Written by: Craig Ferriman (@MrImpact_Blog)

Since 2017 IMPACT Wrestling have formed partnerships with many wrestling promotions which surely is a great thing and it shows that IMPACT are willing to work with anyone & will collaborate with these companies to raise the profile of both. On October 19th Impact wrestling will present All Glory in partnership with Warrior Wrestling, Ohio Valley Wrestling, Black Lael Pro, Zelo pro wrestling & Pro Wrestling Revolver.
Live on Twitch it is certainly a stacked card with many talented pro wrestlers from all of these promotions such as Larry D, Ace Romero, Kobe Durst, Former AEW star Kylie Rae & Shotzi Blackheart who as I’m sure you’re all aware was recently offered a contract by NXT general manager William Regal. I love the fact IMPACT are willing to share their platform with some amazing promotions who don’t have that big of a Spotlight, putting on several live events either on Twitch or IMPACT Plus. So far they have shared events with promotions like Destiny Pro Wrestling & Championship Wrestling from Hollywood. The Shows have been amazing & although the TV quality was lacking slightly the in ring performances by everyone on these shows have been superb.
These partnerships have also benefited IMPACT in terms of finding new talent & bringing them in & putting them on their TV show, signing them to deals, guys like Ace Austin & Josh Alexander were first seen by some impact fans when they were featured on IMPACT live events with Destiny Pro Wrestling. Of course Impact have a developmental agreement with OVW & they co presented Clash in the Bluegrass which I thoroughly enjoyed, Also as featured on ovw tv there seemed to be an invasion angle taking place between members of the ovw roster & members of the IMPACT wrestling roster.
I know there are some impact fans who want to see Impact sign some of the talent from ovw Like Tony Gunn who was awarded a tryout with IMPACT after defeating Sami Callihan at Clash in the Bluegrass. Someone I’d enjoy seeing back on IMPACT is Jay Bradley who featured on IMPACT a few times after winning Gutcheck then returning in 2016 as Aiden O’shea an enforcer to former president Billy Corgan.
All glory is giving a Spotlight to some amazing unsigned talent & a spot to show everyone who perhaps hadn’t seen them before exactly what they can do. There are some on this card who if you’re an avid watcher of IMPACT you’ll remember them, like Clayton Gainz who featured on IMPACT last year during the Sami Callihan & Brian Cage feud over the X Division Championship. Gainz portrayed a fake Brian Cage and lost to Sami Callihan he’s also featured on the IMPACT Plus special in partnership with Tommy Dreamers House of Hardcore & certainly has potential along with a great moveset & comes across as a natural arrogant heel.
In an interview Josh Matthews gave a comment in which he said IMPACT management would be keeping an eye on the matches taking place at All Glory & that should someone really impress them all they would endeavour to sign that person on that same night. That surely must give the guys & girls on this show a boost knowing that if they really shine they could potentially be the next signing of IMPACT wrestling, complete props to IMPACT for not wanting to poach talent & signing people who are grinding on the indies & truly impress. Also set to appear are IMPACT stars like Tenille Dashwood, Rhyno & Ken Shamrock so having them around backstage must surely give encouragement.
Thanks for reading, check out All Glory tomorrow live on Twitch & Prelude to Glory tonight on the IMPACT PLUS APP along with the go home show of IMPACT WRESTLING straight after on Twitch. www.twitch.tv/impactwrestling