Raw is in Buffalo this week and usually whenever they’re in New York, the crowds are mental! It’s the night after Extreme Rules and unlike a lot of people, I really enjoyed Extreme Rules, I thought it was full of really great matches and outcomes. The narrative and general direction was brilliant too! But we aren’t here to chat about that show. No no. We are here to chat about the longest running weekly episodic television show in TV History, WWE Monday Night Raw! So, Raw began with Raw GM Kurt Angle in the ring and opening with the whole Lesnar being stripped of the Universal Title this evening, that was until Paulie Heyman came out and weaselled out of it in true Heyman Hustle style. He caved and told Angle that Lesnar would defend his championship at Summer Slam and that it doesn’t matter who it’s against because his client, BRRROCK LLLLESNAR, will still emerge victorious. That was Lashley’s time to interrupt apparently as he came down and staked the claim to the title opportunity, then Drew McIntyre came down and did the same (got a big “Yes” chant too, which was nice to see) then Rollins came out to stake his claim and stare down McIntyre for screwing him out of the title last night, then Elias arrived and said he’s a good candidate for the role of Universal Champion. Finn Balor next and he said that the 1st ever Universal Champion deserves a shot and then Roman Reigns is out now. It was very clear he wanted Lesnar for the 186th time but be told Angle he just wants to fight someone. Angle says there will be two Triple Threat matches and whoever wins will face eachother next week and the winner of that match will face Lesnar at Summer Slam. Mental. I loved this though as it legitimately felt like something I would create on WWE 2K.
Angle is walking backstage and Constable Corbin asks him what he’s playing at, he didn’t get authorisation to make the matches, which being a GM he doesn’t actually need, and he’s got himself in a tizz over not being considered for either triple threat match but Balor was. Angle just said that he felt Corbin didn’t deserve it and walked off. I liked this, even if I do feel Corbin does actually deserve it a little bit. The tension seems to be rising between Corbin and Angle and I think the two may actually have a match at Summerslam. I’m calling it right now.
Triple Threat #1 Finn Balor vs Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre
This was a good match that had a really good crowd behind it. McIntyre looked really strong in this match too which was great! There was this one spot where McIntyre hit a Somersault Plancha over the top rope! Was insane! Balor looked super strong too. He was whoopin’ Roman Reigns’ ass all match pretty much! That was until McIntyre brought a chair into the mix, which is totally legal in a triple threat and was an awesome addition to what was already a kickass battle! This match felt like it really meant something to the guys in it. I was invested. Like, really invested. McIntyre has only been on the main roster for a short while and I know this is his second run with WWE, even though his initial run wasn’t that prominent, but the dude seriously look a like he belongs in the main event. He looks like a million quid! That chair came back to haunt the Scotsman because Balor literally destroyed both men with it. He looked amazing in this match. Sadly though, it was the most predictable finish with Roman Reigns pinning Balor after a spear. Great, great match though!
Bayley is in Kurt Angle’s office where she tells him the counselling didn’t work. But this all makes sense in terms of the Summerslam build that they’re obviously going to do but the GM then goes on to say that two ladies are going to team up tonight (why!?!?), Bayley pretty much tells him that it was a stupid call then Angle says that if they can’t get along then one of them is getting traded to SmackDown Live! What the hell!? He literally says “on Raw we settle it in the ring” DURING this segment. Yet, if they can’t get along they’re gonna get separated like two naughty little kids in a classroom!? Just ludicrous. Backwards and stupid. Just pull the F… blimmin’ trigger already!
Dolph Ziggler comes out then and cuts a really decent Heel promo! He mentioned that the IC Title main evented a WWE PPV for the first time on 17 years. But says it had nothing to do with Rollins. He gave Rollins props for elevating the championship and told a few jokes, but was then interrupted by the Glorious One, Bobby Roode. He comes out and says he should be giving props to McIntyre for winning the title for him. Roode then says watching from the sidelines sucked and that he’s challenging Ziggler for the title right now! Ziggler says he can have a match, but not for the title. Which is a bit annoying, but Heel Ziggy gets away with it for me.
Bobby Roode vs Dolph Ziggler (Non Title Match)
The match was a standard Babyface vs Heel match. Nothing spectacular but at least it’s something new. I am concerned that Bobby Roode is going to be stuck in the mid card for his whole career. His moveset is a little stale though, so maybe if he changed it up a smidge it’d work out better? I guess I was wrong about him turning Heel. But I feel that could push him to the top of the WWE mountain. Ziggler won via a Superkick. That was that. It was okay. Wasn’t horrible, but wasn’t fantastic.
Lashley cuts a pointless, 3 line promo on Brock Lesnar.
Mojo mocks Bobby Roode to his face for losing. Maybe a walkway into the Heel turn? *crosses fingers and prays to the wrestling Gods*
Tyler Breeze vs Mojo Rawley
Mojo’s music is a total banger. I say it every week. It’s a great track. Mojo squashed Breeze. Awesome combo to get the win too. A crazy Pounce that turned Breeze inside out twice in mid air, into a “Lights Out” running forearm smash into the corner immediately into a beautiful Alabama Slamma! I cant help but feel that if he turned it into a sit-out version it’d make it look more modern/original, although I love the homage to Hardcore Holly and Mojo smashes the move to be fair. So yeah, 2 thumbs up for Mojo this week!
