My Week – Week ending 20/06/2019



This week I actually made it all the way through Stomping Grounds, which was once again another WWE nose dive. I did, however, enjoy the twist in the Universal Title match where Lacey Evans was inserted as the special guest referee. I also liked Becky Lynch’s intervention at the end. I’m not averse to show casing the fact she and Seth Rollins are dating but I would imagine it’s only a matter of time before it’s thrust down our throats so much we’re we’re complaining about it.

I’ve loved seeing the WWE superstars supporting Pride month with their Instagram posts. Although the WWE programming itself at the moment isn’t much to write home about, the messages they are sharing about inclusion and diversity are important and should be considered the norm in a company with such a strong media presence.

I’ve heard very mixed reviews about Fyter Fest. A botched chair shot, an insane elbow from the top of the ladder and a killer promo seem to be the messages coming out of the show. We’d love to hear your thoughts about the event.

We’d also love to hear your thoughts about Bischoff and Heyman taking the helm of WWE programming? Is it a good move ahead of the pending TV deal? If I had one wish for this move, it would be for one of them to pull the damn plug on Shane McMahon’s TV time. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, in a roster stacked with some of the best talent in the world, why in the blue hell is that man being given TV time?


Fyter Fest was amazing and I really, really like watching Mox try to murder his opponent. Reminds me of those clips I used to search for years ago when Mox was back with CZW. Also I’m preparing for two back-to-back WWE trips! But other than that, the biggest thing in wrestling for me was talking to a non-fan about why she felt the need to inform me that it’s “fake”. I could tell she originally just thought all of us wrestling fans were stupid and hadn’t grown out of some childhood obsession yet so I could see the wheels turning as I explained booking, storylines, match producing, and injuries. I showed her a simple one-on-one match and broke down the move names and told her to see how the wrestlers check on each other after moves. She was absolutely floored at how much goes into our “silly fake fighting”. This was a lot for me as I usually just ignore non-fans but for some reason, I was in a mood and this is what happened.