NXT UK Review 24/04/2019


NXT UK 24/04/2019

Howdy loyal readers, Rox here with this weeks NXT UK review. This week the action comes to us once again from Brooklyn and the advertised main even is Moustache Mountain v Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster.

Ligero v Kassius Ohno

Ohno makes it clear from the start he wants to throw his weight around and assert his dominance. Ligero has a speed advantage and is darting all over the ring but is soon brought down by a big boot to the face. Ohno teaches a valuable in ring lesson about how to deal with a meaner and larger opponent, Selling a Hurricanrana beautifully. Ligero bounces his head off the steel steps as Ohno counters a flip before returning to the ring and wearing him down once more. Ohno’s back stretch looks particularly gnarly but he becomes frustrated when Ligero kicks out at two. The pace though, is too slow for me. I don’t like the lull that comes in some of these NXT UK matches. Ohno misses a Senton as Ligero’s educated feet bring Ohno to his knees. A Splash off the top rope sees a very close two count in Ligero’s favor. Sliced bread attempt, reversed by Ohno, then a flip and reversal by Ligero sees another two count. Ligero lands a nice Code Red flip, then a Suicide Dive and a Sliced Bread on the outside. Once back in the ring, Ohno attempts to unmask Ligero, distracting him long enough to deliver a Clubbing Blow to the back of the head for the victory.

Jordan Devlin shares his thoughts about facing Walter in a none title match on next weeks show. He says they are protecting the rematch of the century between Pete Dunne and Walter but Devlin makes it clear that he intends to win his none title contest and be next in line for a title opportunity.

‘The Hunt’ vignette.

Aichner & Barthel walk around Wrestlemania Axxess. These guys are destined for big things.

Toni Storm enters the ring to a standing ovation. She talks about the caliber of talent but insists she’ll be champion for a long, long time. As she vacates the ring, she comes face to face with Kay Lee Ray.

Kay Lee Ray v Xia Li

Arm Bar, Wrist Lock, Arm Bar, Wrist Lock, Reverse Arm Bar, Headlock. Hip top, reversal. Yawn. Li’s impressive spinning kicks miss but they look amazing. Once this pace picks up, the match takes better shape. Li has great ring awareness and Ray is developing her heel character. It seems to take Ray just a beat too long to lock in the arm stretch. Jumping knee strikes from Li look impressive and a Spinning Heel kick gets her a near fall. I like this girl very much. Unfortunately, it’s not her night and a Widow’s Peak from Ray secures her the victory.

Backstage interview with Piper Niven who doesn’t quite finish her sentence about Rhea Ripley.

The Grizzled Young Veterans are very upset backstage as they throw Williams and Jordan’s gear into the corridor.

Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster v Moustache Mountain

Sometimes you just know when you’re going to love a match? Yeah, this was one of those times.

Andrews and Bate start us out and quickly set the tone. These guys are light on their feet and yet still show off the ground and pound style. They don’t linger on the arm bars and wrist locks, keeping the momentum lively and dynamic. Bate is concise and polished throughout. Webster’s Drop Toe Hold is sold well, and the swift tags keep each competitor fresh. DDT from Seven to Andrews and a near fall. An interesting neck twist from Bate looks worse than it is as Andrews sells it so well. Tandem offence sees Bate do a Break-Fall over Seven onto Andrews, who desperately needs to make a tag but is kept close to the mat by Seven in a nicely executed reverse arm/chin lock. Webster tags in. Vicious head butt. Bate in, flying Uppercut to Andrews, then Webster. Airplane spin from Bate with Webster on his shoulders and Andrews round his legs.

A reverse slam and a standing Shooting Star Press and Seven kicks out. Andrews unleashes chops on both of his opponents and then double overhead Pele Kicks. Webster and Andrews take to the sky in unison as they flip over the top rope, taking out both Seven and Bate. Webster in control delivers a DDT to Seven and then assists Andrews in a beautiful 450 Splash and Seven STILL manages to kick out. What a match!

Seven chops them both into another dimension. Bate tags in as Seven sets up Andrews in a reverse butterfly position. Bate bounces off the top rope with a Clothesline and Andrews is flipped inside out. Meanwhile Webster back to the top rope, dives in to break up the pin. All 4 men are down. Bate and Andrews make it to their feet, exchanging blows. Enziguri from Andrews and a cheeky tag sees Webster the legal man. Sets up for a Tiger Driver but Seven is just too strong. Dragon Suplex from Seven. Bate tags in. Seven sets up Webster on his shoulders, Bate flies off the top turnbuckle, knee to Webster driving him down to the mat sees Moustache Mountain pick up the win. A show of resect from both teams closes the show. Definitely a Match of The Month contender!