
This week’s Raw begins with something truly beautiful. I don’t know how else to phrase it. Vince McMahon was in the ring, superstars from Raw, SmackDown, 205 Live and even Nikki Cross (No official call up announced yet, but hopefully she’s put with SAnitY on SDL) who I presume was there representing the NXT Women’s Division. Vince then introduced HHH and Stephanie McMahon, when they got to the ring they commenced their announcement. Triple H talks about the bond created when in a match with someone, he mentions putting your trust in someone to that level is inexplicable and the bonds shared in the locker room today is unlike any he’s ever seen before. He sort of broke the 4th wall here in a sense, because he was talking about and referencing the performance side of it. It was weird, but really cool. He then asks all the women to step forward on the ramp and told them all how much support they have from the male superstars standing behind them. He and Steph talk about how we, The WWE Universe, have supported them and began the whole women’s revolution with the hashtag #GiveDivasAChance that trended worldwide for 3 whole days, from that sparked a revolution across the industry. It lead to the first ever Women’s Main Event on a weekly show and PPV, a Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, Hell In A Cell, Iron Man.. HHH the management have stood in awe of all the Division has achieved, “some with a tear in their eyes”. That’s when it was announced that on Sunday the 28th of October, the WWE will be hosting the first ever ALL WOMEN’S PAY-PER-VIEW! It is titled “Evolution” and will feature Female Superstars from “Then, Now and Forever”, the Raw, SmackDown and NXT Women’s Championships will all be defended as well as the finals of the 2018 Mae Young Classic! This moment legitimately had me with a tear in my eye. It was in this moment I realised just how proud I am to be a fan of the WWE. I loved this segment! It’s not often WWE makes you tear up.


The B Team had a good little segment where Bo says if he ever let’s Axel down then he’s sorry and Axel says there’s no other tag team partner for him, they’re the B Team and the B stands for, not best.. but “Brothers” and Bo then hugs him and says “The Brother I never had!” Which is obviously a nod to he and Bray Wyatt being real life Brothers. Made me laugh. They then went to go to the ring but forgot their titles. So went back for them. I love these two. They’re just Funtastic. Yup. I said it. FUNtastic.

The Deleters of Worlds vs The B Team for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships

Elias strums his somewhat signature upstroked Em chord and introduces himself as only The Drifter can. Only to then be interrupted by the Woken Ones, Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt for their match. Elias’ album came out yesterday by the way. It’s on Spotify and it’s got 4 or 5 songs on it and it’s just great. It’s beautiful. You should go check it out if you haven’t already!

Now then the match was really short and The Deleters destroyed the B Team, the finish saw Hardy execute a gorgeous Twist of Fate on Axel, pin was then stopped by Bo, then Wyatt tried to attack Bo but he sidestepped it and Wyatt hits Hardy by accident causing Curtis Axel to get the win via a Crucifix Pin. Boo. This match deserved more. Hardy and Wyatt applaud the B Team.. Then hit a Twist of Fate and a Sister Abigail on them! I feel this could be a potential Heel turn.. if so.. awesome because Broken Matt was a Heel first and he was, uh.. how do I put It?.. Wonderful!


Finn Balor and Chad Gable are backstage discussing the announcement of Evolution earlier and then a few crew members walk past them with Balor’s bags and his jacket. Balor stops them and, quite rightly I think, asks what the hell is going on. They tell him Constable Corbin has asked them to move Balor to his own locker room. They show him where it is and.. well.. good old Baron left the Constabulary early, nipped to Argos and got Finn his very own playhouse. Not too different from the one my boys have in the garden. It made me smile. Finn says he’s always wanted his own Fun House and this annoys Corbin and he makes a match between Balor and Drew McIntyre for tonight.


Speaking of annoying. Bayley and Sasha are best buds again this week after Sasha exclaimed her love for Bayley last week. Now something happened here. Sasha says she knows Bayley feels the same way she does, but Bayley, subtly and quickly, shuts that down by rushing Sasha off for their match. Which seemed odd to me. Maybe it’ll be a Heel Bayley!? It’s definitely about to explode!

