Dreams Were Made This Weekend! For The Love of Wrestling Convention – Review


Monopoly Events, in association with Wrestling Travel hosts the largest dedicated wrestling convention in the whole of Europe. Welcome to ‘For The Love Of Wrestling’

The first event of this kind was a resounding success and I’d like to start by congratulating all the staff, security, photographers, sound techs, vendors, collectors, exhibitors and volunteers involved for making it so. It takes an army to organize and execute an event like this, especially with the calibre of guests they hosted this weekend. Ladies and gentlemen, take a bow!

For The Love Of Wrestling hosted a who’s who of wrestling stars both past and present. Ladies like Summer Rae, Kelly Kelly, Tenille Dashwood and WWE Hall of Famer, Lita. Current WWE NXT UK Superstar, Pete Dunne making a last-minute addition to the line up was a welcomed surprise for many. Also in attendance were some of wrestling’s most beloved characters. Guys like Rob Van Dam and Christian to name just a couple. On top of that you have some of the greatest minds (and mouths) in wrestling history; ‘The Million Dollar Man’, Ted DiBiase, ‘The Mouth of the South’, Jimmy Hart and Eric Bischoff.

Just when you think it can’t possibly get any better, out come the big guns, the living legends, the guys you have grown up watching and idolizing. The guys who perhaps, up until this weekend, weren’t real, they were simply, characters you watched on a flickering screen. WWE Hall of Famer’s, ‘The Nature Boy’, Ric Flair and Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart; The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla, the GOAT, the man who was sent to save us and perhaps the busiest man in professional wrestling, Chris Jericho.

Then of course, the main event, the headliner, in perhaps his first and last appearance outside of his normal wrestling circuit. The man, the myth, the legend. The Undertaker! Pro wrestling has had many different faces over the past 30 years, but one man alone has been its backbone and that is The Deadman. This once in a lifetime opportunity is the reason many fans, both young and old flocked to this event. They wanted the chance to reach out and shake his hand, have a conversation, get an autograph and immortalize the moment in a treasured photograph.

Monopoly Events promised dreams would be made this weekend and boy were they?!

James Harvey over at Old School Wrestling https://www.facebook.com/OldSWrestling/ has spent eight years building up his collection of vintage wrestling memorabilia. The display he came with was only two thirds of what he owns and to say his collection was impressive would be an understatement. He had everything from shirts, flags and programs to commemorative chairs, board games and everything in between. Even some weird and wonderful items such as a make your own jewelry kit and wrestling themed Valentines cards. His stand out items are those in his Bret Hart Collection, particularly his action figures and collection of autographs from the man himself.

I’m sure you can relate to how gratifying, rewarding and down right awesome it was when Bret himself came over to check out the display and to compliment James on ‘quite the collection’

Sometimes, there’s no rhyme of reason as to why you do something or become passionate about something and it’s deeply fulfilling when your passion is acknowledged and rewarded.

To quote my new friend Mark at Grapple Arcade https://twitter.com/grapplearcade ‘In the end it all comes together and we do it because we love it’. I think this resonates with a lot of us this weekend. Wrestling was always something you followed when you were a kid and grew out of but for some people it sticks, it sticks for a lifetime.

Grapple Arcade are based in Newcastle and they packed up all of their retro gaming consoles, set them all up with their respective wrestling games and let people play on them all weekend long, free of charge. I personally can’t think of a better way to keep the kids (and the big kids amused) whilst you enjoy a well-earned coffee break. These guys also host wrestling watch parties and have their own podcast.

Be sure to check them out.

Speaking of doing things purely because you love doing it, I had the pleasure of meeting the team over at Taker UK https://www.facebook.com/Taker.UK/ who hands down, had the most impressive and intricate display of the weekend. Taker UK was dressed in full garb, trench coat and hat and his minions were in full black robes. Pictures with Taker UK were free and he was a true gent, very warm and welcoming to everyone who stopped by. His photographer, UK Mankind, is the General Manager of Phoenix Wrestling Association in Coventry https://twitter.com/PWA_Uk The Taker UK team also run a community project where they intend to fund grassroots football for young people. https://www.gofundme.com/taker-uk-community-project

Another personal highlight for me, was beholding the breath-taking collection of wrestling belts, held by Craig at EHOWB (Europe’s Home of Wrestling Belts) https://www.facebook.com/groups/497609223998966/ And I’ll tell you something, the online community these guys have created is nothing short of brilliant. Be sure to join their Facebook group and follow all their adventures.

Last but not least, my whistle-stop tour of vendors got me chatting with Tom at Wrestling Travel, the partner of Monopoly Events. Did you know Wrestling Travel took 150 people from the UK to WWE Wrestlemania in New York this year? What sets their packages apart from other providers (besides the flights being included) is the sense of community they create along the way. Whether you’re a first timer or enjoy the comfort of familiar faces and someone to take care of things for you, these guys should be anyone’s first port of call if they are thinking of attending one of WWE’s PPV’s. https://wrestlingtravel.org/

I attended this convention on the Sunday only and I didn’t go with the intention of getting photo’s and autographs. For me it was about soaking up the atmosphere, meeting like-minded people and watching the looks on faces when someone had met their idol. None more so, than my husband, who I don’t think I’ve ever seen happier than in the moments after he met The Undertaker.

I’ve attended many conventions over the years and there was a part of me that wondered if a wrestling specific convention would translate as intended, but the second I walked in the door and saw the sea of wrestling shirts and cosplay, any doubts I had were put to rest.

Attendees, wrestlers and guests all appeared very relaxed, very present and very in the moment. There was no rushing, no frantic shouting or running around. It was well organized and appeared to be running very smoothly. Not only does this make staff happy but allows the wrestlers to have meaningful interactions with fans, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Everyone I spoke to, including the workhorses coordinating the photo printing section, appeared to be having a great time. The room was set up well, you didn’t feel closed in, it was well ventilated and well catered. Staff were friendly approachable and professional.

Conventions, for me, have always been a safe space for people from all walks of life to come together and celebrate a common theme, a shared interest, a passion. They are somewhere you don’t feel judged, where you can be yourself and feel connected with others, which is something we all need in a world where most of our connections are through a small screen.

Tickets for next years show have already gone on sale and if this year is anything to go by, For The Love Of Wrestling, the sky is the limit.
