Writen by: Craig Ferriman (@MrImpact_Blog)

A huge week for IMPACT Wrestling as they made their highly anticipated debut on AXS TV it certainly didn’t disappoint. Despite there being a few issues with the sound and although some spoiled the main event for me it was still a great show and certainly shone a light on just what they can do. Here’s what went down.

Marufuji def. Tag Team Champion Josh Alexander w/Tag Team Champion Ethan Page. 8/10

What a way to open the show and what a way to make a first impression on those who tuned into impact for the first time in a long time. Josh Alexander in my opinion is one of the most underrated singles competitors in wrestling today, but is also one of the best in tag team wrestling. I knew there was a reason I was excited about this match, Josh is a technical savage but still has a great power game. That mixed with the strong style and quick pace of Marufuji just made this match that much better and I really recommend every checks this match out, it has certainly made it more difficult for me when I come to choosing my matches of the year. Marufuji would connect with Sliced Bread # 2 for the win.

Security meet oVe as they enter the building and tell them that The Crists & Mad Man Fulton are banned from the arena tonight.

Fallah Bahh Joins the Rascalz in their tree house and speaks for the first time ever after the Rascalz offer him the smoke. An amazingly funny segment as usual from those Rascalz and adding in Fallah only makes it better.

Jordynne Grace, Alexia Nicole & Rosemary def. Knockouts Champion Taya Valkyrie, Kiera Hogan & Madison Rayne (LRL) 6/10

A decent match from the Knockouts, each of them getting their opportunities to show the new viewers to IMPACT what they can do. Great to see Alexia Nicole back on IMPACT. She’s always been impressive everytime she has worked with IMPACT and hope she’s sticking around this time. It certainly wasn’t the longest match but still gave enough time for everyone to do what they do best. It did however look like Kiera may have picked up an injury to her shoulder during the match but I’m unsure if it’s worked because Madison heeled it up and jumped from the apron as Taya was looking for the tag to check on Kiera. It would work in the favour of Jordynne Grace who delivered the Grace Driver pinning the current Knockouts Champ.

RVD delivered an attitude era promo to explain his heel turn at Bound for Glory from a hot tub along with his wife Katie Forbes, he explains that he’s fed up with all the current generation of wrestlers stealing his moves including Kenny Omega and the Young Bucks but then tells us all that’s he’s still One of a Kind.

Rich Swann & Willie Mack def. Desi Hit Squad (Rohit Raju & Raj Singh) w/ Gama Singh. 7/10

Solid tag team work from both teams in a match that I feel may have decided the next challengers to The North for the world tag team championships, the DHS have improved so much and can no longer be considered the joke of IMPACT. Rohit in particular is one of my favourites, he has the charisma, mouth and in ring style that matches perfectly with the strength of Raj. Of course with the addition of Shera they could become unstoppable, but the right decision was made with Rich & Willie picking up the win. Yeah they haven’t been tagging as long as some of the other teams in the division but they keep on improving on a weekly basis. Rich would deliver his signature handspring cutter swiftly followed up with a double team top rope neckbreaker for the win.

Rhino arrives at the arena in search of RVD, but as soon as he discovers Rob isn’t there the Warmachine challenges the Whole F’n Show to a match at Turning Point live on IMPACT Plus.

Moose is on the golf course in a segment that felt to me something that was from the Mr Perfect playbook, Moose claims to hit a hole in one. Claiming to be the best multi sport athlete.

Ken Shamrock comes to the ring to address his future but is interrupted by Joey Ryan claiming that his thing will make Ken tap out faster than a gracie choke hold. Ken doesn’t back down and challenges Ryan to a match next week, Joey accepts and tries to make Shamrock touch it but he avoids forcing Joey to retreat up the ramp.

X Division Champion Ace Austin def. Eddie Edwards- Street Fight Non Title. 8/10

What a match this was promising to be and it really did deliver on that promise and the perfect end to a great rivalry, I said in the beginning of this feud that Eddie will make Ace Austin a star and Ace is a huge star. His character & demeanor have grown so much and has shown everyone what he’s capable of doing and along with Eddie they’ve made us care about the outcome of this story, I’ll be the first to admit that I wasn’t sure about this story line in the beginning but they’ve made it work. A great spot from this match was when ace attempted the fold but as he dove Eddie held the trash can up forcing Ace to dive into the can, the finish came after Ace broke Kenny the kendo stick over his knee then loaded his wrist brace clobbering Eddie and delivering a super Fold through the table for the win.

Sü Yung debuted her new persona Susie which is some how more freaky than Sü Yung. As even she doesn’t know what has happened to the old Sü Yung.

Johnny Swinger hits on Alisha Edwards but Ace soon puts a stop to it and finally convinces Lish to have dinner with him.

Sami Callihan def. World Champion Brian Cage- Steel Cage match for the World Championship. 9/10 **New World Champion**

Well where to start with this match, unfortunately I did already know the result but thankfully it took nothing away from the match itself, which is one of the best world title Steel cage matches I had seen in a while. So much happened in this match from Cage powerbombing Sami into cage on the outside, Sami locking himself inside the Cage and Brian Cage climbing into the cage in a matter of seconds and of course Brian Cage kicking out of I believe 7 piledrivers. Once again this was the perfect ending to a very personal rivalry and one I’ve really enjoyed. The finish would come after Sami Callihan delivers a big piledriver from the top rope for the 1,2,3 and Neeewww World Champion (Finally) Sami Callihan. Something that’s been coming for a long time ever since the Callihan death machine debuted in 2017.

After the match Callihan didn’t have too long to celebrate as Tessa Blanchard made herself known by getting in the cage and staring in the face of the new World Champion.

That was IMPACTS debut on AXS TV and no wonder it trended at number 5 in the US, once again IMPACT prove to everyone why they’re the most consistent wrestling promotion out there and why they are #HardtoKill.

Thank you for reading.