Bayley and Sasha Banks vs Jobbers

Bayley and Sasha look good as a team and make quick work of the Jobbers. Then Banks and Bayley celebrated, hugged and laughed and smiled. Nothing else happened. I hated it. Boo. All the boos.


Elias strums the Em chord one more time and he announces his debut album is available right now. He slides his hand up the guitar strings and then BRAAAAAAUUUUN. Naturally, Elias backs away. Quickly. Braun cuts a promo on the Women’s PPV and says he wanted to take the time to come out and congratulate the Women, which was nice and pleasant, then he said it doesn’t matter if Roman or Lashley win tonight or if either they or Lesnar win at Summerslam, because he has the Money in the Bank briefcase. He gets a huge pop from the Cincinnati crowd and then Kevin Owens interrupts him. He calls him callous and says Braun deserves nothing after what he did to him. He starts screaming and shouting and all sorts. He says he wanted to be friends with Braun because his son wanted to be Tag Champs with Braun like Nicholas. But says Braun crushed his dream and his belief in his dad. KO tells Braun he will take everything away from him just like he did him. Now Constable Corbin is out and says Steph sent him out to personally do something to help Braun control his temper. So.. he sends out Jinder Mahal to the slaughter. Jinder tries to calm him with his ‘Shaaaanty’. Braun destroys him and Sunil Singh. This ends the segment. Not much to say on this really.. Braun is going to cash in at Summerslam. I can feel it. Oh and I like Jinder’s new shtick! It’s actually pretty funny!

Natalya vs Mickie James w/ Alexa Bliss

The show takes a pretty big dip here. This was such a quick match. Less than 4 minutes. Barely even worth the TV time. Nattie lost after a distraction from Alexa Bliss. She knocked Alexa down, got back in, ate a kick from Mickie James and that was that. Nothing else happened after. On the plus side, Ronda Rousey’s ‘suspension’ (basically time off so she can go dive with Mako sharks and finish filming a movie. Things she had planned prior to her signing with WWE. Fair enough. You go, girl!) Is up next week! So this should spice up substantially next week. But this week, lil‘ bit of a downer.


Roman Reigns says he is the most decorated champion of this generation. Which is true. He cuts a very good chaotic neutral promo. I’m feeling pretty excited for the main event this evening!


AOP issue and open challenge (to anyone except Titus Worldwide) Titus Worldwide come out anyway. Titus says they’re two of the youngest on the roster and have a lot to learn. They make a joke about Titus falling over at the GRR (which myself and my Fiancée, Abi, replayed roughly 1,457,602 times because it was comedy gold). Apollo tells them to show him some respect and explains that he could see why Titus won the Father of the Year award as soon as he teamed with him, he made sure Apollo’s kids were fed, he helped with merchandising and all sort of lovely things. Then AOP tell Titus to retire. So Titus and Apollo whip their asses. It was pretty good! One thing I could note immediately is that Apollo Crews has gotten miles and miles better on the Mic! Fair play!


Kurt Angle and Steph McMahon are talking as she’s getting into a limo. He says he’s proud to be the GM of RAW after tonight’s announcement. Steph looks like she’s gonna threaten his job again, but then Constable Baron Corbin and KO interrupt them and ask what to do about Strowman. They say the attempt at calming him failed and KO asks for another match with Braun at Summerslam and no matter how Braun loses, KO gets the briefcase. So if Braun were to be counted out, DQ’d or the match stopped, he’d still lose the MiTB briefcase. He gets his match. That could be really, really good.

Tyler Breeze vs Mojo Rawley (I mean, I like both of these chaps, but seriously? Another rematch for Mojo?)

Pretty much a squash. Mojo won. Was okay. A little sloppy. But, most importantly, what did I say??? What did I bloody say last week!? He should change his Alabama Slam to a sit-out version and he’s only bloody done it! Looked great too! Thanks for reading, Mojo. Appreciate the support! Bobby Roode appeared on-screen and talked some trash towards Rawley but I think he messed up his lines. It ended really awkwardly. I’m guessing Roode and Rawley are going to have a mini feud? Maybe a massive one, but I doubt it.


