Written by: Craig Ferriman (Mr IMPACT blog)

The night that saw the final match of Santana & Ortiz (LAX) in IMPACT wrestling had solid matches throughout from Hardcore icons too badass knockouts & superb Trios. Here’s what I thought about this episode on the road to Bound for Glory on October 20th from Chicago.

Before I go too the matches I want to give a shout out too this weeks cold opening which showed us just how important Santana & Ortiz are too IMPACT. They will be missed & I Just want too personally thank them for making IMPACT the place to be for Tag Team wrestling.

Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, RVD & Tessa Blanchard Def. oVe (Jake, Dave, Sami & Fulton) Street Fight.

A match that would be the main event anywhere throughout the world opened a jam packed show with the Extreme team of Dreamer, RVD & Rhino joining forces with the best women’s wrestler & possibly the best wrestler today Tessa Blanchard too take on certainly one of the best factions in IMPACT history maybe the best in any company oVe. All 8 involved put on a strong showing with each of them getting a chance too shine, Rhino stood out too me in this match as having that hunger that he seemed too be missing in his WWE run.

When I first saw the announcement for this match I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea considering the week before Tessa & Tommy teamed up against Sami & Jake in a main event Street fight but both matches were completely different. This one wasn’t too spot heavy & didn’t have to completely rely on the street fight stipulation & although weapons were used they weren’t the main focus. All 8 would square off one on one in the ring at some point whilst the others brawled outside. The finish would come as Tessa locks a Cross face (with a Kendo stick) onto the X Division Champion Jake Crist earning the submission victory which could potentially see Tessa in an X Division Championship match.

A Backstage segment with Ace Austin who is in a wheelchair wearing a Neckbrace & has his arm in a sling claims he is there too support Alisha in her upcoming match against the Knockouts champion Taya Valkyrie. I wasn’t a big fan of this storyline in the beginning but it’s very entertaining & I’ve begun too enjoy it more.

Jimmy Jacobs is interviewing The Tag team champions The North (Josh Alexander & Ethan Page) who are having a party too celebrate LAX leaving IMPACT. The North are sooo good at what they do & they really look the part.

Knockouts Champion Taya Valkyrie W/ John E Bravo Def. Alisha Edwards (Non Title)

Before the match started Ace Austin was wheeled too ringside by a “Doctor” too support Mrs AIP. Taya plays the heel champion too perfection whether she’s being the arrogant champ or a cowardly one she’s superb. She is the longest reigning champ in IMPACT history & I honestly have no idea who can take that title from her. Alisha has improved her in ring style… her offence feels more natural, like she’s grown more comfortable in the ring although it seems too me more work needs to be done. The finish would come after Bravo would pull Alisha from the ring Ace Austin would jump on too the apron and take out Bravo whilst Alisha was out on the floor. Taya would take advantage of the distraction once Lish climbed back in the ring and delivered the front face buster (Road too Val Halla).

After the match Ace would attempt to get out of his chair too applaud Alisha but “Falls” too gain sympathy from Mrs AIP. Josh Matthews & Don Callis did an excellent Job on commentary by putting this story over.

Another backstage segment with The North who are in search of “Party People” coming across a few backstage workers & puts party hats on them. Then they bump into RVD & Rhino, Rob was down too party but Rhino just wanted the “F*****g Candy” & rips open The Norths Piñata. Very funny segment.

Mahabali Shera w/ Desi Hit Squad Def. Cody Deaner w/ Cousin Jake.

Shera is looking Jacked, the match wasn’t very long but I don’t think it needed too be. The DHS are fed up of being seen as IMPACTS big joke so with the addition of the Punjabi Lion they’re looking very impressive, This feud between them & the Deaners is their best feud in Impact too date & finally allows them too break out. Cody would dive outside & take out Rohit & Raj but Shera would drop Deaner with a hard Chokeslam for the three, this feels like the start of the new & improved Desi Hit Squad.

