205 Live Review 28/08/2018


205 Live. What a devastatingly undervalued feast for the eyes!

We started off with Drake Maverick talking about this evening. I was pumped!

Akira Tozawa vs The Brian Kendrick w/ Jack Gallagher 

Tozawa continues his rivalry with the two men who attacked him last week. I loved this match. It wasn’t the longest match but it was so hard hitting and actually follows a storyline worth investing in. Akira won with a brutal diving senton. He walked up the ramp afterwards and Kendrick and Gallagher looked on pretty angrily.

Video Package

Video Package was shown next where we recapped all of the matches involving the rivalry between Buddy Murphy & Kalisto as they were in the main event of the Night. Man, these two have gone at it this year!

Hideo Itami vs Jobber

This was great, again. Hideo threw some Hideous shots at the Jobber, Michael Blaze, in this one. The poor guy just about avoided death! Hideo ran down Mustafa Ali at the beginning of the match. That rivalry again, is something to watch out for! Hideo had the match won against “Michael Blaze” more than once and kept pulling him up before the three. He then repeatedly dropkicked the poor sod until Mustafa Ali made his return to save Michael Blaze & get his revenge on Itami, who had sidelined Ali for weeks! Hideo ran away, which, im assuming, is leaving this as a win on the record for my new favourite Jobber, Michael Blaze! Congratulations, mate. You beat a Japanese Wrestling Legend*.

*Via count out. But still.

Now, I noticed here that I had 20 minutes left and then Buddy Murphy made his way out with Tony Nese. “So are we getting a 20 minute classic here!?” were my thoughts and holy Hellboy, did we get just that!

Buddy Murphy w/ Tony Nese vs Kalisto w/ Lucha House Party 

Well, Toronto’s incredibly voluminous crowd chanted “this is awesome!“. This is mental! This 205’s Okada vs Omega. These two are simply magical together! The crowd fell deep into this just as they do whenever they’re together. You just need to see it. It’s like watching something out of a comic book come to life! Go watch it!

The series between these two is seriously a big cluster of the best matches I’ve seen all month. Murphy got the win with Murphy’s Law after nearly murdering Kalisto! Simply flawless. I only hope 205 gets more eyes on it because this and NXT are the best shows linked to WWE in my opinion.


9.5/10 🌟

The opener all the way through to the main event was breathtaking. Amazing performances from everyone, the creative style of 205 is unlike anything else we’ve got. It’s similar to NXT but it’s LIVE in front of thousands and constantly on tour instead of pre-taped like NXT! I love 205. I’ve been a fan since the very beginning and I’m sort of proud in a way that it’s gotten this far! But it could be better.

That’s it for this week. I’m psyched about next week’s 205 already! See ya, pals.


– CB