social media platforms for fun and shenanigans!

I finally got around to seeing Fighting With My Family this week too. I absolutely loved it and Paige’s story is told beautifully throughout. There’s a wonderful line it which says, “Just because a million people aren’t cheering your name doesn’t make what you’re doing any less important.” Wise words!


My week started off very well, on Sunday 17th March I travelled to Newport in South Wales to watch Dragon Pro Wrestling. The card featured a mixture of young promising Dragon Pro trainees, and established UK talent. Their was a fantastic mixture of styles, characters and talent, there were three title changes and again Dragon Pro produced a very good wrestling show. The evening ended on a happy note when fan favourite Beano defeated current All Wales Champion Mike Bird in 25 man Royal Rumble Match, the audience were ecstatic when he finally eliminated Bird. My full review can be found following the link

Following that my week in wrestling was made up of listening to the amazingly experienced PWTorch staff, reading the great reviews and editorial @ PWJ and laughing at WWE’s attempts to not make WrestleMania look like a complete joke. Raw has been booked so badly for the last 5 years that this years showcase event feels like just another PPV (Although I will stay up and watch)  What should have been the hottest women’s singles match in history, has been built into a complex, overly-booked mess. I now want Charlotte win and for Ronda/Becky to left in the rear view. We had the disappointment of Kurt Angle’s retirement match opponent, Seth waiting for the camera to be at the right angle before hitting Drew, then being distracted by someone appearing fifty meters away, subsequently losing the match.

The less said about the racial overtones of the Vince/Kofi feud the better, again another contrived mess by WWE.

My passion for the sport of professional wrestling was saved by catching up on the NJCup, and watching NXT. The New Japan Cup has already thrown up some MOTY contenders already. For me Ishii vs Nagata and  Ibushi vs ZSJ were beautiful matches in their own right, both matches were uniquely different yet both ticked all the boxes for perfect wrestling contests. Many fans have commented that NJPW isn’t the same without Kenny, Cody and the Bucks, but for the less focus on them has produced a better wrestling product and allowed others to shine.