205 Live Review 14/08/2018



Tonight’s 205 Live is the final live televised WWE show until Summerslam. The excitement is building with each passing day in my house as my partner and I gear up for the live broadcast and Abi, my Fiancée, and I think of hilarious wrestler/wrestling related puns for the beautiful smorgasbord of a feast she prepares each year (Some returning this year are Prawn Strowman, Pork Lesnar, Cesaro’s Wings, maybe Jericho-w Mein or Undertaker’s Rest in Pizza, etc.). I am proud to announce that I will be taking on the weekly reviews of 205 Live and NXT for the foreseeable future, as well as having the privilege of reviewing NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV this Saturday! Apologies for the waffle, if youre a regular reader of my RAW reviews then you’ll be familiar with my tangential tendencies. If not, then greetings to you! I’m glad you’re here. Please enjoy my first ever crack at reviewing the critically acclaimed, severely underrated work of art that is 205 Live! Let’s begin.

This week we begin with the 205 GM, Rockstar Sp… I mean Drake Maverick. (But he’ll always be Spud to me, Dammit!) Announcing that this eve on 205 live we are going to get to see the much anticipated rematch of Lio Rush and Akira Tozawa! Oh yes. I’ll have me some of that.

Lio Rush vs Akira Tozawa 

Speaking of which, The Man of the Hour comes out and cuts a really good cocky Heel promo. He says Tozawa is going to “feel the Rush”. Tozawa is out next Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-ing and paying a not so subtle homage to Spiderman as he does every week. Firstly, Lio Rush has some next to superhuman speed, I think it every time I see him, but.. damn this kid could give Barry Allen a run for his money! (Yes! Double pun. *Self 5*) The match was really good. Super fast paced and hard hitting. Great start to the show! Lio Rush picked up the win after an incredible frog splash! Like.. seriously is this dude even human? Seeing him on YouTube over the years he’s always been impressive but seeing him on a live televised show each week is really displaying just how much of an acrobatic Speedster he is!

Video Package

Next there’s a nice little video package for Drew Gullak vs Cedric Alexander at Summerslam. Excited for that match. It could steal the show!

Hideo Itami vs Jobber.

Like a lamb to the slaughter. It’s over in a few minutes. Hideo looked great. Decent squash and Hideo attack the poor bloke after he’d been beaten. He walks away laughing. Go go Hideo!


205’s Juggernaut, Buddy Murphy, and the Premier Athlete, Tony Nese, are talking to the best GM in the WWE, Drake Maverick, and he tells them that next week they will face Lucha House Party in a Tornado Tag team match!

Gentleman Jack Gallagher vs WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander (Non title)

This match was a work of excellence. Technically sound, fluid motion, huge moves and some wince-inducing shots all rolled into this tremendously entertaining and visually impeccable main event. Cedric got the victory after some crazy strong offense and Gallagher just could kick out in the end after Cedric hit a rebound running Spanish Fly on Jacky Boi, it was the beginning of the end. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again now. 205 Live is quite possibly the most underrated wrestling show in the world and most of the people who have the privilege to watch it live just try their best to either ruin it with non-related chants (because they’re all super duper cool, not disrespectful and ignorant at all) or just ignore the show and stare at their phones, as you can see in the crowd during 205 every week. Which I just don’t understand. But this match just proves that not even a stubborn crowd can ignore such glorious athleticism and story telling! The crowd got behind this match really quickly. It makes the show so much more exhilarating when you have a good crowd behind it. I only wish certain places took enough pride in that fact and strived to make the product better with their support. Meh. Wishful thinking.

You should definitely go check this match out. It is fantastic!

Drew Gulak vs Cedric Alexander for the Cruiserweight Title at Summerslam. I can’t wait. It’s going to be an unsung classic. Like most of the 205 matches to be honest.


8.5/10 🌟

Great show. Well booked and really well built. The only thing missing from 205 Live is the King of the Cruiserweights, but after they dumped him for Enzo Amore (what an amazing choice that turned out to be) I can’t see him ever coming back. Still, the show is doing well without him. Just look at this week!

Match of the Night: Jack Gallagher vs Cedric Alexander

Performer of the Night: Lio Rush – he really surprised me with his promo skills and his in ring abilities are, dare I say it, phenomenal!

That’s about it for this week’s 205 Live. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next time! Buh-bye!

– CB