WWE RAW REVIEW 29/10/2018


WWE reminded us of everything Roman Reigns said last week and it brought on the tingles. The footage from FCW and NXT all the way to now, was so eye-opening and the footage of him with his kids was beautiful.


Baron Corbin was out with the Universal Title and said last week was the hardest and most emotional night of his career, but “that was last week and life goes on.” He rags on Reigns a little bit before he’s interrupted by Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Heyman cuts his usual promo, making light of it by calling it his “Shtick”. Which made me smile. Then Heyman Lesnar will win at Crown Jewel. But Strowman came out to argue back… sort of.. he did his own ‘shtick’ with his “Get These hands” thing. Then Powerslammed Baron Corbin, his GM, three times.. Then Strowman got F5’d.

What was awkward was that they talked about Ambrose and Rollins, Cole was irate and called Ambrose selfish and cruel with his wife sat right next to him. Renee played it well, but she offered no insight as to her own feelings about it all.

Finn Balor vs Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush

Whenever Lio Rush refers to Bobby Lashley as “My man” it gives off a very different vibe to what he’s meaning.

Now this was surprising. Given that I thought old Bob was injured, this match was awesome! Balor kicked Lashley’s ass! Lio had to stop two Coup De Gras’ and got DQ’d. They then beat Balor up after. Balor could easily go to 205 Live and have a match with Lio as a one-off though! They’re both under 205 lbs.

Next the two go find Corbin and are told Lashley is going to S**di Ar***a to replace John Cena, seeing as Cena is refusing to got to Saudi, and fair play to the bloke. I wouldn’t go either. But it wasn’t explained why Cena is out of the World Cup, just that he is.

Trish Stratus, Lita, Sasha Banks, Natalya & Bayley vs Riott Squad, Alicia Fox and Mickie James

This ten women tag match was the first time in 7 years that Lita and Trish have competed on Raw. The entrance for Bayley’s team made me happy inside as they all did the Flappy Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubemen thing with her. This match was amazing, so much fun and totally feel-good! The team of Banks, Bayley, Stratus, Lita and Neidhart won after an amazing moves sequence and some seriously cool back and forth offense. Loved the stereo Twist of Fates and the Litasault. I’m still standing by what I said at Evolution, Trish can still go with the current roster. She’s still awesome! I’d recommend checking this match out and after seeing just how awesome Trish still is, I can only hope that WWE still books Trish vs Bliss for next year’s Evolution, or maybe even Wrestlemania. Because that match would be outstanding!


After Evolution, Rousey had an interview and Becky Lynch interrupted it and talked about her upcoming match with Rousey at Survivor Series. Was okay.

Elias Segment

Honestly, this next segment was absolute gold. Elias is so ridiculously over, wherever he is in the world, everyone wants to walk with Elias. Especially now he’s babyfacing it up, he cut a hilarious promo on Baron Corbin and said he wasn’t going to let him miss out on the song he wrote for him, but since he got beaten up by Strowman earlier, he’s not going to make him walk all the way out, he’ll go find him. Elias then went on a walk backstage and we followed him on his comical journey where he embarrassed Dana Brooke and acquired a large Chocolate cake, then stood outside of Corbin’s office, played possibly the funniest song he’s ever played and if this is how his push goes, I’m so ready for this. He’s gonna reach the top! Jinder Mahal attacked Elias, and then Corbin made a match between them with an immediate start. Absolutely amazing segment.

Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil and Samir Singh vs Elias

Elias picked up a pretty swift win, it was a pretty dull match, but Elias got a clean W on a Heel so I guess that’s 100% confirmation of a Babyface turn. I love it.


Kurt Angle appeared on video dripping with sweat and cuts a promo on the World Cup and Dolph Ziggler (his first round opponent) and yeah, it was a normal promo video thing. Except Kurt looked a lot more like Kurt Angle the wrestler, than Kurt Angle the terribly acted GM of Raw. Which was cool.

Gable & Roode vs AoP vs The Ascension

Was an okay match. Very quickly over for a Triple Threat. Roode got the win then AOP attacked him and Gable. That was that. I feel like they need to seriously up the ante on their Tag Division. It sucks right now.

Video Package

So, this one gave me goosebumps and made me have a little tear in my eye. All the little kids battling cancer that Roman Reigns met 6 weeks ago made him a video of their support and told him they love him and that he’s not alone. So effing beautiful!


Seth Rollins along with every single person who watches WWE wants to know what the hell happened with Ambrose last week. Again, interestingly Renee Young’s opinion on it all is to remain in silence. Does this mean she agrees with Ambrose? She’s conflicted? She and Dean see things differently? What?? I need to know!

Dean Ambrose was in the crowd but stands silent for a while and then immediately confirmed everything I’d ever thought about him. He makes the BEST Heel, his facial expressions are all you need. – Rollins said he’s gonna jump the rails and beat an answer out of him, but Ambrose just bails. Rollins told Ambrose that he will never stop and will make Dean’s life a living hell. Loved it. A little taster of what’s to come. IC Title feud incoming perhaps?

Ember Moon vs Nia Jax

Tamina distracted Nia and Ember as the match came to a close, Nia took advantage and got the win. Tamina rushed the ring and the two did absolutely nothing. Tamina just got out and went away.

Lucha House Party vs The Revival

Lucha House Party are on RAW for some reason.. I don’t get it and The Revival lost. Again. Stupid!! It was an okay match for a short little thing.

Dolph Ziggler w/ Drew McIntyre vs Apollo Crews

This match was not so surprisingly really, really good. Crews deserves more, but this was a decent match. Ziggler won with a hefty Sweet Chin Mu-Zig (should totally be his Finisher’s name.)


Brothers of Destruction are in the ring to cut a promo on DX. Same old stuff, Souls, Hell, Rest In Peace and all that. HBK’s Sweet Chin Music was planted on Taker’s face. Taker sat up and the lightning sounded, it went off air with DX walking away looking worried.


6.5/10 🌟

Not the best episode I’ve ever seen. It all seemed quite condensed and had no real story flowing through it at all. I don’t know if it’s because of the incredibly emotional RAW we had last week and this one not being as emotive or something, but something seemed really off with this episode. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see another ratings dip this week.

Match of the Night: Ten Woman Tag Match because it made me genuinely smile and it was one of the longer matches too, which was a bonus!

Annoyance of the Night: Everything to do with Crown Jewel. It’s a mockery of what the WWE is supposed to stand for in my opinion. How can you do a show about empowering women and then in less than a week be off to Saudi Arabia, a place where women have next to zero rights, to put on a show even in their media fecal storm because, y’know, their government murdered an American Journalist, lied about it, then got caught out, Trump couldn’t care less and Vince McMahon’s wife, Linda, is part of the Trump Administration! A jellyfish could see this was a bad publicity move and they haven’t even got a brain! Or eyes!

Also, no Gangrel. Again. Ugh.

Thank you all so much for stopping by again if you’re a regular reader and if you’re not then thank you for taking the time out to have a little gander, I appreciate every single one of you, please feel free to comment, like and share and make sure to Too Sweet that follow button on the Twitter machine @KayfabeToday. Peace and love to one and all! ✌🏻💚

– CB