By Ciaran James@TheCiaranJames
The Future is now – Wrestlemania XV, 1999

The Rock and Stone Cold first met at Wrestlemania on March 28th 1999, the match itself was a year in the making. A year previous Stone Cold captured his first WWF title by defeating Shawn Michaels, the victory ushered in the attitude era and a new generation was born under the leadership of Austin. Mr McMahon in the storyline was embarrassed that Stone Cold Steve Austin represented his company, over the next year he did everything in his power to stop the rise of Austin. In the meantime, The Rock was being groomed as the next corporate champ, he won his first WWF title at the 1998 Survivor Series, this automatically set in motion the events that led to Wrestlemania 15. In the lead up to Wrestlemania Rock traded the belt with Mankind as Austin fought for his spot on the PPV with Vince’s corporate goons, eventually in a steel cage match with Vince in February Austin earned the right to face the Rock. Wrestlemania 15 was a grand event, maybe not the best match wise but as always it had the feel of a great event, the main event made the PPV as Rock and Austin put on their first classic.
The stare-down before the match created a great atmosphere and before you knew it Austin & Rock were trading lefts and rights. The match went all over the arena, their chemistry together shone through as every move mattered, this was the meeting of two of the industries finest. The build to the finale was incredible, after they brawled at ringside Austin threw Rock back into the ring, momentum in his favour Austin looked for approval from the crowd but as he turned Rock hit him with the first Rock Bottom….Austin kicked out. Rock’s frustration grew as he Rock Bottomed the ref only to turn into an oncoming Stone Cold Stunner, this only produced a two count. Vince then made his way to the ring to make sure proceedings went his way, then with the Rock they double teamed him in the corner. Mankind then entered the fray to even the odds, Rock hit Austin again with another Rock Bottom, again Austin kicked out. All that was left was for Rock to administer was the People’s Elbow, however his timing was bad and Austin rolled out the way. Rock went for another Rock Bottom only for Stone Cold to reverse it into a Stunner and capture the WWF Title.
The Attitude Dies – Wrestlemania X-Seven, 2001

Wrestlemania 17 was arguably one of the best ever, boasting a great undercard and even better main event which exceeded all expectations. The Rock & Steve Austin hadn’t met for the WWF title since April 1999, in the meantime Austin had missed almost a year out due to injury while the Rock became the No1 guy in the company. As Wrestlemania 17 gathered pace the Rock regained the WWF title from Kurt Angle as Austin battled his way through 29 other men to win the 2001 Royal Rumble and his opportunity at the title. The build-up this time round was portrayed as being very personal to Stone Cold himself, he stated multiple times that he needed the WWF title more than life itself and would stop at nothing to achieve it. The Rock rebuffed all attempts of intimidation from Austin and expressed his desire that he would not be dropping the WWF Championship. Fuel was added to the fire as Vince named Debra (Austin’s wife) as Rock’s manager weeks before the event, this led to much hostility as both the Rock and Stone Cold disapproved of the decision. Debra getting involved in the Rock’s affairs put her in harm’s way, Austin held the Rock responsible and delivered a Stunner, the following week Rock responded with his own Rock Bottom. The distraction of Debra would end after the animosity between Rock & Austin reached boiling point on RAW and the two brawled uncontrollably.
As previously explained Wrestlemania 17 is arguably one of the greatest Mania’s ever, the crowd anticipation reached fever pitch as the main event neared. Just before the two combatants entered the arena it was announced that the match would be No Disqualification, it was a huge change to proceedings. The seriousness of the title match could be felt as both competitors made their entrances, for Austin this was his life, for the Rock it was legacy. Like two years previous the match started at a frantic pace, they traded blows as the action spilt to the outside, they brawled in and around the crowd before returning to the ring. The match stepped up a notch as Rock and Austin traded blows, they both shed blood as the ring bell was used to good use, both men were tested on this night and pulled every move out of their arsenal looking for victory. Austin reversed a Sharpshooter attempt by the Rock and applied his own, Stone Cold even resurrected the Million Dollar Dream to try and wear the People’s Champ down. The match continued as neither men could get an advantage, out of desperation Rock hit Stone Cold with a Stunner, shortly after that Vince McMahon made his way to the ring. Rock seemed to be in control of the match, momentum was in his corner as he hit the People’s Elbow, 1, 2, Vince inserted himself into the match as he pulled the Rock off Austin breaking the count. With the balance of play shifting Austin countered Rock with his own Rock Bottom for a near fall, Austin became desperate as hit the Rock with a Stone-Cold Stunner….again the Rock kicked out. Moments later history changed forever, Mr. McMahon handed Stone Cold a steel chair as shockingly the former bitter rivals had formed some sort of alliance. Austin again hit Rock with a Stunner, again the Rock kicked out, Austin then went maniacal and solidified his heel turn by brutally attacking the Rock with a steel chair. The Rock suffered 17 consecutives chair shots and was finally pinned for the WWF title. Austin celebrated post-match with Mr. McMahon as the Texan crowd roared with approval.
The End of An Era – Wrestlemania XIX, 2003

