CB’s Raw Review Ramblings – 30/07/2018


Happy July finale day, guys and gals! We are entering into the 8th month of the year already! But you know what that means! August = SUMMERSLAM!!

This week’s Raw began by paying tribute to Nikolai Volkof and Brian “Grandmaster Sexay” Christopher who tragically passed away on the same day, this past Sunday. Condolences to their families. I wish you all peace and strength to get through this unbearable time.


Raw starts with a video package on Roman Reigns getting the W last week and reminding us that he’s going to Summerslam to face Lesnar, after that, Roman Reigns comes out to a fairly mixed reaction. Not for a match though, no no. He’s in his promo clothes. He just ran Brock Lesnar down. Proper dragged him through the mud, rightfully so, he wasn’t wrong in anything he said. Then, of course, The Advocate for the elusive Beast, made his presence known. He calls Roman a psycho for wanting to go for Lesnar again. He gives another “spoiler” where he said Lesnar will win and go to the UFC and become a two sport champion. Roman called out Lesnar and.. Heyman cements Lesnar as the Heel in this feud when he says Lesnar will only come out if he feels like it. Roman says he’s gonna send Lesnar back to the UFC as “Roman Reigns’ Bitch”.

Good opener. Built for an elongated story throughout the show. Yeah, it was a nice.


Ronda Rousey is back! After 30 long days of not being able to compete or even show up on RAW we finally get to see her go down to that squared circle and… stand outside the ring whilst Nattie has a match later. Riveting stuff, WWE. – bad

Finn Balor vs Constable Baron Corbin 

* before the match we see Lesnar backstage reading a magazine. Heyman comes in and basically said “mate, did you hear what that Roman bloke just said about you!” Lesnar said he didn’t hear because he doesn’t watch the show, he doesn’t care about it. Heyman, quite quickly got up a YouTube clip of it and Lesnar just smashes Heyman’s phone! Heyman looked shocked, and pissed off. I’m calling a potential double cross at Summerslam! Wouldn’t be the first time would it, Paulie? *cough* Survivor Series 2002 *cough*

Now the match kicks off and it’s okay. But, we’ve seen this match before. More than three times. In the last 2 months. Not including tag matches! I’m all for the feud, they’re great together and they seem to be elevating one another quote substantially, but.. constantly having matches with each other? No. That’s not exciting, is it, WWE?

Not a half bad match though, some really hard shots, particularly from Corbin, but just a smidge too many working holds for my liking. It picked up in places and Corbin got some real heat from the crowd. He looked happy with the loud reaction! So he should be, he’s worked damn hard! It really picked up with a reversed Coupe De Gras into a crazy 720° Deep Six for a near fall. Yeah, I enjoyed this. Corbin picked up the win after End of Days. These two work so well together, but if you keep showing it on RAW and the last PPVs then what is this building to? Another match at Summerslam?

After the match Corbin laid a beat down on Balor. Heel Corbin is Heel.


Kurt Angle finds Heyman and he said Lesnar needs to go out and address the stuff surrounding the title, he’s under contractual obligations to do so. Heyman says it’s not his problem, but then Kurt turns it on him with an old switcheroo and says if Lesnar doesn’t go out and address it, Heyman’s contract is terminated. Heyman walks off just like my Eldest boy does when I tell him to go tidy his room. Stroppy.

Video Package

Package from last week about Evolution and it gave me goosebumps. Seeing how emotional they were talking about it, man, it was amazing.


Foxy is warming up and Alexa Bliss talks to her about having hand picking her to face Nattie tonight. Foxy squeaks and does an angry cat impression. – was weird. I like weird. Foxy is great and it’s ace to see her back.

Alicia Fox w/ Alexa Bliss vs Nattie w/Ronda Rousey

Not a great match. Cameras kept cutting tk lots of awkward staring between Rousey and Bliss, too much if anything. Took away from the ladies working the match really. Nattie lost after interference from Bliss! Rousey attacks Bliss and Foxy, then they turn on her and it goes back and forth like that.


They talk about Lesnar going out there and talking. He told Heyman to get out and get him a steak and that he’s getting under his skin! He’s just asking to be double crossed now!


Elias is pure gold. Everything he does and everything he touches just works because of his delivery, timing and insane amount of charisma given his chilled persona! He cut another amazing promo. I knew the crowds of NXT were wrong about Ol’ Elias Samson. He was great then, but now.. he’s on his way to the top! I mean, he’s so over that even Fender sponsor him now! If you haven’t yet, you should go listen to his album, Walk With Elias!

He’s interrupted by Bobby Lashley when he begins to play a song he wrote about how The Rock doesn’t want any piece of Elias! Bobby Lashley actually sings with Elias.. Then Elias attacks him for being a terrible singer. They have a scuffle and Elias leaves looking hurt. – So I guess this is the new programme for Lashley. As long as they don’t job out Elias, I’m game for this!


