205 Live – 09/04/2019


Welcome back to yet another 205 Live review. This episode marks the 205 Live after WrestleMania and features some excellent wrestling. With the start of a new wrestling year, from now on I’m going to try to only spread positivity and be positive in my reviews. Whilst I might fail at that eventually, what I do know is that the quality of this show definitely did not fail to meet my expectations. This show featured stable members (kind of), ‘Gentleman’ Jack Gallagher and Humberto Carrillo square off as Drew Gulak & Gallagher attempt to teach Carrillo the tricks of the trade. Buddy Murphy also has his rematch for the Cruiserweight Championship after Tony Nese defeated him at WrestleMania in a brilliant match. With that out of the way, let’s get right into the review and the results.

‘Gentleman’ Jack Gallagher vs Humberto Carrillo

In a match between two men with vastly different styles, we see the very technically sound ‘Gentleman’ battle with the high-flying, high pace Humberto Carrillo, a modern day luchador. With Drew Gulak at ringside and at the commentary desk, we get an interesting dynamic with Carrillo trying to show off his work whilst Gallagher tries to teach Carrillo a lesson and a more sustainable style. A good 5, 6 minutes into the match we find Gallagher in control of Carrillo as he manipulates his joints and nails him with a forearm. Carrillo gets whipped into the corner and Gallagher charges in as he goes for his finishing corner front missile dropkick. Carrillo avoids and goes to the top rope for a high angle crossbody from the top and he follows it up with a dropkick. With Gallagher rolling to the outside, Carrillo builds up some momentum and connects beautifully with a vaulting plancha, knocking down Gallagher and giving himself the advantage. Carrillo tosses Gallagher back in the ring and scales to the top rope where he connects with a wonderful missile dropkick to the back of Gallagher’s head. Both men exchange strikes, a forearm smash from Gallagher and a variant on a pele kick from Carrillo. Carrillo gains some momentum and a launches himself off the ropes with a handspring armdrag, dropping Gallagher. Carrillo yet again scales to the top rope, only to be knocked down by Gulak, giving Carrillo the victory via disqualification (@8:10). Gulak continues to lay in on Carrillo and nail him with multiple strikes. Gulak tries to land another but only to get his hand caught by Gallagher who delivers a huge headbutt, knocking Gulak out of the ring. A tense stand off between Gulak & Gallagher from opposite sides of the ring incurs and a dazed and confused Carrillo lays out in the middle of the ring. This was a really good showcase of making two very different styles work seamlessly together to put on a brilliant match. Short it may have been but the story conveyed was absolutely magnificent. Is the Gulak & Gallagher friendship over, who’s side is Carrillo going to choose? I absolutely loved this match and the storytelling developed throughout. This was really, really well done. Kudos to both men involved in the match and even Gulak for his great conflicting commentary & expressions. This was a wonderful start to the show and a great match to prepare us for the incredible main event up next.

Also, during the time between this match and the main event, Oney Lorcan vs Cedric Alexander was set up last week. This should further develop their feud and I’m sure it will be a great match, I’m looking forward to it.

Buddy Murphy vs Tony Nese (c) – Cruiserweight Championship

At WrestleMania two nights ago, Tony Nese shocked the world when he stopped the unstoppable in Buddy Murphy after pinning him with a running Nese to become the new Cruiserweight Champion. An understandably upset Buddy Murphy cashed in his rematch straight away to get given this match and as such, a WrestleMania rematch incurred. Both men wrestle a very similar style with very similar physiques so seeing them wrestle at WrestleMania and on 205 Live is like watching two identical twins trying to outdo each other at school, it’s a very close race but one of them always has to come out on top. With my philosophical analogy over, I think you guys want to get into the results of this match. Both men had fought for well over 15 minutes at this point and they both were getting exhausted. With the two facing off in the middle of the ring, Nese connects with a superb superkick only to be levelled out with a disgusting lariat by Murphy before getting drilled head first into the canvas with the rolling shoulder breaker into a DDT for a very near fall. After the kickout, Murphy follows it up with a picture perfect Murphy’s law and a cocky pin. 1, 2, 2.9, kickout by Nese. Oh my god! Murphy is absolutely shocked. Nonetheless, he carries on and grabs both of Nese’s arms before drilling his knee into Nese’s face with multiple kamigoyes. Murphy tries lifting up Nese for a brainbuster but Nese turns his weight and nails Murphy head & neck first into the canvas with a reverse rana. With Murphy now in the corner, Nese gains momentum and nails Murphy with not one but two running Nese’s to retain his championship (@20:00). Absolutely incredible match. Whilst the match between these two at WrestleMania was absolutely superb, this somehow topped it. The desperation by Murphy throughout the match and the constant high paced action left me at the edge of my seat throughout. After this match I have absolutely no doubt that Nese is the right man to hold Cruiserweight Championship. And whether we see Buddy Murphy again for a 205 Live review is very uncertain with the upcoming superstar shakeup, I can honestly say that Murphy has somehow managed to edge out Neville to become my favourite Cruiserweight Champion of the modern era. If Murphy ends up leaving 205 Live, I wish him luck on either RAW or SmackDown Live where I sincerely hope he has the chance to burn it up and provide us with even more incredible matches.