Thank You Lykos

Image result for kid lykos

This past Wednesday, Kid Lykos announced his retirement from professional wrestling at the age of 22. We all hear at Pro Wrestling Journal wish him a happy retirement. With the news of this, me Iwan Mackenzie and my colleague Jake Clarke would like to share some of our favourite Lykos memories and how we feel about this announcment.

Jake Clarke

Kid Lykos, we will miss you!

Ahhh the shitty little wolf.

I love the guy. Great wrestler, great person. I feel so bad for the guy.
He has been dealing with nagging injuries for the better part of 2 years now and he has decided that it’s time to hang up the boots. Hopefully, he will stay in wrestling in some capacity as he truly is a gift to our scene. Him and Chris Brookes created something special in #CCK and it became a nationwide phenomenon across the scene and has become arguably the biggest tag team in Britain.

I’m going to go through 5 of my personal favourite moments that I have watched or seen live of Lykos.

  1. CCK vs Aussie Open at HOPE wrestling‐ CCK win the tag titles
    This match was so incredible. Even though they were in front of like 50‐60 people in a scorching hot working men’s club, they still put on a classic. Every was so slick and well timed and it was pleasure to watch this match. This was also the first time I had seen CCK live and they left their mark on me as it made me want to see them more and more.
  2. My 1st time seeing Lykos
    I first saw Lykos in Mansfield at a HOPE show, one of his first matches back from the second injury. He was in a triple threat with the boy Kyle Fletcher and Kelly Sixx. Great match and the it was the first glimpse of Lykos for me. He was innovative, ludicrously good and him and Fletcher had really great chemistry. This really set the tone for what I would see from him in the future.
  3. The last time I saw him live.
    The last time I saw Lykos live was the 24th March at RevPro live in Northampton. He wrestled a four way with Brendan White, Mk McKinnan and El Phantasmo. It was really great and Lykos played the dastardly bastard heel well. He would also get involved in the main event between Chris Brookes and PAC,hitting PAC with several moves as well as hitting him with a baking tray. This was the last time I saw him in action and it was great.
  4. That Progress return – So I believe it was in Sheffield, Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Haskins are beating down Brookes and then the squid and the wolf plays and here comes Lykos. A huge pop and CCK were officially back. This was the run in which CCK won the tag belts in America. This moment however remains one of the best in Progress history and it a great return.
  5. Meeting Lykos
    My favourite moment was meeting Lykos. It was brief as I only asked him to sign something and get a photo. Whilst it was brief, it was great. He was a genuinely nice guy and you could tell that the niceness was genuine. THANK YOU LYKOS!

Iwan Mackenzie

Image may contain: Iwan Mackenzie, smiling, standing and beard

Hearing the news on Wednesday of Lykos retiring from the ring was super sad to read, you can tell he has a ton of passion for this business and to see someone like that having to retire due to injury just sucks, but I do know that he’s doing it for his long term health and I’d want him to look after himself before being their for my entertainment.

I remember seeing Lykos for the first time back in 2016 as his former persona of Ethan Silver in a scramble match, he really impressed me that night with all his great athleticism; I saw Lykos proper though in March 2017 with him Brookes vs Jonny Storm and Jody Fleisch, I remember his character work being great and that with his athleticism making him a complete package.

The moment that I really clicked with Lykos though was when him and Brookes won the 1st Annual Dream Tag Team Invitational defeating the Hunter Brothers and the Lucha Bros in the same night that fateful afternoon in Shepard’s Bush. Both matches were different and showed the teams variety, they were heels going in but by the end of the night they had so many new fans including myself; I remember meeting him that night as well and he was really nice.From that point forward, #CCK started really leading a tag team revolution through all of British Wrestling, they became so in demand everywhere, it wasn’t long till they ended up in PROGRESS to challenge British Strong Style for the Tag Titles. The night where they won the titles was magical, everybody was jumping up and down hugging each other because of how much love #CCK had and still has to this day. At that point, #CCK became my favourite team since Project Ego years ago, and I couldn’t wait to see what they did next.

Obviously as people know he substained a lot of injury’s but he kept fighting back and returning, he did show though that he is more than a wrestler though by showing he can be a great heel dick manager, a commentator, a ring announcer and one of the most creative minds in BritWres with ideas behind Schadenfreude and Tuesday Night Graps.

This is a sad announcement but we should really have this as a celebration of Kid Lykos and all the joy he brought to a lot of people. He’s one of my favourite wrestlers and a great person, enjoy your retirement Best Wolf.

– My Top Five Favourite #CCK Matches

  1. vs British Strong Style – PROGRESS “Chapter 50: I Give it Six Months”
  2. vs The Lucha Bros – Fight Club: Pro “Dream Tag Team Invitational Day 3”
  3. vs The Anti-Fun Police – IPW:UK “Tuesday Night Graps: #CCK Pool Party”
  4. vs The Gentleman’s Club – Fight Club: Pro “Capital Cockknockers 2”
  5. vs Lucky Kid and Mike Bailey – RevPro “Live at the Cockpit 30”