I thoroughly enjoyed a vast amount of last week’s show this one will hopefully be the same. The show begins with a video package of last week’s main event and how Imperium decimated Moustache Mountain causing a DQ and that Trent Seven will speak on Tyler bates condition, then the proceeding match is Ilja Dragunov facing Ashton Smith in a 1 on 1 match. This match is a very intense match mainly because of Ilja staying focused and determined taking on any and all damage. Ashton tried to keep up with Ilja but was unfortunate in the end and lost the match.

Xia Brookside will be getting a 1 on 1 with Jinny on the next episode of NXT UK which could be interesting. Nina Samuel’s does a amusing tour round Download Festival which was rather surprising to the reactions she had. Now we have Candy Floss against the NXT UK Woman’s Champion Toni Storm in a match perhaps we’ll see someone interfere. I’ll give it to Candy Floss she’s surprisingly entertaining and certainly no push over if booked right, Toni does manage to pick up the win despite how strong Candy Floss was in this match, as Candy Floss leaves the entrance ramp she gets a rough forearm from Kay Lee Ray.

Ligero looks at his past experiences and begins to realise that he needs to pick up himself and carry on. Trent Seven comes out saying Pete Dunn is busy and Tyler Bate is injured and in the hospital but he’s still here, Trent makes great points with a strong promo saying he’s coming for Walter and really doesn’t care about the title he just wants revenge for what Imperium did. Mark Andrews speaks out saying he wishes to fight Kassius Ohno in the main event on the next episode of NXT UK

Now we have a exciting 3 v 3 tag team main event The Hunt and Dave Mastif vs Gallus. The match begins with a massive brawl with Gallus not getting a upper head in any way. Eventually the match begins officially  and Gallus develop a strategy to divide the opposition from getting to their partners for long time till eventually Boar gets the tag from Primate so that Boar is the legal man for his team. Mastif’s team takes a lot of damage before he himself even gets in the ring, clear to me Gallus enjoy to divide and conquer. The Bomber Dave Mastif manages to get the tag and causes mass amounts of damage. With the match coming to a close it was a constant match you needed to keep your eyes on. Gallus managed to pick up a hard hitting victory.

Overall not a bad show I’d say a solid 3/5 if you wish to contact me to discuss stuff especially wrestling related my Twitter is @IconicShadows.