William Regal came out to talk about the Aleister Black situation, but before he got a word in Undisputed Era made themselves known. They cut a very Heelish promo and tried to intimidate Regal by getting all up in his grill and ordered him to give Adam Cole (BAYBAY!) his North American Championship rematch right then and there, however regal retorted with a smirk that he can have his rematch in 2 weeks to give Ricochet time to recover from his match against Pete Dunne, that Adam Cole (BAYBAY!) and the Era got involved in, But he added Pete Dunne to the match to make it a triple threat match. That’ll be amazing. He also made Undisputed Era vs War Raiders for the NXT Tag Team Championships in 3 weeks.
Lars Sullivan vs Victor Orschak.. Orshick..shack..Shec.. A Jobber.
Victor what’shisface was fodder for Sullivan. He got beaten down in a scary fashion and obviously got pinned for a 3 right? Nope! EC3 returned to NXT and attacked Sullivan after Sullivan put him out for a few weeks. EC3 got the upper hand and Sullivan left up the ramp. The Top 1% is back!
The Mighty vs The Street Profits
The Mighty emerge with the Profits’ cup and chains that they stole and do dances like the Profits do. But the Profits ain’t in the mood for dancing, son. Not tonight. Shane Thorne got in Dawkins’ Face and Dawkins dropped him with a right hand. It was awesome. Great sell from Thorne too. But this match oozed athletic prowess. It was a master class in “How it’s done” in a TAG match in 2018. Flawless tag team display and a simple, yet effective story where the Heels got an upset victory on the Faces to further the feud.
Vanessa Borne vs Kairi Sane
Now I like Vanessa Borne. She had amazing entrance music, then changed it and it sucked, then changed it again to one similar to the original and it’s awesome again. I can’t help but feel a little emotional when Kairi Sane walked out. It just shows how much the Mae Young Classic can do for the female division. So many stats have been born from it and Shayna Baszler and Kairi Sane were in the first even MYC Final and both have held championship gold! I can’t wait to see what next year will be like after this MYC. Vanessa Borne and Kairi Sane had a decent match. All be it a little short. Ended with a nasty Insane Elbow. My favourite wrestler in NXT appeared though, Shayna Baszler comes out and announces something flipping amazing! She’s invoking her rematch clause! But not only that, it’s gonna be at WWE Evolution! A show that I’m so excited about that I have the honour and priveliedge of reviewing it for all of your fine eyes to view! So, major plus for me!
Tommasso Ciampa vs Otis Dozavic
Great match filled with hard shots and Ciampa took some real knocks from the Big Dozer! I love Otis, man. He’s so classic and just exudes Old School 80’s wrestling character. He put on a great offense but Ciampa would ultimately win after Otis got draped over the middle rope and had a DDT performed on him. Tucker Knight was there for support towards the end of the match too because Ciampa tried to high tail it out of the arena, which in turn made Big Otis look really strong, but Tucky was there to stop him and bring him back to the ring. Really fun match. Had a nice feel to it and hey, we should do this more often. It was nice to see a non title match against the NXT Champion and someone who, realistically and creatively speaking, shouldn’t be anywhere near the title. It was great!
A strong 8/10
Great show, I was hoping for a little more on the main storyline, but it was a phenomenal show all round anyway.
Match of the Night: The Mighty vs The Street Profits. Just a straight up classic bout between foes. I really liked all the elements they were messing with, the fun-loving duo of the Street Profits being totally stonefaced coming to the ring and The Mighty being slimy, cocky little heels just does it for me really.
Performer of the Night: Otis Dozavic. The man is a walking flashback of classic wrestlers like Macho Man, Hogan, Flair, Vader, Warrior, Rude and Hillbilly Jim. He makes me smile in a way no one else does on any roster anywhere. He’s a future star for sure!
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– CB