Written by: Craig Ferriman (@MrImpact_Blog)

From AXS Tv studios in New York city Josh Matthews & Scott D’Amore presented This is IMPACT. Discussing all the Bound for Glory fall out and the upcoming tv debut on AXS tv as well exclusive matches & interviews. Here’s what went down.

Madison Rayne Def. Shotzi Blackheart. 6/10

A match that was pre recorded at Bound for Glory and was actually quite an enjoyable match, Madison is a fantastic heel and plays the veteran to perfection. There were a few moves that maybe didn’t land or connect the way they intended but was still a thoroughly enjoyable match minus the person in the crowd who had a drum, Kiera Hogan joined Josh & Don on commentary which I can’t stress enough I’m not a fan of members of the roster being on commentary but at least this time it took nothing away from the match itself. I can’t help but feel if Shotzi hadn’t got injured during the last time she was featured on IMPACT I don’t think she would have gone to NXT. The finish came as Madison delivered a step up enziguri, Shotzi followed up with one of her own. Madison delivered the Cross Rayne for the three.

Nothing particularly outstanding about this match, just a solid TV bout but still an impressive outing from both ladies. I’m more excited about the pay off of the Madison & Kiera feud that’s being teased.

Don Callis is on the set of the new Ace Austin feature film but it is quickly realised it’s not the kind of movie you think. Watch below to see what I mean, IMPACT really aren’t afraid to cross lines and ruffle a few feathers. AEW may be TV-14 but I don’t think they’re doing what Impact & Ace Austin are doing.

The North announced they’ll be the first out on the AXS debut and issue an open challenge.

Scott D’Amore & Josh Matthews interview Moose about is victory over Ken Shamrock at Bound for Glory, Moose says he isn’t suprised over the victory and assumes he’s retired Ken Shamrock for good. He also tells us that he’s gonna show the world next week on AXS why he’s a legend, it’s also announced Shamrock will address his future next week on IMPACT.

From LA Live, Melissa Santos interviews the longest reigning knockouts champion in history, Taya Valkyrie. They break down Taya’s victory over Tenille Dashwood at BFG and then the residents of Windsor, Ontario let John E. Bravo know what they think about La Wera Loca.

Marufuji accepts The Norths open challenge for next week and he’ll go one on one with the “Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander in a match I really can’t wait for. Josh Alexander is one of the most underrated singles wrestlers around today and I think he’ll have an amazing match against Marufuji.

Scott D’Amore & Josh Matthews are interviewing the world champion Brian Cage about is victory over Sami Callihan last week and retaining the world championship. But before long Sami Callihan bursts onto the set and demands a rematch for the world title but Cage says no, however Callihan doesn’t give him much choice as he shows Cage a live feed of oVe outside of Cages house with his baby inside. Cage agrees but tells Callihan “I’ll break your neck”. That match was announced for this week’s show and will be a steel Cage match, now I’m sure most of you already know the result due to some inconsiderate people tweeting out videos from the tapings but the match should still be great and there’s no way I’m missing out.

Eddie Edwards will clash with the newly minted X Division Champion Ace Austin this week on IMPACT.

Jimmy Jacobs fills in for Melissa Santos and interviews Johnny Swinger in a very funny interview. Swinger calls himself the hottest signee in wrestling and says he’ll be known as Johnny Impact until Jimmy Jacobs points out there’s already been a Johnny Impact. Swinger then proceeds to bury Johnny Impact by saying “Sounds like a Job guy”.

The Rascalz( Dez, Wentz & Trey) Def. Team AAA (Dr Wagner Jr, Taurus & Aerostar) 7/10

Solid Trios match although the person with the drum made it hard to hear what the Commentary team were saying and to hear some of the shots landing. But The Rascalz once again impress everyone who watches them with some great team moves, Aerostar & Taurus were impressive in the own right & Dr Wagner Jr despite his advancing years showed that he can still go, and yeah there were times where he seemed slow but that’s to be expected from one of the greatest luchadores to ever do it. Both teams of course delivered dives to the outside but for me Aerostar had the most impressive dive, just the way he moves in the air and can get his body into any position. The Rascalz however would pick up the victory after nailing their signature double standing moonsault for the win.

That was This is IMPACT, not a very action packed show but it certainly showed the viewers of AXS tv exactly what they’re all about & what they can do. It’s an exciting time to be an IMPACT fan and the shows coming over the next few weeks have promised to really deliver and I can’t wait for IMPACT to show the world.

IMPACT will debut on AXS tv in the US & Canada this Tuesday, Check your listing for times.

Thank you for reading.

Don’t forget they’re also moving to Fight Network UK on Wednesday nights at 9pm Sky Channel 192 or Freesat 161. They will also be available on 1am UK time on Thursday. They’re also still available to watch on 5star TV every Friday.