We are all Wrestling fans


By Craig Ferriman@MrImpact

I first started watching TNA/IMPACT in October 2012 and it instantly rekindled my love of professional wrestling and I knew I would continue to be an IMPACT fan. I’ve now been a fan almost 7 years and I will not stop. They have been through so much over these 17 years and have come out the other side stronger than ever. IMPACT Wrestling has said many times they’re for the misfits, the people who couldn’t find anywhere they belonged which is why I’ll always be an IMPACT Diehard and loyalist because they have helped me through so many things in my life which is why I feel I have to defend them against the negativity.

Social media can have such a negative impact when used incorrectly but particularly when it come to the IWC as wrestling fans we should want nothing but success for any promotion who entertains us and allows us to enjoy our favourite wrestlers. Sadly, though there are some members of the IWC who won’t allow that and says you should watch this company instead of that one, the beauty of wrestling is that there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Haven’t we had enough negativity from non-wrestling fans over the years without being negative towards each other?

There may be promotions or wrestlers you don’t like, that’s fine but there’s someone out there who enjoys the thing you may not. Someone once said “No one hates wrestling more than the fans” that shouldn’t be the case. By all means speak up if you don’t like something but to the point where you get blocked on social media? Then you’ve gone too far. Wrestling should be about watching what you love, we all have our own stories of why we love Pro Wrestling but if you don’t think someone should enjoy something because it’s not for you that’s not right. If you’re just trying to recommend something tosomeone to give them another option than great but everyone can like something different.

Just because talent leave the company it does not mean that company are in any kind of trouble It either means the talent are unhappy with something or maybe they feel they have done everything they can as a valued member of that roster. That is fair enough and all we can do is wish them the best, talent will come and go but there are thousands of Independent wrestlers who dream of being signed to a big name brand who never get the opportunity however if someone leaves a company for whatever reason surely that gives hope to all of those unsigned talents out there that maybe it’s your turn to show everyone what you can do. Even if you’ve never heard of them just remember nobody had heard of Stone-Cold Steve Austin, Triple H and nobody thought Rocky Maivia would be the biggest movie star in the world.

My point is wrestling is there for all of us to Enjoy and with all these amazing options like IMPACT,WWE,AEW,MLW,PROGRESS,IPW,KAMIKAZE PRO and NXT there is something there for everyone so let’s enjoy what’s out there and of course support your local indie, you never know who you’ll find on there you could see the next Shawn Michaels or AJ styles and let people enjoy what they enjoy.