IMPACT Wrestling potentially returning to the UK.


Written By: Craig Ferriman (@MrIMPACT)

Earlier this month IMPACT Wrestling & Wrestling Travel revealed that they have begun a working relationship in order to help fans get to Bound for Glory without paying a huge fortune. As well as a special live event to be shown on the IMPACT Plus app the Friday before BFG called Prelude to Glory, what will feature on this show is yet to be revealed.

However it’s left many speculating that this may be the sight for this year’s hall of fame ceremony, although nothing has been confirmed or denied there has been no announcement or spoiler as to whether there is going to be a hall of fame this year yet many feel Ken Shamrock could be the next inductee into the hall of fame that features names like Sting, Kurt Angle, Team 3D, Abyss and Gail Kim.

Impact management teased a return to the UK when a fan replied to one of Scott D’Amores tweets about the announcement and asked about a UK tour to which a member of Wrestling Travels staff replied with “@realjoshmathews looks like we have something to discuss”. This got many of the UK fans excited and are now waiting on an announcement to confirm something. Wrestling Travel also gave a response to someone’s rather sarcastic comment ‘Look forward to their world tour” This was referring too IMPACT having a wider reach than WWE due to them them airing on Twitch which is available in all countries and WT replied with “Hold our Beer”.

Impact management have made it very clear that doing something else In the UK is something they’re very much interested in and is a big part of their future plans, given the very well received show put on at Wrestling Mediacon last year it’s something all fans want given how well IMPACT used to do when they would bring their Maximum IMPACT tour to places like Manchester, Birmingham & Glasgow. In which they would sell out places like Wembley Arena & SSE Hydro in the UK they were very much on the same level as WWE.

Huge Crowd for Maximum IMPACT

However due to their past financial troubles the Maximum IMPACT tours were something that had to be put on hold, but now the factors have completely changed. Anthem SE have the funds and this working relationship between IMPACT & Wrestling Travel can be very lucrative which is great news for the UK fans, another run in the UK is something lots of fans have been asking about for a long time, even fans from abroad know how big the BritWres Scene is at the moment and IMPACT should absolutely capitalise on this.

I am very excited about what could happen with this great partnership, as I’m sure most of us are aware that Wrestling Travel were a big part in UK Wrestling Mediacon last September and were praised by many when they helped provide the ring mat. I’m sure that was the start of IMPACT & WT talks, now the relationship is just starting and already there are big plans for something that has been talked a lot about since the change in management.

Thanks for reading, keep an eye out for any news on a potential UK tour on IMPACTS Socials.