Raw Review 11/03/2018 #HavingAFangirlMomentRightNow


Rox here, filling in for CB this week. Hope you’re all well

Hot on the heels of WWE Fastlane, the machine keeps rolling and tonight it thunders into Pittsburgh.

The arena erupts into a chorus of cheers as Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns descend through the crowd to make their farewell address as the SHIELD to the WWE Universe. Nothing has happened yet, but you can’t help but feel emotional.

“Life is short and tomorrow is not guaranteed and if last night was the last time ever, then I have no regrets. I was in this ring doing what I love with people I love” – Roman Reigns

They talk about how they each have business to attend to, none more so than Seth Rollins, who’s encouraged to ‘Slay the beast’ and ‘Burn it down’ by the raucous Pittsburgh crowd. Ambrose and Reigns depart, leaving Rollins to take the mic. He’s, of course, interrupted by Paul Heyman. Back and forth dialect ensues, Rollins cleverly highlighting some of Brock Lesnar’s most recent opponents have almost bested him and Lesnar can’t handle the style of the “smaller” guys. Is the Universal Title coming home? I sure hope so. The Lesnar vignette was pretty cool but the Pittsburgh crowd aint buying it.

Shelton Benjamin appears out of nowhere and executes three German Suplex’s to Rollins. Do we have our new Paul Heyman guy? Do we need a new Paul Heyman guy?

Shelton Benjamin v Seth Rollins – Winner – Seth Rollins

A match between the two follows and Heyman joins the commentary table. It’s almost a relief to see Benjamin being utilized, seeing though he’s done next to nothing since coming back to WWE. Rollins needs to build momentum leading up to Wrestlemania and a match like this is perfect for pushing him. We all want Rollins to win at ‘Mania and it’s important we go into in believing, whole-heartedly, that he can do so. Benjamin looks purposeful and aggressive. The two work well together and put on a decent match. It is, of course, Rollins who picks up the win but with a very strong showing from both competitors. Oh, and Lesnar will be present on Raw next week.

Finn Balor interrupts Rollin’s celebration and the two shake hands at the top of the ramp. Be still my fangirl heart. Shall we take another moment to appreciate how glorious the Intercontinental Title looks around the waist of Balor…

Bobby Lashley v Finn Balor (c) – Intercontinental Title match – Winner – Bobby Lashley

Is Lashley powdering his head? Not that it really matters, He looks mean and calculated but he can’t sell a move for jack, he even managed to make Balor’s Slingblade look weak. Balor is precise and quick as always but I, like everyone else, am tired of seeing this. Lashley has been underwhelming since his return, even the charisma of Lio Rush didn’t elevate him. Balor needs convincing and exhilarating competition so he can unleash the potential we all know he has.

Rush interrupts the match by distracting Balor, ringing the bell. As a result, Balor is caught mid-air by a Spear, securing Lashley the victory, thanks once again, to Lio Rush. I am sat here with my head in my hands questioning once again, who in the blue hell is booking Balor like this and why are they switching the title three weeks before Wrestlemania? If someone could enlighten me, I’d be very grateful.

Ronda Rousey, trying so desperately hard to be the “baddest woman on the planet” comes storming down to the ring looking all pouty and grumpy. This should be good, *coughs* NOT!

The crowd are not impressed. From experience, the crowds of the upper eastern states are loud, passionate and educated. Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York etc are always going to make you work hard for their approval, either as a heel or a face. Ronda Rousey is neither and this Pittsburgh crowd are not having it. Although I do thank her for the “bandwagon bitches” phrase, I plan on incorporating it into my everyday dialect.

Breath between sentences Ronda. She claims WWE, Becky and Charlotte are “carnie con-artists” and she’s going to expose them, anyone who believes in Becky, Charlotte or any of this is a joke. Mic drop, in the literal sense, not in the ‘oh my god I love to hate her sense’

Dana Brooke comes out. And for the record, she looks absolutely AMAZING!! Fierce, composed, articulate, she bares her heart to us all and challenges Rousey to a match. Rousey rags Brooke about before uttering “pay sixty bucks and I’ll show you an armbar” to the crowd. Make what you will of that. Maybe we could all list 1 thing we’d rather pay sixty bucks on….

Aleister Black & Ricochet v Bobby Roode and Chad Gable

I think we can all agree that the call up of Black and Ricochet have been great so far. I think we can also agree that Roode and Gable have done a good job as a tag team since randomly being thrown together. Black is quick and calculated, Roode has a fabulous Spine Buster, Gable executes the highflying style, I personally really enjoy and then Ricochet enters the match, dazzling and captivating. I could watch Gable and Ricochet go at it forever. All four have such wonderful chemistry, every sequence is equanimous whilst maintaining a momentum which suits all participants. A Fade To Black to Rood secures the win for Black. These two appear to be in a role but The Revival appear disgruntled by the win, attacking the NXT hopefuls on the ramp.

A quick insight into what the superstars of WWE do in their spare time – they visit kids fighting cancer. These guys are class acts, in every possible way!

A moment of Bliss

Alexa Bliss is a goddess, she really is. Alexa Bliss is going to the host of this years Wrestlemania.

Backstage Strowman segment, a new car from the Saturday Night Live folks, which subsequently gets wrecked. Are we done with Strowman yet?

