Kicking off the show with Drake Maverick giving us a run down of the goings on of his roster. I love these little intros 205 Live do. They give off a different vibe for doing them and they get the story parts of the programme covered in one segment which allows for more in ring action during air time. I love it!
Noam Dar vs Lio Rush
This was a match I’d been excited about for such a long time. I like both of these guys and I was sure they were about to deliver something other worldly as soon as the bell tolls. But it wasn’t the classic I’d imagined these two to have. Lio Rush won via his creepily flexible Frog Splash and it was a totally clean win too. Lio remains undefeated in this division. No idea where this one will go now. But if this is it, that kinda sucks.
Some kind of beef displaying chit chat
Buddy Murphy and Cedric Alexander have an exchange of words with Drake Maverick squished in the middle of them. Murphy said that Alexander had every advantage last time with it being in his hometown and his Mum was front row, but at Super Showdown, the tables are turned and he will walk out champion this time. Cedric just smiled at him.
“The” Brian Kendrick w/ Jack Galagher and Drew Gulak vs A Jobber
Brian Kendrick won in around 5 seconds. That’s not an exaggeration either. Kick to the face, Captain’s Hook, win. Then Gulak and Kendrick beat the poor sod up after the match too. Not really sure what this was all about..
TJP Snapchat promo thing. Let’s just call them “Videomos” from now on. So TJP videomo
He said he doesn’t care about the Lucha Libre tradition and isn’t sorry for unmasking Lince Dorado last week and next week he’s gonna make it known when he faces Kalisto. He was also wearing a Lucha style mask for the promo as he used to wear a mask on the Indies for a bit. Decent promo. I’m invested.
Mustafa Ali vs Hideo Itami
This match was unbelievable. Ridiculous moves done in here. Itami was bleeding pretty nastily from the mouth pretty early on. This match felt real. It felt gritty and shoot and was seeping with RAW viciousness and spite! I bloody loved it!
Spin kicks, Spike DDTs, Sit Out Powerbombs, Top Rope Falcon Arrows, various types of flips, acrobatics, blood, genuine aggression, “205!” chants from the audience, welts on their bodies from the hard hitting shots and a mid-air big boot to Ali on the outside was savage! This was all in one match. One match! Now, that’s how you book a feud!
This match ended in a double count Out and I’m not even mad about it. It ended as such due to Mustafa Ali deciding to hit a 450 splash onto Itami from the top rope, to the apron! Absolute madness! Both men looked hurt and this was just a straight up solid match!
205 is rarely ever bad, but this week I found myself questioning what the hell they’re doing a little bit. 2 matches that were underwhelming and one was absolutely pointless and could have featured a continuation of the LHP vs TJP storyline instead of a pointless squash. But the main event was frickin’ epic and absolutely won me over. Good ol’ 205 Live.
Match of the Night: Goes without saying really. I pretty much said it all above.
Performer of the Night: Hideo Itami. He was amazing at playing up to his Heel nature and although he lost, he was great at selling and his fluidity within the ring and outside of it was flawless and he tookgetting smacked in the mouth really well.
Well that’s that for 205 this week. Thank you so much for reading and I hope your day is a great one.
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– CB