Written by: Craig Ferriman (@MrImpact_Blog)

As announced by Scott D’amore & Don Callis over Bound for Glory weekend in October, Impact Wrestling will be reviving the name Total Nonstop Action (TNA) for one night only. But speculation still remained as to when and where it would be taking place, many people thought it would be happening over Wrestlemania week in Tampa and that’s precisely where it will be taking place.
Friday 3rd April, Ritz YBOR City Live on Fite tv from Wrestle Con, TNA is back for one night only. Two members of the current roster have been asking for a TNA throwback show since just before Slammiversary last year, Ethan Page & Josh Alexander (The North) have made it known TNA was a big part of them becoming wrestling fans. Every week on their twitch show where they watch old stuff from the IMPACT plus app they would ask Scott D’amore about having a throwback show over mania week.
It took some convincing but eventually management agreed, to the pure delight of the TNA/IMPACT faithful & now of course this has given many of the fans an opportunity to ask former TNA stars if they have been asked to do it. One wrestler in particular the fans truly want to see back is one of the pioneers of the X division Amazing Red, however one who seems to have next to no interest is Low Ki who openly tweeted in not so many words that he’s not interested.
Despite many TNA originals like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle & Bobby Roode all being under contract with the WWE there are still lots of names who are free to make appearances like the wildcat Chris Harris and potentially Velvet Sky. Of course there are still some TNA originals currently with the company like Gail Kim, RVD, Rhino and not forgetting the first World Champion Ken Shamrock.
Still with plenty of time to make match announcements this could be a treat for TNA fans everywhere, especially with the six sided ring being teased I’m really looking forward to seeing what comes for this show.
Thanks for reading.
Tickets for this show will be available soon via the wrestle-con website.