Impact! Wrestling – Full Review


UK air date 15/02/2019. Another week, another Impact episode! Let’s do this, shall we?

The show opens with a very detailed look last week’s loud and proud Mexican crowd, last weeks show and with the events taking place tonight – Team TNA take on Team AAA for World Cup! We cut then into Tessa Blanchard’s Twitter video complaining about her previous suspension and loss of the Knockout’s Championship to Taya Valkyrie – Tonight, they face off in Mexico in a street fight..

Now, we move into a part of the video package exploring the competitors of Fatal 4 Way for the Impact World Championship. This entire package has been voiced by Josh Mathews and, surprisingly, he did a wonderful job of promoting the show. Killer Cross shows first and, boy, did they make him look like a threat – various shots of his recent assaults on numerous wrestlers are show, especially the often seen “throat trapped by a chair, thrown into the ring post” move.

We’re then shown another competitor, Brian Cage, who relinquished the X-Division Championship in exchange for a World Championship Match, a match in which he was unsuccessful in against Johnny Impact.

Now, a quick look at the 3rd competitor, the ever cocky Moose. We see recent attacks on Johnny Impact at the hands of both Killer Kross and Moose, left to wonder if that particular partnership will dissolve tonight. 

Our final look is at the Impact World Champion, Johnny Impact, and one question remains – can he survive with his championship?

Great, great promo. It really has started the show nicely. Let’s take it to the ring!

Match 1 – Tessa Blanchard vs Taya Valkyrie (Impact Knockouts Championship)

This match will be contested under Street Fight rules and Tessa makes her entrance, sauntering down to the ring; confident and cocky. We’re introduced then to Taya Valkyrie, who poses on top of the ramp as an aggressive Blanchard looks to take the early advantage with an assault on the ramp, Valkyrie sees it coming and turns it around, pummelling her and throwing her down the ramp to the ringside area.

A few kicks and punches are rained down upon Blanchard and she’s thrown into the ring, shaking off the cobwebs of the previous onslaught while the ever dangerous Valkyrie searches under the ring for a weapon. Valkyrie then tosses a chair to the nearside ring post, sliding it under and then attempts to get into the ring; only to be met by a kick from Blanchard and a clubbing shot to the back; Tessa hammers away on the back of Taya and proceeds to grab the chair.

At this juncture Blanchard wedges the chair between the top and middle turnbuckles, obviously with some evil intentions in mind.

Blanchard charges at a dazed Taya and hits her, before attempting to Irish Whip into the wedged chair but no! Taya stops just in time, reverses a steamrolling Tessa and nails her with a beautiful German Suplex, sending Tessa across the ring! WOW!

Taya runs straight over and hammers hard on the face of Tessa, no love lost between these two knockouts that’s for sure. A straight kick to the back by Taya to Tessa; those kicks, especially with regular boots and shoes on look like they really do hurt. These kicks continue a d Taya goes for the cover! Tessa gets the shoulder up instantly!

Taya mounts with more straight punches to the face and tosses Tessa through the middle rope Taya goes for a dive through the middle rope and.. No! Tessa has a cookie sheet and smashes it right in the face of Taya! Wow that had to hurt, folks!

At this point Blanchard dominates, throwing Taya into the ring post then into the hard steel guard rail! More furniture is the order of the day and Blanchard throws it straight into the face of a seated Taya! Damn, that hit hard! 

Oh wow! Tessa takes a run up a d straight up baseball slides the chair into the face of Valkyrie! Amazing match so far! Tessa stalks a crawling Taya, the latter of which makes the error of waiting for Taya to stand up to be met with a kick to the rib cage and…OH! A shot to the back of the head from the cookie sheet at the hands of Taya! That one echoed through the arena!

Taya takes a run up, presumably for a cross body over the railing, but Tessa just effortlessly dumps her over said rail into the Mexican crowd! Both ladies are down at this point and they meet in the middle over the rail, Taya with a cup of beer or something, straight to the face!

