WWE Money in the Bank – Who should walk away with the briefcases?


Before we get started with the events of this week, I thought I would take the time to formally introduce myself as the newest member of the Pro Wrestling Journal team. So, hello there, my name is Dom Richards, I am 31 years young, and I am a wrestling addict. I have been obsessed with the mad world of Pro Wrestling since I was around 5-6 years old when I was given a Macho Man Randy Savage toy by a friend of my mother. What can everyone expect from me? Debuting soon will be “In Conclusion”, a wrap-up of the week’s events. There will be some Top 10s dropping, and other such opinion pieces. Without further delay, let’s jump into this debut article; Just who should be winning this year’s Money in the Bank.

Men’s winner: Randy Orton

I know, I know. Hardly an original choice? And dammit Dom, he was only WWE Champion two years ago!!!! Why does he deserve another title run? We’ve seen it all before, we need someone new, someone, fresh. This may well all be true, but out of the eight competitors in this year’s men’s Money in the Bank, who really fits that bill? Finn Balor and Drew McIntyre would be the closest, but neither really have the momentum to be a worthy challenger, and if the last couple years are to go by, the winner of the briefcase doesn’t exactly get covered in glory. The Money in the Bank is starting to become what the King of the Ring had become in the last years it was utilized, a bit of a curse.

Giving it to Finn or Drew could be the worst thing for them at this time. Do they both deserve world title runs? Absolutely, just not quite yet, and not by winning it from the cash in. Drew needs to be built like a monster; much like how Brock was booked in his world title win against Cena at Summerslam 2014. Finn provides a more difficult situation. What is best for Finn? Staying face or turning heel? We have yet to see a heel Finn Balor in WWE, and at this point is it even a viable option? He is one of the biggest merchandise sellers in the company, and we know Vince does not like to turn anyone heel if they bring in that sweet, sweet merchandise dollar. Finn would make a great face chasing champion. For a great chasing champion, we need an equally great heel champion, and there is someone who could provide this: Randy Orton.

Orton winning provides a chance for WWE to get fully behind him as the top heel on Smackdown. With Daniel Bryan invested in the tag division (for the time being at least), a properly supported heel Orton could be a wonderous thing. He has proven, time and time again that he is capable of filling that top heel spot, and he generally does his best work as a heel. It also won’t hurt his eventual win as he is a multi-time former champ, so it doesn’t matter if he cashes in. The lead up to said cash in could be incredible as well. Constantly teasing Kofi that he is about to, only to recoil and bide his time. If we say the perfect time to cash in would be at this year’s Summerslam, then we have a good three months of building Orton into the top heel once more. So, just from this, we have a good six or so months of story; with Orton and Kofi, then after Kofi has the usual rematch aftermath, we can then move onto Finn chasing Orton for the title. It may not be the most original choice going for Randy Orton, but in the long-term, it could be the best option in building up the next future WWE Champion.

Women’s winner: Bailey

Before I sat down to start this article, I had the winner for the Women’s match picked straight away; Mandy Rose. I really like Mandy as a heel, she naturally plays that character which will always get a crowd to boo; she’s cocky, and she thinks she is better than every single person in the audience. Mandy winning would be great for her, and I think she will hold the Women’s title before next year’s Wrestlemania, but then something else got me thinking.

Cashing in a Money in the Bank briefcase is a proper heel move. Unless of course, you challenge a champion to a match as Cena did, but what if the winner of the match was someone who is seen as the modern-day version of the heroic 1970s/80s face? Someone who will always do the right thing no matter what. If Bayley wins the Money in the Bank match, this could lead to some incredible storytelling, when she battles with herself on whether to do the “right” thing and challenge a champion to a match, or she takes the path many previous winners have and cashes in when a champion is vulnerable.

Imagine the scene; Becky is down in the ring after a hellacious beatdown at the hands of say, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville. Bayley comes down, clears the ring, and she realizes this is the moment, she doesn’t want to win the title this way, but she knows she will never get a chance like this. In a moment of clarity, she throws the briefcase down, picks up Becky, they hug and BAM…Bayley to Belly. She picks the briefcase up, hands it to the ref and he counts; 1..2..3! The new Smackdown Women’s Champion holds her championship up, with a tear in her eye.

This could really lead to some incredible storytelling for Bayley, as she struggles to come to terms with what she did, but then trying to justify to herself that it was the right thing as she is the champion once again. Would she eventually snap and fully turn heel? Possible, but watching the torment this has caused her would be incredible TV to watch. Not that I take any pleasure watching the suffering of others of course.

And those are my picks for the two winners. Disagree with me? Which I am sure many of you will, but hell, this is what makes Professional Wrestling the greatest sport/entertainment in the world, the passionate debate we, the fans will regularly have. So, if you don’t agree with my choices, shout out yours on our social media.