WWE Worlds Collide – Results and Review


A pre-recorded show at WWE Royal Rumble Access, Worlds Collide is a brand crossover event featuring wrestlers from 205 Live, NXT & NXT UK. Let’s get right into it.

15 Man Battle Royale

Carrillo eliminated by Gibson

Gibson eliminated by Lee

Alexander eliminated by Dream

Bate eliminated by Dijakovic 

Thorne eliminated by Dream

Cole eliminated by TJP

Gulak eliminated by Lee 

Andrews eliminated by Dijakovic 

Banks eliminated by Devlin

Lee eliminated by Dijakovic

Dijakovic eliminates by Devlin, Nese, TJP & Dream

TJP eliminated by Dream

Nese eliminated by Dream

Dream eliminated by Devlin

Devlin eliminates Dream to earn himself a bye. Dream managed to get the most eliminations at 5 but Devlin ultimately capitalised on the opportunity, dropkicking Dream out of the ring.

Round of 16

Jordan Devlin 


Mark Andrews vs Drew Gulak Both men run the ropes, Andrews goes for a double foot stomp but he gets caught into a sneaky pin for the 1… 2… 3. Drew Gulak advances. Gulak shows off his technical prowess as he managed to keep Andrews grounded for the majority of the match. 7.75/10.

Travis Banks vs Keith Lee 

Spirit Bomb… no, Banks escapes. He goes for a middle rope plancha before getting caught into a fireman’s carry. SUPERNOVA! Keith Lee advances in a dominant performance. 6.5/10.

Adam Cole vs Shane Thorne Superplex off the top rope by Cole, blocked and Cole gets shoved off the top. Diving clothesline by Thorne… SUPERKICK! Cole runs off the ropes, LAST SHOT to the back of the head. Cole stacks up Thorne and manages to get the win. Cole may pick up the win but he barely survives with an injured shoulder. 9.25/10.

TJP vs Dominik Dijakovic

Dijakovic mocks TJP and gets ready to setup for a move of some sort before TJP locks in an arm triangle. Dijakovic shows his power by lifting TJP onto his shoulders and bang! FEAST YOUR EYES! 1, 2, 3. Dominik Dijakovic wins but sustains massive damage to his left arm as TJP had a very impressive showing, having control of Dijakovic for the majority of the match. 8/10. 

Cedric Alexander vs Tyler Bate


Bate reverses into a spine hurricanrana for a 1, 2, kickout by Alexander! Back elbow by Alexander connects flush on Bate’s jaw, Bate doesn’t go down, rebound off the rope, front flip headkick by Bate. TYLER DRIVER 97! 1, 2, 3. What a sequence, Bate survives a brutal spot fest. Bate took lots of damage but escaped the lumbar check and brain buster, therefore coming out of his match relatively unharmed. 9/10.

Tony Nese vs Velveteen Dream

CORNER KNEE! SUPERKICK COUNTER BY DREAM! Dream climbs to the top rope, Nese with a kip up and an uppercut catching Dream. Nese looking for a superplex… shoved off the top rope by Dream, PURPLE RAINMAKER! Dream picks up the win in a real clash of styles. Dream looks strong and continues on in the tournament. 7.5/10. 

Zack Gibson vs Humberto Carrillo 

Double knee gut buster by Gibson… 1, 2, kickout! German suplex by Gibson, no Carrillo escapes, hurricanrana, Gibson rolls through for a 2 count. Carrillo gets up and connects with a springboard head kick before hitting the headspring Arabian press for the 1, 2, 3. Carrillo advances, shocking one half of the NXT UK tag champions. Fast paced action and Carrillo looks strong as he advances in the tournament. 7.5/10.

Quarter Finals 

Keith Lee vs Adam Cole

Pump kick, Cole runs off the ropes but BANG! Double chop by Lee, SUPERNOVA… Cole escapes, superkick to the knee, superkick, superkick, superkick, LAST SHOT! 1, 2, 3! Cole shocks Lee in a great contest, Cole targeted the knees of Keith Lee and just about managed to knock Lee out for long enough to pick up the victory. 8.25/10.