10 minutes in and this has been great so far, Taya scales the rail and goes for a move, only that is met with a superkick by Tessa! Taya is clutching the knee, the landing was pretty rough too.

Tessa takes Taya to the ring apron before picking up a chair and wrapping it around Taya’s neck.. oh my! That was brutal! A straight throw into the ring post causes the chair to bounce off it into the neck and throat of Taya!

That same move has been felt by Taya’s husband – Johnny Impact, by Moose and Killer Kross. That was a nice, poetic touch actually.

Tessa throws Taya back in the ring, along with some cables and proceeds to choke her out with them! Taya starts to fade but Tessa stops to rip the shirt off and spit on it! Complete disrespect there! (Insider note, the shirt belonged to the faction that had Perro Agueyo, who suffered a fatal injury in a match in Mexico).

It’s been all Tessa, as she leaves the ring to bring a chair in but has second thoughts and charges at Taya! No! Straight into the chair in the corner!

Taya gets the momentum back and nails a few hard clotheslines, swings Tessa into the corner and hits another clothesline.

Tessa goes down! Taya runs and runs hard hitting the double knees to the chest! Could this be it? No! Taya sets up a cookie sheet in..well, the intimate part of a woman and proceeds to swing a steel chair! A cover! 1! 2! – No! Tessa kicks out!

The two knockouts engage in a grapple, trying to one up each other but ultimately; Tessa gets the better of it and nails a move which can only be described as a Full Nelson twisting Facebuster. That was new!

Tessa leaves the ring but comes straight back in and positions the steel chair on the shoulder and face of Taya, booting it straight into her. Another cover! 1! 2! NO! Taya emphatically gets the shoulder up!

Tessa, again, leaves the ring and goes on the search for numerous chairs, tossing them one by one into the ring and smashing Taya’s face into the pile. Tessa to the top rope for a move…. a thrown steel chair straight to the face!

Champion and challenger are perched on the top rope, Taya lifting Tessa into a Samoan Drop position..Oohh! Straight on the chair off the top rope! That was awesome!

Both ladies are down…commercial break time!

We’re back to both women exchanging hard shots at each other, forearm smashes are the theme here and these only seem to rile Taya up, Taya sets a chair up in a seated position only to be put in that chair thanks to a solid forearm by Tessa!

Tessa sets a second chair up in front of Taya and we have a slap fest! Numerous slaps to the face and chest until a frustrated Taya gets up, flattens her chair and throws it to Tessa… OHH! A big boot to the chair and the face!

Taya, hoping to retain goes for the win… 1…and 2..and NO! Tessa kicks out! AMAZING stuff! 

Taya, looking to set up for a move; goes for a clothesline again but Tessa ducks…Holy ****! a Spear through a table in the corner! The table doesn’t break this time…sp Tessa gets up, waiting for Taya, ANOTHER Spear and still the table won’t break.. both ladies just bounce off it in a crumpled heap.

Tessa drags the lifeless figure of Taya and goes for the cover…Again! Taya, the champion, kicks out before the 3!

Tessa leaves the ring, searching for another weapon and finds herself a table and proceeds to set it up lengthways out of the corner, laying a bent Taya across it. Tessa takes her time to climb the turnbuckles and is ultimately pushed to the outside..

Back on the outside now, Tessa gets up while Taya climbs to the top rope.. a beautiful crossbody by Taya and now, a cover…a quick kickout back in the ring by Tessa. Taya goes for a submission but is met with a reversal, a scurrying Tessa tries to escape but eats a knee that lays her prone on the table she brought in!

Taya to the top… Oh wow! A Double Foot Stomp through the table and this one is done!

