NXT Report Card 1/15/20


Keith Lee

I liked Lee’s opening promo here and that he put over the Undisputed Era. However, UE attacking him made me chuckle because it looked like a few terriers attacking a Great Dane.

Grade: B+

Matt Riddle and Pete Dunne vs Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews-Dusty Rhodes Tag Classic

The Broserweights is not a team I would’ve thought to put together but it worked! They meshed quite well and seemed to have no awkwardness in working together. I feel like the crowd was super into this match too, which is always good. All in all, a great opening match for the show.

Winner: Matt Riddle and Pete Dunne

Grade: B+

Mission: Get Goldie Back

We’re seeing that laser-focus we got from Ciampa prior to his injury. He wants Goldie back and he wants her back now! Also, Evil DIY is back!

Grade: A

Grizzled Young Veterans vs Time Splitters-Dusty Rhodes Tag Classic

I am definitely disappointed that we got a Time Splitters reunion only for them to lose their first match together. Talk about taking the wind out of the sails! That aside, the match itself was good. It was a fairly standard tag team bout, without any bells or whistles. I did like the Grizzled Young Veterans’ post-match promo calling the Time Splitters a relic of the past.

Winner: Grizzled Young Veterans

Grade: B-

Former free agent

This Robert Stone and Chelsea Green partnership intrigues me. I’m not sure if I like it or not yet but I am intrigued so that’s something.

Not Rated

Isaiah Scott vs Lio Rush vs Tyler Breeze

Scott and Rush definitely killed it here, but Breeze was no slouch! This was such a great match and I think the timing was perfect, both in terms of the match itself and where it was on the card. Having such a competitive match and giving it this kind of light really elevates the Cruiserweight Championship in my opinion, putting it on par with the North American Championship as a midcard belt. The only negative about this match was having Angel Garza on commentary. I will never mock anyone’s English because it is an incredibly difficult language to learn but it was a bit of a struggle.

Winner: Isaiah Scott

Grade: B+

I’m going to give the outside interview with Gargano and Ciampa an A+ for the Evil DIY reunion and Keith Lee appearing out of the bushes.

Women’s Battle Royal-Women’s Championship #1 Contendership

Battle royals are hard to book, especially battle royals on weekly television. Let’s face it, most of those aren’t very good. But this one was quite well-done! It did have a slow start as battle royals tend to have but once it got past that, it was great! I was a bit surprised that Bianca Belair came out on top, mostly because I hate that she gets so close to the title only to inevitably lose. She’s a star, not a set-up talent.

Winner: Bianca Belair

Grade: C+

Final Thoughts

I feel like this was just an average episode. There were some great moments but nothing too flashy. And that’s fine, considering the next big event is in February. We have to move forward and keep the interest. I also feel some type away about the Time Splitters losing their reunion match and Bianca Belair winning the battle royal when she’s probably going to be slated to lose again.

Overall Grade: B