Tyler Bate vs Dominik Dijakovic 

Bate looking for a sunset flip powerbomb, Dijakovic backflips out and lands on his feet before connecting with a SUPERKICK! CHOKE BOMB! 1, 2, Bate just about kicks out! Bate rolls out before getting hit with a huge corkscrew plancha by Dijakovic. FEAST YOUR EYES… Bate escapes into the TYLER DRIVER ‘97! 1, 2, 3. Bate survives the flurry of offence by Dijakovic and progresses to the quarter finals. Bate took a lot of damage in that match as Dijakovic showcases his ridiculous athleticism but ultimately the Tyler Driver ‘97 picks up the win again for Bate. 8.5/10.

Humberto Carrillo vs Velveteen Dream 

Both men are fighting for control on the top turnbuckle before Carrillo manages to throw Dream off the top. Carrillo looks poised to strike before Dream manages to make it to the top rope and knock Carrillo down to size. Velveteen Dream loads Carrillo onto his shoulders for the DREAM VALLEY DRIVER! 1, 2, 3. Dream progresses in a fantastic back-and-forth matchup. Carrillo brought it to Dream but he just couldn’t get the job done. 8.25/10.

Jordan Devlin vs Drew Gulak

RIPCORD BACKDROP DRIVER by Devlin. 1, 2, kickout. Scorpion ankle lock by Gulak but Devlin escapes and both men collapse to the ground. Clothesline in the corner by Gulak who proceeds to get caught by Devlin. FIREMAN’s FLOWSION! 1, 2, 3. Devlin picks up the win in a gutsy effort as he manages to survive a slightly weakened Gulak. 9/10. 

Semi Finals 

Adam Cole vs Tyler Bate

Rebounding off the ropes goes Bate before he gets caught with a SUPERKICK! Brainbuster over the knee… LAST SHOT! 1, 2, KICKOUT! Cole removes his knee pad and goes for another last shot but Bate evades before he gets hit by a SUPERKICK! REBOUND LARIAT by Bate, TYLER DRIVER ‘97! 1, 2, 3. Bate progresses to the final after a hellacious contest with Cole. 8.5/10.

Jordan Devlin vs Velveteen Dream

DREAM VALLEY DRIVER! Devlin escapes, Dream goes for a superkick but gets caught by Devlin. Devlin looking for the Spanish fly but no, spike DDT by Dream! 1, 2… kickout. Backdrop driver by Devlin, 1, 2… no! DREAM VALLEY DRIVER! PURPLE RAINMAKER! 1, 2, 3. An injured Velveteen Dream advances to take on Tyler Bate in the final. Dream goes into the final at a disadvantage with an injured rib cage and less one to rest then Bate. 9/10.

The Final

Tyler Bate vs Velveteen Dream

DREAM VALLEY DRIVER! 1, 2, kickout! Dream rolls through but his back gives out and a REBOUND LARIAT FOLLOWED UP BY A TYLER DRIVER ‘97! 1, 2, DREAM KICKS OUT! Bate follows it up with a very deep torture crab… Dream is out, no! Dream turns the momentum into an inside cradle for a 1, 2, kickout by Bate! DOUBLE SUPERKICK BY DREAM! Dream going for a Tyler Driver ‘97 but Bate turns it into a hurricanrana for yet another near fall. Bate spills to the outside and gets caught with a double axehandle from the top by Dream. Dream goes to the top but gets caught with a huge uppercut, both men fight it out on the top rope and Bate goes for an avalanche TYLER DRIVER ‘97 but Dream shoves Bate off the top rope and connects with the PURPLE RAINMAKER! 1, 2, 3. DREAM WINS THE TOURNAMENT! Both men put into their all and Dream survives despite his injured ribs. 10/10.

The WWE Worlds Collide tournament featured some absolutely incredible wrestling and gave me some Dream (pun intended) matches which I didn’t even know I needed. The quality of wrestling was superb all night long and by my calculations, the overall wrestling in this tournament is up at a very high 8.5/10. I would love to see a tournament like this again, every man in the tournament showed off their skills and there were plenty of wrestlers which were able to showcase their skills. Maybe WWE can do a Worlds Collide tournament with the female superstars at WrestleMania? One can hope. 

Thanks for reading,