Top 10 Pro Wrestling Matches to Show New or Non Fans!



In this video we show off our Top 10 Pro Wrestling matches to show a new or non fan! These matches were decided in part by their length, fun factor, spots, and atmosphere. Having an easy to understand backstory also helped some of these matches get put on the list. Each match had a category for type of match, and we tried our best to display a wide variety of styles and match types for a new fan to enjoy. For ease of viewing we also predominantly included WWE or NJPW.
Let us know what match you would show to a friend of yours who is not a fan, or a new fan of wrestling! Also we are open to suggestions for our next top 10 video, hope you all enjoy!
Honorable Mention: [Comedy] Extreme Rules 2014: WeeLC El Torito vs. Hornswoggle. This is only 10 minutes, and displays the fun that wrestling can be. The addition of mini commentators, and ladders was a humorous touch that you can’t help but enjoy. 10. [Legendary Moment] King of the Ring 1998: Mankind vs. Undertaker. One of the craziest spots in wrestling history with Mankind being thrown off the cell. New fans should appreciate the realness of this match. 9. [Women’s] NXT TakeOver Brooklyn: Sasha Banks vs. Bayley. This is one of the better woman’s matches ever held in WWE in front of a fiery Brooklyn crowd. Appreciation of women’s wrestling should grow after watching this bout.
8. [Crazy Indy] PWG Eleven: Young Bucks vs. Joey Ryan and Candice Larae Guerilla Warefare. Great PWG atmosphere with some memorable moments, and showcases the craziness wrestling can be. Candice bearing the crimson mask will be sure to illicit a reaction from anyone who watches this match. 7. [Intro to Strong Style] G1 Climax 28 Night Night 10: Kota Ibushi vs. Tomohiro Ishii. An action filled introduction to strong style, that clocks in at just over 16 minutes. To top it off, these are two of the top 10 workers in the world. 6. [Quick Hoss Fight] Wrestlemania 33: WWE Universal Championship Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar. Quick and to the point, this is a short match full of big moves on a grand stage. A new fan will have no trouble sitting through this, and might appreciate the ‘realness’ aspect to this match. 5. [Athletic Jr.] Best of the Super Juniors 23 Night 6: Will Ospreay vs. Ricochet. One of the most athletic matches you’ll ever see as it’s like watching a couple videogame characters. Very easy to watch clocking in at roughly 17 minutes. 4. [WWE Main Event] Royal Rumble 2017: WWE Title Match John Cena vs. AJ Styles. This match has a big fight feel to it between Cena who most people will know, and Styles who is one of the top dogs and best performers of this century. A nice intro to a modern WWE main event match. 3. [NJPW Main Event] G1 Special in the US Night 2: US Title Tournament Final Kenny Omega vs. Tomohiro Ishii. This match has a big fight feel with high stakes involved since it’s the final of the US Title tournament. This is a good introduction to a main event NJPW match, and requires less backstory than some of the other classics from the last couple years. 2. [Spectacle] Wrestlemania 18: Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock. Likely the 2 most recognizable wrestlers to casual fans, this match had one of the best crowds ever. Even though the in ring action isn’t anything to go crazy over, these 2 legends had the crowd in the palm of their hand and led to a great spectacle. 1. [Spotfest] Wrestlemania 17: TLC Match- Hardys vs. Edge and Christian vs. Dudleys. At 16 minutes this is packed from bell to bell with non-stop action and crazy spots. It also has drama and is held at WrestleMania which makes the match feel like an even bigger deal. The spear from Edge to Jeff Hardy is still replayed to this day.
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