Written by: Craig Ferriman (@MrImpact_Blog)

On Friday night Impact wrestling put out yet another solid weekly show that had everything from, High Flying to Debuts to someone getting arrested. Here’s what went down and my opinion on it.

Another quick shout out to the Commentary team of Josh Matthews & Don Callis who once again had me in stitches over some of the lines they delivered.

The show opened with oVe making their way to Sam’s town casino surrounded by security to protect themselves from Brian Cage, After what Sami did to Melissa Santos last week during the wedding reception.

Tenille Dashwood Def. Madison Rayne & Kiera Hogan

The match was as you would expect with the best “frenemies” (Hogan & Rayne) instantly turning the match into a handicap in their favour, which plays into their characters perfectly. Tenille in my opinion doesn’t suit a baby face given her “It’s all about me” character.

But I can certainly understand why she’s being portrayed as face, particularly as she’s soon to be facing Taya Valkyrie for the Knockouts Championship at Bound for Glory. They will want that good chicken heel and pure valiant baby face dynamic.

During the match the frenemies had control of most of it but after a bit of miscommunication between the two leading up to a double superplex attempt, Dashwood regained control and made the most of the miscommunication. The finish would come after Dashwood knocked Kiera Hogan to the outside and delivered a Spotlight kick to the locker room leader Madison Rayne picking up the win.

Again for me personally the match didn’t seem as fluid as perhaps it was intended to be and I couldn’t quite get into it… I’m unsure if that’s due to the silenced Vegas crowd though. Hogan however looked great but I think IMPACT want to keep Tenille undefeated until BFG.

A very funny backstage segment next from Eddie Edwards who was trying to get someone to team up with him to take on Reno Scum after they drugged him last week. The camera zooms out and it appears he’s talking with Tommy Dreamer, Tommy accepts Eddie’s offer to team with him which Eddie seems happy about. But as we think he’s about to shake Tommy’s hand he picks up Kenny the Kendo stick and thanks Kenny for agreeing to be his tag partner. This segment was excellent and Eddie’s comedic side is outstanding.

Johnny Swinger Def. Owen Travers

This match was just a standard debut match for the fans who may not be overly familiar with Swinger to see what he can do…. and too his credit he can still go to some extent. His moves seemed fluid and it was confirmed to us that Swinger believes it’s the 80s which Callis was loving, Travers got some offence in but Swinger would deliver the swinging neckbreaker to Travers and picks up the win in his first match back on IMPACT.

The match was fine nothing to really write home about Swinger was excellent in terms of character and really got himself booed by the members of the crowd who were actually making some noise. Travers in my opinion impressed the best way he could and I think that warrants a future Xplosion match to see what he can really do.

The new backstage announcer Gabby Loren inform the world Tag Team Champions (The North) that they will be defending the tag titles at BFG against Willie Mack & Rich Swann & RVD & Rhino. Something which the champions were not best pleased about and knew exactly who was to blame.

Tessa Blanchard tells Gabby Loren that she isn’t suprised by Sami Callihans actions towards Melissa Santos last week and that now all members of oVe has a target on their back.

Backstage, Ace Austin tells Alisha that he’s “Worried” Eddie has a substance abuse problem and tells her that’s he’s there for her.

Eddie Edwards & Kenny Def. Reno Scum (Luster & Thornstowe)

Yes Eddie Edwards is teaming up with a Kendo stick… just let that sink in… a Kendo stick, to be completely honest the match was great obviously Eddie carried the match for his team as Kenny was short arming him sometimes.

Looking like he was gonna turn heel whilst Don Callis was letting everyone know that Kenny the Kendo stick is the most “Over” Kenny in the business, Reno Scum did have the majority of control over the match and delivered some of their classic offence like Pitty city where Luster drives the face of their opponent into the armpit of Thornstowe.

It would pick up however when Eddie made the hot tag too Kenny and after delivering a white side Russian leg sweep onto Thornstowe their attention moved to Luster the Legend on the outside, with a couple of dives from Eddie and Kenny starting with Kenny delivering a no touch over the top rope twisting corkscrew 450 moonsault and swiftly followed up with a suicide dive from Eddie the match had turned swiftly into the favour of Eddie & Kenny. A few more sequences took place before Eddie delivered the Boston knee party to Luster and both Eddie & Kenny made the cover and got the win.

