NXT Takeover XXV Review



None of the pre-show matches were actually broadcast on the Network so I decided to collectively grade all of the interviews and packages here. Sam Roberts is still annoying but at least he hasn’t put his foot in his mouth again so far. I love Pat MacAfee and think he’s a great addition to the panel. All of the interviews were solid and as per usual, the production team nailed it. I was very excited for the show already and this just added to it. And Tomasso Ciampa was on the show! The Blackheart is slowly working his way back to the ring.

Grade: A

Roderick Strong vs Matt Riddle

We started off with some flip flops to the face so it was on out the gate. Most of the match was a lot of mat-based wrestling and the strikes were super stiff. There were a couple of hard spots like the backbreaker on the apron from Strong and a few stiff-looking penalty kicks from Riddle. It looked a little like the two were calling the match on the fly as I was able to pick up some of the audibles from Strong. Riddle also took some insane punishment in this match and still had gas in the tank to win the match. These dudes are cardio animals; I’m tired and have back pain just watching this.

Winner: Matt Riddle

Grade: A

The Street Profits vs Undisputed Era (Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish) vs The Forgotten Sons (Steve Cutler and Wesley Blake) vs Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch-Tag Team Championship Ladder Match

This was a fantastic car crash of a match. Everyone in the match put their foot on the gas and never let up. There were no lulls at all, even with all the intense ladder spots. It was all action from start to finish with hardly any time to catch your breath. Kyle O’Reilly was the MVP of the match, taking the brunt of the spots, getting busted open and taking a slam from Jaxson Ryker. I also greatly enjoyed the other match participants beating down Ryker with a ladder. It really made him look like an absolute beast. The match continued in the same manner, keeping up the pace and brutality until the end. Let’s raise our solo cups in celebration!

Winner: The Street Profits

Grade: A+

Velveteen Dream vs Tyler Breeze-North American Championship

I have to start off with the fashion choices from tonight. Neither man came to play when in the gear department. As for the actual match, it was equal parts sass and great wrestling. This was leaps and bounds better than anything they’ve let Breeze do on the main roster, a callback to the talent that got Breeze over in NXT. Dream took a freaking selfie in the middle of the match! It was amazing to see this match as not too long ago characters like this would’ve never been able to have serious runs. Kudos to Tyler Breeze for continuing the match even after a (possible) eardrum injury. And they took a cute selfie together!

Winner: Velveteen Dream

Grade: A-

Shayna Baszler vs Io Shirai-Women’s Championship

Baszler has been a great monster heel champion, something NXT hadn’t had after Asuka was called up to the main roster. Shirai was the perfect babyface foil to her as well. While the match itself was very good, the pace was noticeably slower than the three previous matches. That’s not a bad thing; it gave the audience some time to recover. Candice LeRae showed up as expected, along with Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke but they didn’t really add or substract anything. I guess enough is enough because Shirai totally snapped on Baszler post-match. I think we need to do something because all of Baszler’s matches have ended the same. Maybe a stipulation match at Summerslam?

Winner: Shayna Baszler

Grade: B+

Johnny Gargano vs Adam Cole-NXT Championship

The crowd as about 50/50 in terms of support though there were some audible boos for Johnny Gargano, which I found interesting. This pacing was a mixture, another departure from the fast pace of the first three matches of the night. It started out quickly then slowed into a more methodical working of limbs then transitioned back into somewhat of a move buffet. Of course my favorite spot was the double superkick. Adam Cole is such a less is more worker and it’s something I really enjoy about him. This match was filled with intensity down to the finish. My anxiety was through the roof! As a sidenote, I loved the rap over Cole’s entrance music and the crowd chanting “Johnny Knee Brace”.

Winner: Adam Cole

Grade: A+

Final Thoughts

This was one of the best Takeover events ever. The only booking weakness was the end of the women’s match but even that wasn’t too bad. The whole card was absolutely stacked and showcased the talent of NXT.

Overall Grade: A