Oh Ronda, what are we going to do with you?


Ronda Rousey – What’s working and what isn’t


Her technical ability. There is absolutely no doubt that Rousey’s MMA, UFC and Judo background gives her a potential arsenal of dynamic and possibly infinite depth. Can you imagine some of things that are stored in her memory that she has yet to show us? Judo is a momentum based, softer styled grappling art but coupled with the brute of MMA and the showmanship associated with the WWE style of wrestling, there are sequences and groundbreaking adaptions buried in her that she doesn’t even know are there yet.

Not working

The traditional tried and tested methods of a successful WWE superstar don’t fit with how Rousey operates. Traditionally a superstar has a handful of strong signature moves or sequences, an ‘almost’ finisher, an actual finisher and possibly a submission. Rousey makes us question if it is in fact, time for a change to the old methods? Do superstars, need to stick to their move sets in order to maintain their character or is there room for movement?

There is a danger that a lack of a solid move set gives the perception of being unable to find a rhythm, a style that suits or anything stronger than a one trick pony. A move looks good once, but it doesn’t look good again. Could this damage the longevity of a character if a superstar is not displaying a solid foundation?

There’s a possibility, and I think this could be one of the reasons Rousey is getting unwelcome heat, is because her vast move set, makes her look like a show-off. She unintentionally comes across as arrogant because of her ability rather than the multi-faceted performer she is. So you have to ask yourself, is she way ahead of her time? Is it possible WWE fans are not ready for someone to break the mould like that?


‘The Baddest Woman on the Planet’ I absolutely love this line. The branding writes itself. The merchandise writes itself. The character writes itself. It’s simple, it’s to the point.

Not working

Are they ever going to let her be the ‘Baddest Woman on the Planet’? This character has the potential to be a true heel but whilst she walks down the ramp grinning from ear to ear and high-fiving the crowd, it makes it harder and harder to believe. The last thing the WWE Universe expects of their women’s champion, aka, The Baddest Woman on the Planet, is her crying and complaining on her personal website about the WWE schedule and the tolls of being on the road. And one final, personal bug bear, is he referring to an Uchi Mata as a ‘pretty’

At the moment the WWE women’s division needs a solid heel, a bad to the bone character who they love to hate. There’s a gap in the roster that Rousey has the ability to fill. Nia Jax will never be able to fill it because she’s too green and Becky Lynch is so far over, she’s tipped the boat upside down. Rousey can fill this gap. She is on the verge of generating heat but not because of her effective heel work. People are growing tired of her lack of direction and shallow character.

Not working per se but nice and wholesome

Her relationship with Rowdy Roddy Piper was pure and lovely and she fights hard to do him proud and honor his memory. But is it time for a change?

Not working

Is there a way the ‘Rowdy’ brand can be modernized, twisted and brought into the new era in a way that still honors his memory but gives it to Rousey, so she has an identity of her own? The fact she carries it on one hand is a wonderful testament to one of the most adored characters in WWE history, but does the fact she doesn’t have a brand of her own, make her seem lost? Is she incapable of carrying her own brand, her own merch, her own gimmick? What would Piper say to her if he was here now? Would he say it’s time to move on, to grow into her own persona? Who knows, I like to think he would have encouraged her growth as a performer.

That’s not to say her having the ‘Rowdy’ brand wasn’t the right thing to do. It gave her an established platform, allowing her to step into a WWE ring, fight and go at it but at the same time, giving the fans a brand they could identify with. But we’re over a year in, perhaps it’s time for a change.


Rousey is on an undeniable winning streak. She embraces competition from all corners of the current women’s roster. Her decision to challenge Sasha Banks showed us a glimmer of her intuitiveness to her audience, who for a while have felt Banks had fallen off the radar. She has strong peripheral vision to the capability of talent around her and is in the fortunate position of being able to pick and chose her opponents with little to no story build up.

Not working

At some point she’s going to need to carry a believable story line and some point, she is going to have to lose. Becky Lynch is carrying the current story-line into Wrestlemania and although it doesn’t need a massive amount of input from Charlotte or Rousey, you do question if Rousey could have carried such a meaningful story-line on her own?

There are moments during some of her recent matches (Ruby Riott) where you can feel her visible frustration, especially when she doesn’t feel like she’s being given adequate competition. That’s not to say Riott isn’t adequate competition, but it’s because Rousey style is so ‘all guns blazing’ she can’t see the long-term effects of competing that way and that it will eventually burn her out. It goes back to what we were saying about her move set. Having an established move base sets her up for longevity but whilst she’s going hell for leather every time she steps in the ring, it looks jagged and frantic. Showmanship is a big part of WWE performances and there are ways to deliver this without looking this way.

Her schedule isn’t as intense as some of the other Superstars and she would do well to remember that her timetable might mean she can spend time in her barn cultivating her next pretty move but these other girls are on the road 4 or 5 days a week and can’t be expected, by her, to put on five star matches every week on Raw.

Again, her visible frustration borders on arrogance and gives the perception that she won’t take a pin or put anyone over because she doesn’t think anyone is worthy or good enough. There’s also an even more cynical part of me that thinks she’s been offered this WWE contract under the premise that she’ll never have to lose, she’ll never look weak and never have to make anyone look better than her. And this perception, among a more intelligent and educated WWE crowd, makes her feel like the female Brock Lesnar and this why she’s booed


If Rousey intends to stay in WWE long term, there are some changes that need to be made to not only grow but also preserve the longevity of her character but her as a performer. The fundamentals of her character are already there, they just need to be worked on. Her in-ring and technical ability will never be questioned because she really is that damn good. I ask myself, will she put in the work and I always arrive at the same conclusion, yes. Always, yes.

But what could make it better?

Character development is absolutely key and for me personally, she needs to check herself before she posts on social media. The thing, I feel, Ronda Rousey will benefit from the most, is a manager. Her mic skills are OK but if she is really going to be ‘The Baddest Woman on the Planet’, she’d do well not to say a word. I previously likened her to Brock Lesnar and for the record there are elements of Brock Lesnar’s character that are absolutely brilliant, namely, Paul Heyman. Ronda Rousey would benefit greatly from a Heyman type, or even Heyman himself, in her corner. Someone to speak for her, book her and be her advocate. Rousey cannot cut a promo right now, she trips over her words and speaks too quickly. A manager who could speak on her behalf with poise and conviction would do wonders for her evolution.

The two characters need to be separated. Rowdy Ronda Rousey with her current branding, the hair, the make-up, the outfit, the move set, the look, everything about it needs to be gracefully retired.

Let’s see Ronda Rousey, with a fierce manager, a solid move set and new image as ‘The Baddest Woman on the Planet’ We know she’s in there, can we let her out now?