6 Ways to Get Your Wrestling Fix During Quarantine


Utilize Streaming Services

A lot of use mostly utilize our streaming services to watch big shows or tournaments, but now is the time to really explore everything they have to offer. Liked that one show that happened five years ago? Go watch it! Want to see your favorite childhood wrestler win their first-ever championship? Click on it, you’ve probably got nothing but time! I’ve found myself straying back to the early 2000s and rewatching things I remember seeing as a child.

Take advantage of free content

Since the pandemic began, some promotions have been releasing free content on YouTube, ranging from interviews to complete shows. There are also some pretty cool documentary-type things to take a look at if you’re interested in stuff that happens outside of the ring. I’ve been watching a lot of women’s wrestling that I didn’t know much about until I found them on YouTube.

Take it back!

If you’re like me, you probably have a decently sized collection of wrestling-related DVDs or VHS tapes. Break them out! You’ll be surprised at some of those hidden gem matches sprinkled across these older PPVs. Two personal favorites of mine are the 50 Greatest Finishing Moves in WWE History and Edge: A Decade of Decadence. They’re a bit dated, having been produced in 2012 and 2008 respectively, but still fun to watch!

Read all about it

This might just be a me thing because I’ve been an avid reader since I was a child, but I love books about wrestling, from in-ring facts to memoirs. There’s a lot of good wrestling books out there and if you like to read, this is the best time to pick up some of them. Currently on my nightstand are 35 Years of WrestleMania and Sisterhood of the Squared Circle; I’d highly recommend them both if you’re really into wrestling history.

Follow your faves on their social media

With the pandemic going on, some of our faves aren’t really leaving their homes. Some of them have been using this extra time to do fun things on their social media. Baron Corbin has been showing off his cooking, Sasha Banks did makeup looks based on her fellow women’s wrestlers, and Chris Jericho created the #JudasChallenge and #FlimFlamChallenge. Check on your fave’s social media to see what they’re up to in quarantine.

Connect with the wrestling community

This is a trying time and some of us may be feeling isolated, dealing with mental illness episodes, or trapped in conditions that aren’t the best. Try to reach out and connect with others on social media or through video calls. The WrestleMania Zoom watch party I was a part of was so much fun and almost took away the negativity of not being able to go to Tampa. We have to distance from each other but we don’t have to be alone!