Smackdown 7/2/19 Review


Braun and Bobby through the boards

I actually didn’t mind the show starting off with the video of Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley going through the LED boards on Raw last night. I felt like it was a fairly dramatic opening and commentary looked properly serious when talking about Strowman’s possible injuries.

Grade: B

Kevin Owens Show

Usually I like the KO Show, but this segment was a mess from start to finish. Owens’ use of the cue cards was great as was his tirade to Dolph Ziggler, but other than that we just ended up wondering if Owens is a face or not this week and getting a set of tag team partners that didn’t get along.

Grade: C

Backstage Stuff

Daniel Bryan and Rowan continue to break the fourth wall and the New Day is always ready for a fight. Good stuff here, but nothing too fancy.

Not Graded

Daniel Bryan vs Big E

The juxtaposition of serious and silly is the calling card of the New Day and it shows with opponents like Daniel Bryan. Bryan also does a very good job of just seeming annoyed and/or pissed off in general. The two worked well and produced a good match. I think having Bryan win was the right call as he and Rowan have suffered a few losses as of late.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Grade: B

24/7 Title Shenanigans

I love that this ugly belt has become one of the weekly highlights. I really do need a video of R-Truth attacking Drake Maverick on his honeymoon. Also Maverick’s wife is the MVP for letting this happen and getting involved.

Grade: A

A Moment of Cross

Nikki Cross was so adorably awkward while hosting A Moment of Bliss, it was awesome! They should just give Cross her own segment to host sometimes. She’s a natural at sneaking the crazy into normal speech.

Grade: B+

Bayley vs Nikki Cross

This match was very short, but still pretty solid from the two women. Again, it feels like the bigger storyline here is the Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross dynamic. That’s a bit unfair that they’re sacrificing the champion to further a different angle that ultimately doesn’t involve her.

Winner: Bayley

Grade: C+

Ali fights for change

Ali’s video package about change and representation was fantastic. He’s a real life superhero, using the hatred and ignorance around him to elevate himself.

Grade: A

“Your ass is too big to be playing hide and seek.”

This was a fantastic, fiery promo ahead of the WWE Championship Match at Extreme Rules. Again, that juxtaposition between seriousness and silliness that the New Day possess is such an asset in big promos like this. And of course, Samoa Joe is a beast on the mic but that doesn’t always translate into good booking. Hopefully this leads to something lasting for Joe.

Grade: A-

More backstage stuff

Heavy Machinery predicted that Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler would implode as a team. Bobby Lashley threatened to send Braun Strowman to the morgue. That’s the most personality I have ever seen Lashley display.

Not Graded

Andrade vs Apollo Crews

When did Apollo get his last name back? This match was solid; nothing too fancy and a simple well-needed win for Andrade featuring an assist from Zelina Vega.

Winner: Andrade

Grade: C+

Even more backstage stuff

Dolph Ziggler and Kevin Owens agreed to be professional. Aleister Black and his opponent are now battling on a spiritual plane (I’m sorry, what?) and he challenged the opponent to make themselves known at Extreme Rules.

Not Graded

Mandy Rose vs Ember Moon

This was very short match in which Moon got a little bit of revenge. This feud is probably going to continue but it looks less about Moon and more about Rose and Sonya Deville.

Winner: Ember Moon

Grade: D+


We were reminded that Shelton Benjamin still works here and got a really odd video of him smiling and looking around after being asked his thoughts on the Joe/Kingston match. Sure.

Not Graded

Heavy Machinery vs Dolph Ziggler and Kevin Owens

The New Day got their special announce table and of course were smashed through it. There was a horribly timed commercial break which ate away at the match time. However, the competitors did what they could. As expected, there was a miscue as Ziggler accidentally superkicked Owens and that gave Heavy Machinery the open to win the match. So Heavy Machinery gets added to the tag team championship match at Extreme Rules.

Post-math, Owens laid out Ziggler with a stunner so I smell a Owens/Ziggler feud.

Winner: Heavy Machinery

Grade: B-

Final Thoughts

This was another episode where it seemed like a lot and nothing was happening at the same time. I’m mostly upset about the women’s matches and segments. We’re right back to square one with five minute matches and catty high school nonsense for feuds.

Overall Grade: C+