Impact! Wrestling Review – UK Air date 8/2/19


So, it’s been awhile since I’ve done this whole “reviewing a wrestling event” deal and I figured that I’d see what’s been happening in Impact Wrestling as of late and every week hereafter.

Now, here’s the kicker – I haven’t watched Impact religiously in many years, I’ve seen parts and I’m able to hopefully tell you all my thoughts. Anyway, enough about me, let’s get this show on the road shall we? The show opens with a very, very loud and mask wearing Mexican crowd. As a lover of Lucha Libre, my appreciation for the masks, their heritage and it’s wrestlers is completely limitless. We cut then, straight to ring and the action being called by Josh Mathews and Don Callis – at this juncture, I should probably mention that I’m watching with no sound. I’m not a fan of Josh Mathews, never have been a fan of his commentary style which is unfortunate because I do enjoy listening to Don Callis.

Match 1 – Rich Swann & Willie Mack vs oVe (Jake & Dave Crist)

In typical heel fashion, oVe go straight on the attack before the bell even rings and IT’S ON! This beatdown continues until Rich Swann, a Rich Swann I haven’t seen since his WWE tenure, turns the tables on Jake and Dave, sending them both outside and hitting a beautiful Corkscrew on to both members from over the top rope. Jake gets up, followed by Swann and hits a Suicide Dive into a DDT – unintentionally or not, that looked wonderfully done. This settles things down considerably and back in the ring we have Willie Mack and Jake Crist embroiled in a back and forth that ultimately ends with the two colliding with Cross Body Blocks in the middle of the ring; both Jake and Dave try their hardest to double team Mack but this results in them both eating double Stunners for their troubles and the eventual re-arrival of Rich Swann, who quickly disposes of Dave in typical high flying fashion, hitting him with a 450 Splash and the emphatic 1 – 2 – 3!

Match 2 Allie w/ Su Yung vs Kiera Hogan w/ Jordynn Grace

Straight from the get-go, a seemingly frustrated Kiera hits Allie with a series of varied offence; Dropkicks, Hip Thrust Attacks and a Clothesline in the corner, until Allie slides out of the way of a charging, over exuberant Hogan. As this happens, Allie begins to dominate and hits her signature running Clothesline for a 2 count! Allie, thinking she’s got this in the bag, attempts a Codebreaker but No! It’s reversed into a expertly executed Superkick by Kiara, who get’s a very close 3 count! Su Yung interjects herself in this match, distracting Kiera long enough for Allie to hit a Backstabber and…another Kick out from Kiera Hogan! Yung with the ever present bloodied glove, slides it into the corner which backfires and leads to Grace, the Equaliser, to at Yung in the ringside area. Allie, in her possessed state of mind hesitantly picks up the bloody glove and in her hesitation is hit with a Modified Swinging Neckbreaker by Hogan who ears the pinfall victory!

Backstage – Johnny Impact is informed that he must defend the World Championship against Brian Cage, Killer Cross and Moose in a Fatal 4 Way next week at Uncaged!

Match 3 – Rohit Raju w/ Raj & Gama Singh vs Trey w/ The Rascalz – Dez and Wentz

What a start! A lock up begins this match with Rohit taking a cheap shot on Trey, who then proceeds to duck and dive under the arms of Rohit, hitting a Facebreaker before running the ropes to nail a discombobulated Rohit with a Hurricarana which is immediately followed up by a Springboard Dropkick sending Rohit out of the ring. Trey, still keeping the pace quick, goes to run the ropes but is met by a forearm to the face and Rohit, using the ring apron in his favor, hits a deadly looking DDT to Trey. In keeping with the underhanded tactics, Raj Singh attacks Trey at Ringside, thanks to a referee distraction caused by Rohit Singh! This keeps up for a little while until Trey jumps over and behind Rohit to before knocking him down to hit him with a double foot stomp. It must be said both guys, in fact, every guy in this match, is extremely talented! Trey climbs to the top turnbuckle only to be hit off the top by Rohit, who hits a devastating Neckbreaker for a very near fall!

