WWE 205 Live Review 24/10/2018


This is a proud moment for any whacky fan of 205 Live. 100th episode, BAY BAY! The card is stacked and the story lines are pulsating with intrigue. I was so excited for this monumental episode of 205 Live and I was so right to be.

Lince Dorado w/ LHP vs Mike Kanellis w/ Maria Kanellis

Absolutely fantastic match between these guys. False finish after false finish, stiff punches, kicks and high impact moves and Mike and Maria really have hit the 205 audience flush. They come over really well on the Purple Brand and it’s about bloody time the WWE gave them a proper go and stopped jobbing Mike out on TV. He’s so good, his new finisher sucks ass, but still! That is something that can change. I’m pleased for the pair.


Drake Maverick announces that next week there will be a match to determine the first challenger for Buddy Murphy’s Cruiserweight Title. No idea what the match is or who’s in it, but it’s going to be great for sure!

Mustafa Ali vs Hideo Itami in a Falls Count Anywhere Match

This match was simply stunning. Given their recent history and the levels of intensity this feud has unveiled in it’s rivals it really was a phenomenal match. The heat these two have gernerated is something pure and organic and after this masterpiece, I hope they never settle their differences! Mustafa Ali got a massive win after a beautiful 450 Splash to the outside whilst Hideo was laying on a table, this one is definitely one to watch if you haven’t yet.


Just before we go off the air, Cathy Kelley goes to see Mr Maverick and we get the announcement that next week Mustafa Ali vs The Premier Athlete and the winner will be No.1 Contender for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.


8.5/10 🌟

Really good episode again this week. I loved the Main Event and the starting matches, just the waffle in between bugged me. About 15 minutes of needless promotions and advertisements. I’m all for advertising stuff, but it only takes 15 seconds to show a website and some pictures. You’ve only got an hour for these guys to do their thing, you know? But still, the two matches were off the wall.

Match of the Night: Only just edges in for MOTN, but the Main Event was insane, dangerous and downright bloody lovely to watch. It’s just nice to see Itami get to do something on a bigger stage too. I’ve been a fan of his since he was Kenta and his NXT run kept getting stopped for injuries and surgeries, leaving a nasty scar on his shoulder, then Finn Balor took his place in NXT and Itami never got it back. Until now. He’s rising up again and I can’t wait to see more of this Heel Itami run rampant through the Cruiserweights.

Annoyance of the Night: Adverts. All over the bloody place. It’s stupid and makes me want to disengage, which is not good.

Thank you all so much for stopping by again if you’re a regular reader and if you’re not then thank you for taking the time out to have a little gander, I appreciate every single one of you, please feel free to comment, like and share and make sure to Too Sweet that follow button on the Twitter machine @KayfabeToday. Peace and love to one and all! ✌🏻💚

– CB