Written by: Craig Ferriman (@MR IMPACT)

A special Installment of IMPACT aired on Friday and like every week it was not disappointing. Quite a lot happened at Cali Combat so here’s what I thought.


The match, like you would expect was very hard hitting from the outset and for me personally this was a dream match I didn’t know I wanted. The two were doing everything to over power the other, the crowd were solidly behind the war machine in this match however that didn’t really bother Elgin too much. The California crowd even gave a nod to Rhinos Hardcore past with a chant of “ECW” which is something many have come to expect when an ECW original steps foot in any ring. The match came to an end as the two heavyweights spilled out to the ring and clearly weren’t paying any attention to the referees 10 count.

Although the match had ended the fight was still going on but eventually got broken up by security at the request of Scott D’Amore.

Solid Opener B-

Tag Team Championships: The North (C) (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander) Def. Reno Scum(Adam Thornstowe & Luster the Legend)

A Solid tag team match from the North and the Scum because all though I thought there’s no way the North are losing the tag titles this soon, Reno Scum had me believing for a minute which is down to great story telling by all involved in the match. It’s clear IMPACT are pushing the North hard from their entrance too how they perform in the ring.

It’s clear Page & Alexander are destined to be champions for as long as they want too be. The match came to an end after Ethan Page crotched Thornstowe on the top turnbuckle & Alexander pushed Luster out of the Ring which gave the North the opportunity to deliver their devastating tag finisher which is yet too be named but is a Fireman’s Carry into a spine buster. I thoroughly enjoyed this style of match because it was all double team moves and very hard hitting which is something tag team wrestling should be.

The North are destined to be one of the biggest & best tag teams IMPACT have ever had, I love their throwback style of Tag Team wrestling.

Great Match: B+

A segment with Ace Austin next where he’s faking an Injury in order to get Alishas’ attention. I’ve said before that I’m not completely sold on this storyline but maybe that’s just my personal preference, Ace plays this character well and it’s a story that’s being told superbly it’s just not my thing but clearly people are enjoying it and that’s all that matters.

Another backstage segment this time with Madison Rayne & Jordynne Grace in which Madison warns Grace about getting involved with Rosemary. Rayne plays the heel veteran very well and It’s been great too watch as I’ve said before I’m unsure where this is going but it’s been great to watch.

Havok Def. Alisha Edwards

This match was all about making Havok look like the monster she is, Alisha hardly got a look in and when she did it’s clear she’s improved a lot with her in ring style she seems a lot more comfortable in the ring than she did during her singles debut in 2018. But it wouldn’t do any good against the death machine as Havok would drop Alisha with a tombstone piledriver.

Not much to write home about but still an okay match: C

After the match however Ace Austin would come to ringside to help Alisha which didn’t please Eddie as he came out and began Chasing the “One True Ace” around ringside and Ace would run into the ring and slips out the other side. Eddie tries to do the same but is chokeslammed by Havok. Eddie Vs Havok is a match I would enjoy watching.

Another Cryptic message to Havok appears on the screen from Sü Yung. This is clearly leading too a big match between the two at Bound for Glory and I for one can’t wait to see this unfold.

On oVe cam Sami blames Dave for them losing their match last week against Tommy Dreamer & Tessa Blanchard.

A segment outside the venue with Moose came next as he talked about his Twitter beef with Ken Shamrock. It was then announced by Josh Matthews that Ken Shamrock will be at the Vegas Tapings next month. This is big news and very well received by the IMPACT fans.

X Division Championship: Jake Crist (c) Def. Rich Swann

I’m loving the new side of Jake since winning the X Division Championship, he & Swann put on another excellent match just like we all know they can. Both traded heavy kicks and there was a great spot where Rich dived off a stage at the side of the Arena and caught Jake on the outside.

Rich Swann is a superb X Division star and will absolutely be Champion again in the future he could possibly even become World champion. Jake Crist is proving himself as a great champion and if anything happened to oVe Jake will be just fine. The match ended when Rich attempted a Handspring cutter but Jake pulled the referee in the way then Rolled Swann up with a handful of trunks for the win.

Very strong match and Pay per view worthy: B

A promo package of Tenille Dashwood (FKA Emma) aired in which she made it clear that she’s got her sights set on Taya Valkyrie & the Knockouts championship.

Desi Hit Squad arrived at the Deaner compound and have to be farmhands after losing their match last week. I get the feeling the vignettes on the farm will be airing weekly due to this weeks being very short.

Taya Valkyrie backstage gave a Championship address in which she announced next week she’ll become the longest Reigning champion and will celebrate this next week in Mexico with a big match against an opponent she is yet to reveal.

Willie Mack Def. Trey

Although this was a quick match it was still enjoyable and the two work very well together, the match gave both a chance to show what they can do and also gave them some TV time. The finish of the match would come when Willie would drop Trey with a Stunner out of mid air for the win.

A short match but still a good outing by both: C

Backstage, Tommy Dreamer tells Melissa Santos that he’s going to relish the No DQ stipulation in his match against Sami Callihan next.

Sami Callihan Def. Tommy Dreamer- No Disqualification

Callihan & Dreamer delivered, they work very well together and as many have said Callihan would have done very well in the ECW Era. The crowd were mixed with Chants of “oVe” quickly followed with “Sucks”. All kinds of weapons were used from Chairs too Kendo sticks too the Ring bell.

The crowd were enjoying the stipulation & was Met by Chants of “ECW”. Callihan is destined to win the world championship and it’s going to happen when he faces Brian Cage at Bound for Glory in October. Dreamer does an excellent job on putting Callihan over particularly taking a piledriver through a “Dayton Table” which was a Plywood board across some steel chairs to give Callihan the win.

Excellent main event: B+

After the match Jake Crist comes out to help Sami continue a post match beat down on Dreamer but Tessa Blanchard comes to the rescue. But Jake swings a Kendo stick at Blanchard then Callihan spikes her with a piledriver to end the show.

Impact once again put out two of the best hours of wrestling this week. Yet there are still people out there who aren’t watching. If you’re thinking about watching again then don’t let TNA cloud your judgement IMPACT are a far cry from how that company used to be run. You won’t be let down.

I recommend you watch this weeks installment either on IMPACT Plus app or the repeat on Twitch On Tuesday .

Thanks for reading.