Their third and final outing is my personal favourite. On March 30th 2003 Steve Austin & The Rock would meet for the very last time, it would also be Stone Cold’s unofficial retirement match. Both competitors had only recently returned to the company after months away, The Rock’s movie career was slowly gaining pace while a year previously Austin had walked out. In their absences much had changed within WWE, the attitude era was well and truly dead and a new ruthless aggression had taken over as the new in thing. Both returned to action at the February PPV No Way Out, The Rock faced Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold returned to gain revenge on Eric Bischoff. Following the PPV their Wrestlemania plans were unknown, both had missed months of action & TV, they couldn’t simply slot into current storylines. After Rock missed out on challenging for the World Heavyweight Title, he directed his annoyance at the ‘Superstar of the Decade’ Stone Cold Steve Austin. Following his missed opportunity, the Rock attacked the fans, verbally insulting them for voting for Austin and not himself. The following week Stone Cold cut his first promo since returning, midway through he was interrupted by the Rock, who explained that he was obsessed with not being able to beat Austin at their previous two Mania encounters. In the following weeks the Rock/Stone Cold match was set in stone after the Austin cost him a match against the Hurricane.
Watching it back now the match is a piece of wrestling art, two veteran grapplers met for the very last time on the grandest stage of them all. Both must have known the end was nearing on their active WWE careers, The Rock was making the move full time to Hollywood and Steve Austin had finally been given the dreaded news that his career was over by doctors prior to Wrestlemania. Their face off before the match was a moment in time, like years before the two started off brawling, the action spilled to the outside and carried on around ringside. Rock & Austin were at the peak of their skills in 2003, they had learnt all there was to learn and here on this stage it all came full circle. Rock took a methodical approach to wearing down Austin’s battered knees throughout the match, Rock at the time was portraying a very entertaining ‘Hollywood‘ character his cockiness took over as he wore the famous 3:16 vest and taunted Stone Cold. Rock controlled the tempo as Austin played the weary veteran, however as Rock’s ego grew Austin found a second wind, as Rock continued taunting him, he got caught with his own Rock Bottom. Rock hit back with a Stunner for a near fall, they continued upping the ante as Stone Cold hit back with a Stunner for a very, very close and long 2 count. Stone Cold looked shocked as Rock kicked out, the atmosphere was superb as we all watched two icons clash for the last time. Rock turned the tide once more and managed to hit the famous People’s Elbow, Austin kicked out still in the fight, Rock then knew what he had to do. As Stone Cold made his way to his feet Rock hit him with a Rock Bottom……then another, we fought it was over but Rocky allowed him to rise one more time. As the sun set on Austin’ career Rock hit one more big Rock Bottom for the 3 count, finally their history came to a close. As the Rock made his exit Austin soaked in the moment, he took one final look around and saluted the crowd.