Ladies and Gentlemen…. Elias

Pittsburgh love him, a hometown hero who everyone wants to walk with.

No Way Jose comes out to interrupt proceedings and to quote Renee Young, he looks like Naomi but he soon finds himself on the receiving end of an Elias Dropkick. Elias unleashes hell on Joe’s entourage. To quote myself in a slightly different context, ‘Oh Elias, what are they going to do with you?’

Hall of Fame 2019 inductee – Harlem Heat – Stevie Ray and Booker T.

Lacey Evans and her strut about the place sees her sass Renee Young this week. Please do not sass Renee Young, she’s our God (well mine anyway) and her strut is interrupted by Nia Jax and Tamina.

As an educated female wrestling fan, I feel WWE makes us feel like we should be grateful that Nia Jax has a permanent slot on our TV screens, but I cannot emphasize enough how much I dislike her, her character and her lack of ability. I know there are people out there who do and each to their own, but I feel that her skills in terms or her ability to advocate women empowerment and positive body image are best placed outside of a WWE ring. For the record, that says ring, it doesn’t mean she can’t remain a positive force within the WWE brand.

Nia Jax v Natalya

Nattie cuts decent promo about who has her back. Out walks Beth Phoenix.

“I’m sort of having a fangirl moment right now” – Renee Young

Me too Renee, me too!!

This match is a none starter. Jax and Nattie start it out but it’s only a few minutes before Phoenix and Tamina are interfering. Phoenix looks strong as she clears the ring but chaos goes off in the Gorilla Position as The Boss n Hug connection pounce on the disrespectful duo.

This is building an interesting story for the women’s tag team division on the road to Wrestlemania.

Batista arrives!!

Triple H, wrists and fingers strapped in his jeans and leather jacket looks ready to fight and Batista’s music hits and the crowd go nuts. It’s been year since we heard his entrance music “I walk for miles inside this pit of danger”

Batista is rusty in the mic, I hope he aint rusty in the ring. They don’t teach them to cut promos like Triple H does. He refers to Batista’s security as the “Guardians of the independent scene” and frankly I can’t decide if this is hilarious or radically disrespectful.

The intensity between these two is undeniable and culminates in Triple H granting Batista a match to end his career on his terms and to end Trips career on his terms. No rules, no restrictions, no law, NO HOLDS BARRED!! You better bring it Hollywood!

Kurt Angle takes to the ring to address his future. 23 years ago he left Pittsburgh to compete in the Olympics with a broken freakin’ neck. He’s been a part of WWE for 20 years. At Wrestlemania he will compete in his farewell match. He goes on to thank WWE and the WWE Universe. Pittsburgh erupts to a chorus of “thank you Kurt”.

Apollo Crews v Kurt Angle – Angle’s final match in Pittsburgh

There is absolutely no doubt that the time is right for Angle to hang up his boots. You can see a lot of Angle’s influence in Crews’ style. The low center of gravity, the ground and pound but the precision and technical ability, is tangible. This match is almost a passing of the torch and you can absolutely see Crews taking over this technical ability. Crews would do well to remember that Angle’s success is largely down to him not taking himself too seriously and being able to carry a story line.

Roman Reigns v Baron Corbin

As Reigns walks down the ramp, Corey Graves makes a very contrived comment about Reigns’ battle with cancer. And I quote “Roman Reigns credits the entire WWE Universe to helping him pull of this miraculous recovery”

Make of this comment what you will but is delivery and tone, something about it, didn’t sit right. Was it too contrived, too scripted? Could it be perceived as quasi inauthentic?

Before the match even gets under way, Reigns is attacked by Drew McIntyre. He leaves Reigns laid out on the mat outside the ring before Corbin has even entered the fray. Reigns fights back but is on the receiving end of a Claymore, twice. He looks dazed as medical officials attend to him at ringside. Seth Rollins comes out to aid his friend. Reigns selling it like a boss, hesitantly makes his way backstage.

Now what? We have 20 minutes of Raw left. Fast lane recap!

Backstage segment with The Shield, Reigns and Rollins head to the arena as Ambrose approaches Triple H for a No DQ, No Count Out, Falls Count Anywhere match.

Dean Ambrose v Drew McIntyre

These guys spend the remainder of the show knocking ten bells out of each other. It saddens me that Ambrose won’t be staying with WWE because he has such intensity and heart, it almost feels like he’s part of the furniture. You can’t help but think that with his contract coming to the end, he’s been given some creative control of his character and where he sits now is where he’s at his best. This enigmatic lose canon, this cheeky tweener with a wicked sense of humor, a badass with a soft spot, a weakness if you will.

This match spills all over the arena, Ambrose even taking time to enjoy some popcorn. Both can execute and sell these big moves in all areas of the arena, adding to the storytelling of the match. McIntyre taunts Ambrose and Ambrose is avenging his fallen brother. This match has everything, pace, intensity and technical capability as well as audience engagement. Pittsburgh wants brutality and massive high spots and these guys deliver. From fighting it out on the announce table to Ambrose taking a body slam into the LED stag, this match sates the crowd. Ambrose takes brutal looking Claymore when tied up in the steel railings on the stage, securing him the victory. But Ambrose is back on his feet during the celebration and once again, is laid out by a Claymore.

Drew McIntyre is demanding our attention and I think he’s got it.