Winner and STILL Knockouts Champion: Taya Valkyrie

We see an emotional Taya celebrate her victory and cut into various flashbacks of matches from Impacts before a quick recap from Josh Mathews and Don Callis, about the opening contest. A promo from Scarlett Bordeux follows this and she lets us know she’s going to he making her in ring debut I  Las Vegas.  An interview with Team Impact follows – Eli Drake really, really wants the old Eddie Edwards back. Which one will he get, I wonder?

This leads us into our next match..

Willie Mack vs “All Ego” Ethan Page

We start the match with a collar and…nope, Page takes a cheap shot and hits Mack with a knee to the gut. A few punches are aimed for the face of Mack and into the turnbuckle pad he goes. A solid forearm hits Mack straight in the face; at this point, Page swings Mack to the opposite turnbuckle but is reversed; Page meets the turnbuckle but leaps over the head of a charging Mack; who then proceeds to perform a headstand on the top turnbuckle.

For two bigger men, these two are incredibly agile and it’s providing for a fair bit of entertainment thus far. Mack comes down, runs the ropes and hits Page with a beautiful Spinning Back Elbow; straight to the face!

Mack with a Knife Edge Chop sends Page straight into the corner; another Knife Edge Chop to Page, sends him into the adjacent corner where Mack goes to chop Page again…NO! He twists his nipples! OUCH! That has to hurt!

In a rather humorous moment, the camera moves in on Page and we hear him say “Why Willie, Why!” while in pain – Will picks Page up on his shoulders in an Airplane Spin position but Page slips out, pushed Mack into the ropes and falls down, causing Mack to fall over him and into a beautiful Running DDT by Page!

Page, now, mounts a dazed Mack and hits him with a series of punches to the face. As Mack gets up, Page dominates and hits a chop the chest, followed by a forearm to the face.

Ethan Page drags Mack to the middle of the ring intending to set up a suplex but Mack counters and hits a suplex of his very own.

Now, Mack takes Page to the corner and hits a couple of hard elbows to the face before hitting a short clothesline onto Page, sending him into the opposite corner and charging at him with a full head of steam! Page gets the knee up, just in time and then the boot as Mack retries the clothesline!

Page off the top with a stunning Jumping Enziguiri! Wonderfully executed move that is! A cover… 1..2 and… NO! Mack kicks out!

Ethan Page, slowing the pace down, hits a seated Mack clean in the face and then stomps on his head too. This methodical pace seems to work really well for Page but not too well, as after a knee to the back, he swings Mack into the corner but is reversed and hit with a hard forearm and then a jumping Big Boot!

A slumped over Page is met with a charging, agile Mack who cannonballs himself into Page. Mack stalking him, goes and hits a Samoan Drop before a beautiful Standing Moonsault and the cover.. 1! 2! and no! Page with the shoulder up!

Willie goes for the Stunner, countered by Page who hits a loud, hard Big Boot to Mack! Hits Mack with a high Judo type kick and suplexes him!

A cover by Page follows and Mack gets the kick out before the 3!

Page goes for some kind of Suplex but Mack reverses it to try for the Stunner but no! Page with another reversal and an attempt at a suplex, Mack counters and FINALLY, hits the Stunner! 1! 2! and 3! Mack Wins!

Winner: Willie Mack

Match 3: Team AAA (Hijo Del Vikingo, Aerostar, Puma King and Psycho Clown vs Team Impact (Fallah Bahh, Eddie Edwards, Eli Drake and Sami Callihan) 

Callihan and Psycho Clown started things off, trading shots at one another, that is until Sami hit a clothesline. Into the corner they go and Clown avoids a charging Sami, hitting a beautiful dive off the top rope; they trade more shots in the corner until Clown hits a stunningly beautiful Snap Powerslam on Calihan.

Tag made! Aerostar comes in for some double team action on Sami, being elevated for a dropkick right to the face; back in the corner and Sami goes to whip Aerostar from one corner to another; Aerostar hits a fantastic Corckscrew Crossbody I love this..