Kevin Owens is backstage talking with Constable Corbin. He tries to get Corbin to stop Kurt getting Lesnar to the ring because Strowman could cash in his Money in the Bank contract before KO gets a chance to win it. But Corbin said Lesnar is Kurt’s problem and until Owens wins at Summerslam, the contract belongs to Braun. – Kind of a Babyface move there, Constable. That’s interesting.

Braun Strowman vs GANGREL!! Nope. Not even close. It’s Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil Singh 

Jinder was getting whooped, and then KO just shows up and takes the Money In The Bank briefcase! He tried to run away with him but Strowman got it back, but lost via Count Out as a result. – very short segment, but it’s Braun so it’s always good.


Angle is on the phone to Stephanie McMahon and she tells him something that apparently will “disappoint the fans of Raw” – I can only assume at this point it’s that he doesn’t have to come out after all – which would be pretty lame, because we all know he’s gonna come out anyway and it’s gonna be chaos! But we will get to that later!


Mike Kanellis is on TV! Doesn’t say anything, but he’s there! Zack Ryder is there too, Mojo is calling them all failures and then the GLOOOORIOUS Bobby Roode shows up and they have a scrap. Get pulled apart, but apparently the energy was radiating off of them at such an intensity that it knocked Mike Kanellis back and he tripped into a wardrobe..

Akam w/ Rezar vs Apollo Crews w/Titus Worldwiiiide

really good match. Great shows of strength and technique. Apollo is truly something special. I hope he gets his push soon. I really do. Now he’s finally better at talking, he could really go places!

Quick match, but a good match. I wanted more, so that’s a good thing! Apollo won via roll up.

Seth Rollins vs Drew McIntyre w/ Dolph Ziggler

This match has all the potential to be a classic. A glimpse into the future of the Universal Championship, these two are surely to go to war a few times, his being the first time, evidently they work exceptionally well together because WOW! This match was truly something else! Just go watch it. It’s PPV quality! Shame about the finish, but it worked after! Dolph ended up getting Involved and causing the DQ.


Kurt Angle goes and tells Reigns that he has to have him removed from the building due to Lesnar being there. He walks out with security, uppercuts Constable Corbin, and just keeps walking. It was pretty funny.


B Team came out to a big pop! They’re asked by Charlie Carusso how they feel, they thank the fans and talk about the Deleters of Worlds. Then, obviously you know what happens. The Deleters appear in the ring after a blackout – Woken Matt talks about the B Team’s success being a “Cosmic anomaly” and that they will be deleted. The fans are deleting with them and it’s just great to see them so over! Then.. SAY YEAH! The Revival interrupt and this begins the rumoured Triple Threat Tag Team match for the Tag Titles I guess.

Deleters of Worlds vs The Revival

The Revival had a great showing! Finally they’re not being jobbed out. They picked up the win over The Deleters! Clean too!


Rollins gets a two on one beat down by Ziggler and McIntyre and it’s times like this I’m reminded of how much I miss Dean Ambrose.

Riott Squad vs Sasha Banks and Bayley

Banks and Bayley work well as usual, they’re even dressed in the same colours tonight. There’s some nice offense in there this time too. I wonder if this is going to go towards the much rumoured TAG division for the Women’s Division, which is fine and I want to see that with an expanded division but… MAN! I just want these two to kick the living hell out of eachother eachother already!! There’s only 3 weeks left until Summerslam! Not long to build!


Heyman explains to Lesnar that if Brock doesn’t go out there tonight then he’s fired and asked him as a friend to go out there for a minute, Lesnar gets up and grabs Heyman he says they’re not friends. Heyman just works for him. Brock tells him to leave and go to the ring to do his job. – shocking scene to be fair!

Heyman sheepishly heads out the ring to meet find Angle and Corbin. He couldn’t get Lesnar to come out, the crowd sings goodbye to Paul. Angle gets pissed off that Heyman couldn’t do it – Paul Heyman is totally losing it on Brock, out of . He said he doesn’t care, doesn’t care about management or the fans. Heyman’s trying to weasel his way into keeping his job. Just as Heyman gets fired, Lesnar showed up. Fully Heel. He takes the Mic and asks Angle if he has a problem with him, then F5’s Angle! He and Heyman stand over him laughing, Lesnar grabs Heyman by the face and tries to choke him out. No body shows to help. Brock gets away with it and walks away.



This week’s Raw was actually fantastic in some areas, but lacking hugely in others. Lots of talking and not a lot of action but if this is how they fit in narrative for the upcoming storylines, then so be it. But it felt like there was very little in the way of wrestling going on. Drew vs Seth was Great! Balor and Corbin was awesome! I just wish there was a bit more to the matches is all. Still, I liked the show, it was good! Just not the quality you’d expect this close to Summerslam!

  1. Let me know what you thought of this week’s Raw and don’t forget to come Too Sweet the likes and shares and follows and also I have a new Twitter @DriftAway93, also go follow @KayfabeToday for all the latest news, rumours and articles.