Contract Signing opener
5/5 Funny OC interruption. AJ mocked the creative process and did an uncanny impression of Braun Strowman that had us all creasing up. Very new feel to the show too. AJ said if the OC dont get what they want then no one does and AJ ripped the contract up, made it rain and then took a table to the face and a brawl broke out. Chaos!
OC v. Rollins & Strowman
5/5 Fun match, loads of AJ Shenanigans. Rollins won via Schoolboy. Got beat down by OC after, Roode and Ziggler joined the beat down and they successfully hit a 4 man Magic Killer on Strowman. AJ hit a Phenomenal Forearm and the Heels stood strong. Bloody cracking chaotic opener! Interesting that Styles ripped up the contract too – the OC attack Cedric Alexander after for some reason.
Hawkins & Ryder vs Roode & Ziggler
4/5 Decent back & forth, Hawkins & Ryder actually got a decent showing in. But they lost to a fantastic looking Ziggler & Roode!
Lacey Evans vs Natalya
3/5 Nothing too exciting, but a good match & I like Lacey Evans. Her gimmick is genius and her moveset is really cool. Lacey used her handkerchief to distract an irate Nattie and crack her in the mouth with a Woman’s Right.
Becky Lynch & Sasha Banks promo
5/5 Oh, this was
they swore, they got personal and they have a match at Clash of Champions for the title. Absolute gold.
Baron Corbin vs Cedric Alexander KOTR 1/4 Final Match
5/5 Cedric was selling an injury to his left arm after the attack from The OC earlier. This match was absolutely exquisite. The spots were mental and the flow was beautiful. Corbin remains in pursuit of the King Of The Ring crown after a nasty End of Days put Alexander away.
Bayley backstage
3/5 Charlie Carusso tries to drum up emotions inside Bayley to get the scoop on Sasha Banks, Bayley says what they talk about is private, they’re best friends. Charlie suggests Becky Lynch is casting a shadow over Bayley and Bayley disagreed.
Squash Match for The Viking Raiders
5/5 this worked. The Jobbers had a Heel promo before the match for some reason. But it worked. Similar to Braun Strowman’s squash matches when he was starting his singles run. Then the Raiders just killed the guys, but in a very showcase style match.
Samoa Joe vs Ricochet KOTR 1/4 Final Match
5/5 Wow. Go. Watch. Now. Top rope Coquina Clutch got reversed into a sort of backdrop. Both men down and an arm across eachother, the ref counted 3 but both men won.. or lost.. the Ref says he will have a ruling soon. Joe and Ricochet had a scrap, the latter getting the upper hand. Excellent storytelling. This KOTR Tournament has been awesome!
Firefly Funhouse
6/5 Bray said what The Fiend did to Finn Balor was rude and in behalf of the Funhouse, he is sorry. Then winked.
Then “Boss” came up and was gonna fire Bray for challenging Seth or Braun at Hell in A Cell but Bray luckily just fed him a hundred dollar bill and he went back under the desk. SO..
It is confirmed. The Fiend will challenge the winner of Seth & Braun at Extreme Rules & will be facing them for the Universal Championship at Hell In A Cell. Ramblin’ Rabbit held up a “HELP!” sign and got smushed back behind Bray after Bray said Seth & Braun make a bad team, but he embraced teamwork. He also says they took something dear to him. “See you in Hell!” he says to them. God damn I am excited!
Ref Ruling
Both men pinned the other unintentionally, therefore they both advance. Triple Threat Semi Final next week at MSG! Corbin was mad though.
The Miz vs Cesaro
3.5/5 Cesaro is fresh off a trip to Cardiff where he had an absolute first class slobber knocker with Ilja Dragunov at the standard setting NXT UK Takeover: Cardiff and as a homecoming reward for helping to bring eyes to and elevate NXT UK, he got to whoop Miz’s ass for 5 minutes, then lose to the shittest Finisher in WWE today, the Skull Crushing Finale. Yay?
Bayley & Becky Lynch vs Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross
4/5 EPIC finish, poorly timed. Great little match, but was interrupted by a brooding Sasha Banks who nailed Becky with a Backstabber to get a DQ. She started attacking Becky with a chair until Bayley stopped her, the fans had been waiting for Heel Sasha vs Bayley on the main roster for a long time and in this moment we could practically taste it.. until Bayley TURNED HEEL and started wailing on Becky with the chair whilst Banks smiled in the corner! What!? I loved that. I loved it all. But.. The shitty thing was that they obviously mis-timed this or something went too long because as Bayley committed the Heel turn the end of show graphically came up and the show went off the air as the crowd was popping hard for the moment!
Stars achieved: 58.5/65
Blimey! What a cracker of a Raw! White hot action! It was all going on! They seem to have really hit their stride again in the modern era and it is about bloody time too! Fantastic matches, compelling storylines and new blood boiling feuds being unleashed. I cannot wait to see me. Two thumbs up from me. That, ladies and gentlemen, is 90% – the highest rated Raw in the history of this review! Yowie Wowie! Things are heating up and I can’t wait see what follows.