Aerostar walks the ropes only to be met with a Codebreaker. Aerostar with some kicks now but he gets caught after a toss, by Eli Drake who hits a modified body slam. Now an attempted suplex, avoided by Aerostar who makes the tag to Vikingo!

Vikingo counters a slam into a hard hitting DDT! Beautiful reversal! Drake tags in Eddie Edwards who immediately eats a spinning hurricanrana, sending him outside. Edwards comes back in and tries to toss Vikingo outside now but is met with a kick…tag made to Puma King!

Repeated kicks by Puma followed by a delayed vertical suplex on Edwards. Edwards now in the corner, avoids a rushing Puma and caught him on the top, taking him off it and hitting a devastating Backpack Stunner, rolls for the tag and tags in Bahh!

Puma King tries now, to hit a series of kicks to Bahh and the sheer size of Bahh causes no effect to these kicks. Bahh cuts him off, nailing a belly to belly suplex. Bahh, in an incredible show of agility rolls over Puma and… Sami with a hard chop to the chest, tags himself in!

Drake and Callihan take out some members of Team AAA, Sami connects with a springboard clothesline and proceeds to try to fly but Clown jumps into the ring and runs across to hit a dive on Callihan and Bahh! Amazing fast paced action!

Edwards and Puma battle it out in the ring now and after hitting another hurricanrana, Puma hits a huge crossbody onto everyone outside! Aerostar now, nails an even bigger diver, getting incredible air on it, hitting everyone in sight.

Bahh slips into the ring now and goes for a dive…but instead climbs the apron and just hops onto the bodies outside. VIKINGO WITH A DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD INTO A PHEONIX SPLASH! Oh my god!

Vikingo looking to climb the ropes again but Drake cuts him off and takes Vikingo off the rope into the pile of bodied again, hitting a HUGE powerslam!

Back in the ring now and Puma King is going st it with Eli Drake, Edwards tried to bring in his Kendo Stick but Drake cuts him off, wanting to use it himself.

Edwards takes it back but this gives Puma the chance to hit a series of roll ups on Drake, finally hitting the first 3 count! Drake is gone!

Back from commercial and Callihan is working over Puma and again Sami chops Bahh to tag him in. Bahh isn’t happy. Bahh now, cut off the attempt of a tag by Puma, proceeding to then slam Callihan onto a prone Puma King.

Puma slipped off the back of Bahh, landed a hard superkick and tags in Vikingo. A double dropkick now, to the remaining members of Team Impact, followed by a hurricanrana to Bahh sending him into the corner.

A springboard Code Breaker on Callihan now by Vikingo takes out Sami, then the double knees to a seated Eddie Edwards; while Bahh regains himself.

Bahh ate some leg kicks and an enziguiri but reverses a whip attempt. Vikingo slips around and hits tries for a springboard, only to be met with a body slam and the pinfall..Vikingo is out!

Aerostar now literally bounces off of Bahh after some running kicks but Bahh lands a massive crossbody on Aerostar.

Bahh, paying homage to Vader, goes to the top fora bomb but no! He missed! Aerostar with the crucifix pin and Bahh is eliminated!

Callihan takes advantage of this and immediately goes on the attack but Edwards tags himself in, Aerostar hits a running cutter on Edwards but missed a jumping splash! Boston Knee Party! Aerostar is gone!

Puma now charges from the ropes and kicked Edwards, Callihan with another blind tag but he’s met with a spinning slam! In the corner now and Callihan reverses some punches into a powerbomb from the corner!

A knee to the gut now om Puma and this sets up for a pIledriver! 1!2! 3! – Puma is eliminated!

Edwards and Callihan are jaw jacking at this point and this costs them as they’re met with double clotheslines from Clown but the eventual and inevitable double all gets too much for Clown. A running leg lariat now by Edwards, but Sami pushes him out and tells him he screwed up; this causes Clown to roll him up for an elimination!

