NXT UK Review – 13/02/2019


NXT UK 13/02/2019

This weeks installment of NXT UK was filmed at Royal Rumble Axxess in Phoenix AZ and it was by far, my favorite episode to date. I don’t know if it’s because they were overseas or because they were in front of a different crowd, but this felt, very much, like everyone stepped it up a notch.

Opening the show is the NXT UK women’s champion, who cuts a promo about her journey to becoming the women’s champion, only to be interrupted by Ripley, who talks of their upcoming rematch. A short scuffle ensues but Storm stands tall as Ripley retreats.

Noam Dar v Jordan Devlin

This match is utterly brilliant as theses guys appear to know each other very well. They are similar build and very evenly matched throughout the contest. It’s a decent paced match, full of arm bars, wrist locks, reversals, back flips and joint manipulation. There’s a spot a few minutes in where Dar goes for a backslide, but Devlin reserves into an attempted Backslide of his own, which is then reversed in the same way and round and round they go. It doesn’t achieve much but it looks cool. Devlin continues to perfect his Rock Bottom, Standing Moonsault and Suplex. Dar’s offence is fun to watch even though he misses the Northern Lights Suplex, he reverses an attempted Ensiguri into an Ankle Lock.

The match is interrupted by Travis Banks who runs down to distract Devlin from smashing Dar’s ankle onto the steel steps. Banks continues his distraction on the apron and is thanked by Devlin with an Enziguri. The distraction is enough for Dar to roll up Devlin for the three count.

Enraged, Devlin unleashes fury on Dar but once again Banks intervene and the two of them scuffle out of the arena. Excellent storytelling from Devlin and Banks.

Advertisements for upcoming matches include Walter v Kassius Ohno in two weeks time and Toni Storm defending the NXT UK Women’s Title against Rhea Ripley next week.

Jinny v Mia Yim

Jinny gets better every time I see her. She’s looking more fluid and concise, executing maneuvers with poise and purpose. Yim has a bit more grit about her and delivers a more hard-hitting edge than some of the other women on the NX UK roster. This contrast in styles makes for a dynamic and interesting bout.

Some nice spots include Yim’s reversal out of the Hurricanrana, Jinny’s Surfboard body stretch and Yims Cannonball into the corner. Not to mention the vicious German Suplex, which sees Jinny land on the back of her head in the turn buckle.

One slight criticism is that Jinny tried to get into an exchange of blows with Yim and because she’s so lean and agile, it didn’t really work. She should play to her strengths more, as Yim does. Yim has excellent core strength and you can see the adaption in her style since she suffered a broken leg.

Jinny picks up a controversial three count as she boots Yim in the face, who subsequently falls to the mat next to the ropes but Jinny uses the ropes to leverage the pin.

Tag Team match advertised for next week; Joe and Mark Coffey v Mark Andrews and Flash Gordon Webster

Main Event: Wolfgang v Pete Dunne (None Title Match)

Wolfgang is such a prolific heel, throwing his jacket right into Pete Dunne’s face.

Pete Dunne sells better than anyone on the NXT UK roster, he sells so well, he could sell you back your own used car and you’d still feel like you walked away with a good deal. He anticipates each spots two steps ahead of what’s going on. He uses his whole body as a weapon and an eclectic arsenal of moves, including his German Suplex, Triangle and an infinite number of ways he can twist his opponents joints.

Wolfgang is a little bigger but he’s quick and light footed. He and Dunne have great chemistry. Their back and forth is fluid and fun to watch. His Fisherman’s Suplex lands well and he adds a modern twist by hooking the inside leg. And who doesn’t love to see a Clothesline where the recipient is turned inside out?

This match is aggressive, it’s well paced, it builds brilliantly to a couple of near falls before ultimately, Pete Dunne has Wolfgang tapping to an Arm-Bar.

A tremendous showing from the NXT UK roster this week.