Wynter’s Favorite Basic Wrestling Moves


I’ve been watching wrestling for almost twenty years so I’ve had time to amass a collection of favorite wrestlers, tag teams, matches, moments, and moves. I’ve also been slowly losing it between quarantine, grad school, and my depression so I’ve been on a writing whirlwind. Some of it’s been pretty okay and other stuff has been off the wall. This is one of those random pieces that I wrote in the middle of the night instead of sleeping. In no particular order, here are my five favorite basic wrestling moves.

Big Boot

The big boot is an absolute staple in wrestling. It’s just a simple move where you just put your foot in an opponent’s face. I especially love when it’s used to stop an opponent’s momentum. It can be used by most wrestlers, though it is admittedly more impressive when the wrestler is taller and bigger than their opponent.

Notable users: Charlotte Flair; Test; Billie Kay

Bridging German Suplex

Suplexes by themselves are pretty cool. I think it’s the movement of just scooping up and opponent and flinging them over your head and shoulders. And there are so many variations of the suplex to keep the move fresh! I particularly love the bridging German suplex because it combines the pop of the suplex with the impressive flexibility of a back bridge.

Notable users: Mr. Perfect; Penelope Ford; Chad Gable


Though some wrestlers have elevated this football move into an impressive finishing maneuver, it’s always nice to see someone bust out a random spear in the middle of the match. I love a good spear out of nowhere that takes the opponent’s breath away. Combine it with some wresters’ ability to spear their opponents out of midair or mid-move and it becomes a spectacle even if it doesn’t finish the match.

Notable users: Edge; Roman Reigns; Bianca Belair

Alabama Slam

Is there anything better than watching someone just straight up slam their opponent face first onto the mat (or announce table or floor)? Admittedly this is the move I have copied the most. Shout-out to my younger cousin for being willing to get slammed onto the living room couch. A lot. I love you!

Notable users: Cody Rhodes; Nikki Bella; Hardcore Holly


Speaking of elevating a basic move into a finisher, it takes a good form, character, and execution to use a clothesline or lariat (truly beginner-level wrestling moves) as a finisher. Even when not being utilized as a finisher, a good clothesline or lariat can still be fun to see in a match. It’s even more fun if the opponent sells (or oversells) it well.

Notable Users: JBL; Kazuchika Okada; Hangman Adam Page