A back and forth ensues with Raj Singh trying and failing to get involved but his efforts are thwarted thanks to Dez and Wentz having the back of their partner, Trey! Meanwhile, inside the ring, Trey hits a picture perfect 619 which is immediately followed by a Double Foot Stomp from the top and Trey is the winner! What a great match!

Match 4 – Sami Callihan vs Puma King

In a preview of the World Cup next week, a member of Team Impact takes on a member of Team AAA and in the typical style of his oVe brethren, Callihan takes advantage of a crowd pleasing Puma King and, in the early going, dominates in the physical style we all recognize from him. This action spills to the outside where, possibly feeling a little more comfortable, Puma King flips over the ropes and lands perfectly on Callihan. Thrills and spills are the order of the day and after the routine ring post shots, barricade shots and ring apron smashes; Callihan nails a tornado DDT onto the floor outside.

It seems like there’s very limited give outside the ring, and that thud sounded like it’s going to hurt in the morning! Puma King though, in an effort to regain his composure on the outside brings the fight right back to Callihan inside the ring and off the top rope with Head Scissors followed by a HUGE Dropkick, sending Sami straight to the floor outside. Puma attempts a springboard dive but lands hard and painfully below; a cause in which Sami takes advantage of and traps King in the ring apron, a homage to Fit Finley with the added extra of a straight boot to the face! Ouch!

Inside the ring now, after a beatdown by Callihan, Puma King rolls him up into a pinfall predicament but in a case of great ring awareness, Sami grabs the bottom rope. Another exchange occurs with Callihan getting the better of it, attempting for his Piledriver and having actually blocked. Sami hammers away on the back of Puma King and this time hits a bone jarring Piledriver and it’s over! Callihan wins!

Match 5 – Tag Team Championship Match, LAX (Santana and Ortiz, Champions) vs Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr & Fenix)

Holy smokes! What a quick start, no wasted motion as both teams look to end things instantly, Lucha Bros get the better of this exchange attempting to hit their finishing move within seconds! LAX though, they come back with a beautiful double Back Drop! Honestly, this is already fantastic. All 4 men have given their all already and are prone on the mat. Lucha bros nail a beautifully time Codebreaker/double foot stomp…Wow! Pentagon nails his patented Pentagon Driver on Ortiz, almost a 2! Ortiz and Santana now doing a number on Pentagon, to be taken out then by a soaring Fenix as Konnan, a man with love for “mi familia” looks on at what he’s seeing both teams do, mouth wide like mine.

Fenix takes on Ortiz outside, but jumps back to attempt a running dive; a dive which he hits so hard he almost goes over Ortiz! Crazy landing, it makes me wonder if Fenix suffered a slight arm injury. Meanwhile, inside the ring Pentagon takes on Santana (you all know the “fight forever!” chant. This stands for these 4. I want to see this match, again and again.) Double team moves are the order of the day as a seemingly unaffected Fenix scales the top rope to Cross Body Block both Santana and Ortiz, which then allows for Pentagon to set up for an assisted Package Piledriver combined with a Double Foot Stomp! That was amazing! The cover! 1! 2! 3! NEW Tag Team Champions! LUCHA BROS! What. A. Match.

If you’re a lover of wrestling and the stories it can tell, please watch it. I’ve seen alot of wrestling in the life I’ve lived and, despite not seeing Impact for awhile, I can tell you, that was a Match Of The Year candidate already. The entrances. The crisp double teams. The false finishes. Mexican style of wrestling and a great story told. Impact has had alot of negativity thrown it’s way over the years. Sure, the production isn’t great. I mean, one half of the commentary isn’t either – here’s looking at you, Josh Mathews but wow, their in ring product is amazing. In today’s day and age, being unified with other companies seems to work well for all. Impact has always done this really well and bringing the exciting Lucha Libre stars of Mexico into their product is a very, very smart move. It’s been a very long time since I’ve enjoyed Impact but that show was really, really good. I highly recommend any wrestling fan give it a go, if not that match – LAX vs Lucha Bros, watch it repeatedly.

See you next time folks