Down to the final two now, Edwards and Clown go face to face and start trading chops. They change chops and switch to the punches, punches rain down this time. Edwards slides out of the ring now only to be met by a dive from Clown, both men are down outside now. They get up and after being rolled into the ring, Edwards drops Clown with a Tiger Bomb! 

They trade blows some more with Clown getting the better of it with a series of kicks and a Sliced Bread #2!

Eddie gets up and hits some clotheslines, while getting into a verbal spat with Eli Drake who, at this time, has Kenny The Kendo Stick in his hand! Clown and Edwards trade a series of roll ups, until Eli hits Eddie Edwards with the kendo stick!

Clown picks up Eddie and connects with a Lung Blower before getting the win with a cradle! THIS IS DONE! PHEW! AMAZING MATCH!

It’s time for our MAIN EVENT!!

Fatal Four Way for the World Heavyweight Championship

All four competitors face off, they trade hard, physical kicks then Johnny low bridged Moose, kicked Kross and Cage; then as quickly as you can blink, dived straight onto Moose outside the ring. The two big men, Cross and Cage traded blows again until Cage kicked him from the ring and proceeded to dive onto all 3 opponents and landing on his feet. What agility from the big man!

Cage tossed Johnny back into the ring and those two battled. Johnny connects with a few expert kicks and a shining wizard but Moose and Kross double team him now, hitting a double powerbomb where Moose goes for a cover and Kross breaks it up! Tension in the ranks as they stare each other down but appear on the same page!

Again, they go for the double powerbomb on Johnny and Moose rolls Kross up from behind! A sneaky pin! Kross gets up and Moose goes begging and for a hug… is it reciprocated? NO! Exploder Suplex by Kross!

Johnny goes for a Moonlight Drive but instead connects with a backbreaker and a Russian leg sweep on Cage, quickly followed by a leg drop. Moose quickly puts a stop to that building offence and momentum, hitting a nutcracker on Johnny!

Moose hits a series of running dropkicks on Cage and Kross now, before hitting a Go To Hell on Johnny and the pin.. 1, 2 and No! Broken up by Cage!

Cage hits Kross in the corner and in an incredible show of strength, double German Suplexes Moose who was holding onto Kross! Wow!

Cage now, grabs Johnny Impact and nails him with a delayed vertical suplex! Kross avoids a discus lariat and instead hits a backdrop driver, before attempting Kross Jacket. This is broken up by Moose and now everything breaks down into a brawl, this ended with Johnny hitting a springboard spear on Cage!

Everyone stays down but gradually makes their way, one by one, to the top for the Tower of Doom Superplex!

Moose and Cage had Johnny for a double suplex while Kross tries to finish things off by hitting Moose and Cage with the Powerbomb!

All four men are down but Kross locked in an armbar while Moose trapped Johnny in a figure four leg lock. Cage intervenes now and locks in a dragon sleeper on Kross, meanwhile Johnny rolled Moose over and we see Kross hitting a northern lights suplex now!

What amazing action this is!

With everyone struggling to their feet, Kross grabs Johnny and throws him into Cage who is sent reeling into the corner to be hit by a delayed running dropkick by Moose! Wow!

Kross ducks a clothesline by Moose and absolutely destroys him with a Saito Suplex! Kross turns his attention to Johnny now, who counters this with a springboard kick, followed by a knee from Johnny to Kross, Moose gets involved now and takes Johnny out with another Go To Hell!

Johnny counters a suspected Powerbomb into a hurricanrana, Moose then grabs Johnny for a sit out powerbomb and that is followed by a senton! Moose hits a headbutt on Cage and they trade missed discus lariats now too; Cage hits the Drill Claw on Moose!

This leads to the stereo finishers of Johnny hitting Moose with Starship Pain while Cage hits Kross with the Drill Claw! Johnny and Cage both go for the pin but Johnny just gets their first unaware to Cage!

1! 2! 3! JOHNNY DOES IT! What a match this was! What an amazing show Uncaged was! Tune in next week, my friends!


  • Brett G