Honestly it was a good match… Scum did a great job and got another outing on IMPACT & Eddie did a great Job at being Eddie.

The North confront Konnan in his dressing room but KDogg isn’t backing down, The door is closed then after returning from break Konnan is laid out. I get the feeling this might be Konnan getting written out of IMPACT.

Sami Callihan is in the ring after being told by IMPACT management he has to apologise to Brian Cage and Melissa Santos, which too his credit he does. But the World champion (Brian Cage) has heard enough and makes his way to ringside taking out all the security on the ramp, delivering a powerbomb on the apron to Jake Crist, dropping Dave with an F5 and dropping Fulton with a one armed powerbomb in the ring. Callihan jumps out of the ring and makes his escape through the crowd. A “Fan” taps Cage on the shoulder and Cage retaliates by dragging the guy over the barrier and drops him onto the ring floor. Doctors & Management come to the aid of the fan as do Las Vegas Police and arrest Brian Cage.

Fully entertaining segment that literally has everything you would want from a world title feud approaching a PPV.

Daga Def. Chris Bey (X Division Championship Ladder match qualifier)

Jake Crist joined Josh & Don on commentary and gave Josh the nickname of “Baby Jarvis”.

I’m not usually a fan of members of the Roster being on commentary particularly as I feel it usually takes away from the match we’re watching especially if they’re just there to put themselves over which is usually the case.

But Daga vs Chris Bey was a superb & very athletic match with both men giving it everything they had, the fans were waiting to see who would deliver the first dive at it was Bey, He later delivered a slingshot DDT for a two count before Daga delivered my favourite move… a Spanish fly, which he then followed up with a modified Butterfly driver for the win.

After the match Dave & Jake put a beat down on Daga, Tessa Blanchard comes down and clears the ring. Tessa & Daga stand tall.

A great match from start to finish, so glad to see Chris Bey on Impact. He’s someone the fans have been wanting IMPACT to sign since the last set of Vegas Tapings after his Xplosion match with Luchasaurus.

Backstage, Gabby Loren is interviewing TJP about his main event match with Michael Elgin, it also seems like TJP has made some progress in helping Fallah Bahh find his voice.

Next we got to see the press conference that took place the day before the TV tapings in Vegas between Moose & Ken Shamrock, Moose informs he’s enlisted the help of Frank Trigg to help him prepare for the match at Bound for Glory. Shamrock appears and questions why Moose calls himself “Mr IMPACT Wrestling” when he hasn’t won the world title. The two face off for a photo opportunity until Moose slaps Ken Shamrock and a scrap begins but is just as quickly broken up.

That certainly did it’s job, I’m more than ready to see them finally get their hands on each other at Bound for Glory.

James Mitchell isn’t pleased with Havok’s actions over the past few weeks and claiming “He” is annoyed with her after harming “His favourite Bride” (Sü Yung). Taya Valkyrie then approaches them both with a proposal, Havok takes care of Tenille Dashwood and Taya will return the favour with a Knockouts title opportunity. James Mitchell rejects the idea and says that Havok will just take the title from her instead.

Michael Elgin Def. TJP w/ Fallah Bahh (Main Event)

Elgin & TJP are two of my favourites on the roster today, they can truly mix it up with anyone, their contrasting styles make the dynamic of the match feel bigger although they don’t pigeon hole themselves. They’re more than capable of changing up their styles depending on who they’re in the ring with.

The match had power and quick athleticism, TJP launches himself over the top rope but is caught by Elgin who drops TJP with a hard powerslam on the apron, TJP delivers a huge springboard hurricanra which brings Big Mike off the top rope, Elgin delivers a heavy clothesline for a near fall. Perkins dives through the middle rope but is once again countered by Elgin with a slam onto the ramp, Elgin then nails TJ with a deadlift suplex into a Falcon arrow off the middle rope but somehow TJ kicks out of it. Elgin however would of course deliver the Elgin Bomb for the pin and the victory.

What an amazing match, I throughly stick by my claim that Elgin is the best signing for IMPACT this year and there’s no denying he’s bought some added interest to Bound for Glory with his dream match against Marafuji.

Thanks for reading, that was IMPACT for another week and next week promises to be just as solid. Catch IMPACT on Also on IMPACT plus app which is also now available on Fite TV. You won’t be disappointed.