Elias strums an Em.. again. Now his guitar is going out of tune. He should probably see to that. Cole says that Elias’ Album is currently no.12 on the Spotify ‘most listened to!’ Then Finn Balor enters for his match, interrupting him again.

Drew McIntyre w/ Dolph Ziggler vs Finn Balor

Let me just start this off by saying I love Ziggler and McIntyre. They’re great! McIntyre is going to the tippy top of the WWE mountain. Ziggler stops a Coupe De Gras and gets McIntyre disqualified. The two beat Balor down and then they’re trumped on their beat down by a BURN IT DOWN!! Rollins legs it out to make the save. Now then my friends, what on earth is going to happen!? I racked my brain and just couldn’t find any possible outcome here until good old Kurt Angle comes out and, the genius does something no one has ever done before in this scenario.. he makes… wait for it… aaaaa…. TAG TEAM MATCH! (Playa). Blew my mind to smithereens, Angle. Smithereens I tells ye.

Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler vs Finn Balor and Seth Freakin‘ Rollins

Balor was sporting a gnarly looking bruise to his shoulder in this match. I hope he’s okay! This match was, as expected, really good! The back and forth was hard-hitting. It was brutal in places! Some huge moves. These guys know how to get a crowd going! Every man sold really well and hit really hard. Rollins got the win for his Team after a Stomp on Zigglypuff. Rollins vs Balor vs Dolph at Summerslam?

Ember Moon vs Liv Morgan (for the 3rd time in a month)

They actually had a decent showing this week. A little longer but still not long enough.  Ember hits an Eclipse and it was flawless as always. It’s over. 1, 2, 3. She has beaten Liv every time they’ve faced one another. No surprises here.


Seth Rollins has an interview and revealed that he’s got a match for Summerslam. IC Title, Rollins vs Ziggler III. I can’t wait! Hopefully they have a far more deserving crowd this time! The crowd for the Iron Man Match was just disgraceful.

Bobby Lashley vs Roman Reigns the winner to face Brock Lesnar at Summerslam!

Michael Cole talks about this and says it’s to find out who is the “biggest dog in the yard” – Now, I know it’s the “cool thing” to boo Roman Reigns, I get it. I booed him for years too. Until Summerslam last year in fact. To me, he’s earned his stripes now. He’s paid his dues. He’s not been a champion for a long time and he’s been smashing it on the areas he needed to improve on, even taking losses to put guys over. In doing all of that and adopting an “I don’t care who you are, I’ll run you down to get what I want” mentality, he won me over. I am now a proud fan of his. Plus, no matter what anyone says, he is the Big Dog. He earned his place in the yard when he became one of only two people to defeat The Undertaker at WrestleMania. The other one isn’t Roberto Lashley. Mr. Lashley hasn’t earned shiitake mushrooms! Maybe in iMPACT Wrestling, but he gave up on WWE years ago. Meh. That’s just my take.

Elias is out again and is interrupted by Kurt Angle. Angle says he’s gonna let him sing his song. Elias plays a verse and then says the vibes are wrong and doesn’t want to play for Cincinnati. Then enters Lashley. Just when I thought I couldn’t dislike him any more.

The match itself was really good. Not as good as their PPV match, but good. Two goliaths of the mat going at it led to many false finishes and hard hits. I thought Lashley had it won at one point but Roman Reigns picks up the victory with a massive spear and will be heading to Summerslam to face Brock Lesnar for the Universal Title.. Again. It’s a match I can actually be excited for. The story is already there. Their feud has lasted years and I think either way we will finally have a new Universal Champion at Summerslam.


7/10 🌟

Raw was really good this week. A fair few bits that had me frustrated, but ultimately it was good. I find myself missing Dean Ambrose more and more each week. I can’t wait for his return.

The announcement at the beginning brought emotion forward in me and I’m sure in you too. I’m so, so psyched for Evolution! The ladies deserve this.

Well until next week! Peace and love, as always! Too Sweet the likes and shares button or cut a promo in the comments below. Have a lovely week, folks! Follow us at @KAYFABEToday to keep up to date witg all of our goings on!