The Rascalz (Dez, Wentz & Trey) Def. Ares, Toxin & Australian Suicide- Lucha Rules.

This was the superb Trios match I referred too at the top of this piece, I love Lucha Rules it never fails to be amazing. That Stipulation makes a match more fast paced & the Rascalz are one of the best Trios in the industry today & it’s not hard to see why, the chemistry between them is real, so is their friendship. Not too take anything away from their opponents from Triple AAA great athlete’s & although I hadn’t heard of them before they were certainly impressive. The finish would come as Wentz would jump from the mat and Dez would push him onto one of their opponents for the three count.

Moose took too the streets of Mexico city & started a fight to prove that he is the world’s most dangerous man & not his BFG opponent Ken Shamrock. Moose has done a great job of building this feud but starting next week are the Vegas tapings where Shamrock made his return let’s see if Ken can help with the build.

Tommy Dreamer & Rich Swann were backstage making preparations for Brian Cages Bachelor party. Cage would tell them they’re to “Cheat like they’ve never cheated before.”

Jimmy Jacobs had a sit down interview with the newest member of the Knockouts Division Tenille Dashwood in which once again she makes it clear her sights are firmly set on the longest Reigning knockouts Champion Taya Valkyrie & her title.

Havok Def. Sü Yung- No Disqualification

A match like you’d expect from these very unique former knockouts Champions, I’m thoroughly enjoying this rivalry their styles compliment the others very well. Havok playing the dominant monster with Sü simply being Sü, chairs were used & both would control different portions of the match & it seemed both had what it took to win this match. I must admit I didn’t want this just yet… I want too see them go at it with someone becoming the overall winner but I was hoping to see it at BFG & after what happened post match I still think we will. The finish came when Havok delivered the tombstone piledriver for the three.

After the match they weren’t done & took the Brawl backstage, fortunately the camera followed them up some stairs in the arena, Havok would tie a rope around the neck of the ündead bride & proceeds too lower her over the railings. We’re left with image of Sü’s feet dangling.

We go too the bachelorette party of Melissa Santos where Taya Valkyrie is making a toast but too herself, then there is a knock on the door & Madison Rayne informs us it’s the “Cops” it is in fact The king of Dong style himself Joey Ryan who is the bachelorette entertainment as he delivers a lap dance too Melissa Santos.

Time for the world champions Bachelor party & we see a very uncomfortable Rich Swann & Tommy Dreamer as we hear some strange noises from Brian Cage whilst he’s Cheating, The champ informs everyone ” That one just squirted in my mouth” thankfully he was just eating doughnuts.

Two very funny segments

Another great vignette from Johnny Swinger who will be making his debut next week.

Rich Swann & Willie Mack Def. LAX w/ Konnan (Santana & Ortiz)

The final time Santana & Ortiz will be under the name LAX in Impact wrestling, this was a dream match for sure. Two highly Athletic tag teams & although Santana & Ortiz have been together longer Rich & Mack have superb chemistry which shone through throughout this match. When this match was announced I was unsure how it would go, didn’t really know if LAX were gonna put Swann & Mack “Over” or whether they should go out on high. I feel the right decision was made…. LAX for a long time along with oVe were the IMPACT tag division, this was the perfect way for the longest reigning tag champions too head off to their next step. The finish would come when Rich delivered a Phoenix splash too Santana and followed up by a huge 6 star Frog Splash from big Mack for the three.

After the match the locker room emptied so they all came out too show their appreciation to the Nastiest Tag Team that ever walked through the doors of IMPACT.

Before the show went off air we saw Sü Yung in a hospital bed being resuscitated by Doctors but they failed & left the room however after a few more seconds the bloody ündead bride was revived by her own volition.

That was IMPACT for another week & it completely delivered.

Thanks for reading, don’t forget you can catch up on IMPACT this Tuesday on Twitch as well as the IMPACT Plus app or Fite TV.