Dana Brooke and Alicia Fox vs Bayley and Sasha Banks
Dana and Alicia got the Jobber treatment where we don’t even see them enter, which I’m sure was lovely for Foxy who’s been sidelined with an injury for the past 6 months and just returned. As far as the match goes it was a bit flimsy, it doesn’t need to be drawn out like this. Dana took a nasty bump to her back off the side of the ring to the floor though! Like.. She hit so hard she physically bounced off of the ground! Bayley got attacked by Foxy and Banks made the save. It ended in a double countout and Sasha just walked to the back after. Bayley was left out there looking wounded. Emotionally and physically.
Bayley then follows her to the back and does her usual “What was that about, Sasha?“. Sasha lists a bunch of stuff she loves about Bayley and says she still “doesn’t get it”. She tells Bayley she loves her and she always will. Then walks away. Not sure if that’s platonic or romantic though… Bayley smiles to end the segment. This was so underwhelming and disappointing I could almost scream at the TV. What the hell are the WWE creative doing!? This feud has so many legs to run it could give The Flash a run for his money! It’d be such a humongous waste if they seriously just revert back to this BFF4L rhubarb between these two. But I feel like it’s a work. It has to be. This feud will steal the show every week and the Women’s Division on RAW is on FIRE right now. This is gonna happen. I can feel it in my bones. Just a matter of when.
B Team vs The Ascension
B Team won in about 5 minutes. They actually look great with their new belts and I’m pleased they’re going forward with their momentum. That almost never happens! At the end though, the Deleters of Worlds appear on the tron and accuse the B Team of committing Cosmic Crimes and announced that next week they will invoke their rematch clause and reclaim what is theirs. The B Team however will be deleted forever! Delete! Delete! Delete! Delete!, etc.
Alexa Bliss and Mickie James are out next to talk about Rousey. Then who shows up in the crowd?… Yep! Gangrel!! Nope. Again. It’s NEVER Gangrel. It was in fact Ronda Rousey! Alexa wraps it up and tries to leave. But Ronda attacks them both. She tries to break their arms. Kurt comes out to stop it and Corbin is out to say she needs a bigger suspension. So Kurt gives her another week on too, Corbin says he’s telling on Kurt to Stephanie McMahon, but Kurt took his phone, which was pretty funny. He also then made Ronda Rousey vs Alexa Bliss for the Raw Women’s Championship at Summerslam. Which is gonna be epic!
Seth says he’s gonna win his triple threat. He says he will go through Reigns if he needs to and he will win the Universal Championship. Nice little thoughts out loud segment.
AOP vs Titus Worldwide
Just a beat down on the latter really. AOP destroyed both Titus and Apollo. Last Chapter finished it off again. Meh. Wasn’t awful, but nothing to take the spotlight.
Riott Squad are walking backstage but get cut off by No Way José and his Boogie Buddies. They shout at them and carry on walking. Weird. But, y’know.. No Way José.
Sarah Logan w/ Liv Morgan vs Ember Moon
I like all of the women in this match. So I figured it’d be good. It did not disappoint until the very end. The match felt a bit more hardly fought than the two with Liv Morgan and Ember Moon, this one was a lot more ‘Strong Style’, but the finish was poor. Ember went into Super Sayan mode and nearly decapitated both Logan and Morgan, she hits a beautiful Heat Seeking Missile Suicide Dive and then goes for the Eclipse, but is distracted by Morgan, takes the tiniest bump off the ropes and got pinned. They could have given Sarah a decent win at least after the distraction. Riott Squad are a weird one. I like them, but not so much the gimmicks and weird backstage antics, but I absolutely love the new Viking Barbarian look that Logan is going for now with the warpaint across the one eye, the middle of her lips and her dreadlocks and wraps and stuff. She says she’s got deep Irish roots and that putting on War Paint allows the Gods to favour her in battle. Which I think is a great gimmick she can really run given the chance in the future. Riott Squad need more of that stuff. Have Liv play up to the crazy girl thing, Ruby play up yo the chaotic punk attitude she has and Sarah go the distance with her new thing and BOOM! Revamped awesome stable rich in-depth and intrigue!
Elias vs Seth Rollins vs Bobby Lashley
Elias is just awesome. The beginning is one of his songs about Bufallo and the dude just oozes charisma. Plus, his debut album drops soon and I am psyched! Rollins interrupts him and enters, Lashley follows. The match was really good. All the guys pushed through and reallt fought like they meant it. Awesome sequences and spots and combos galore! Rollins is an absolute machine! Less than 24 hours after his Iron Man Match and he performs at this level. Absolutely breathtaking. He’s easily the best thing going in WWE right now. Sadly though, Bobby Lashley hit a spear on Elias and got the 3 count.. so 8 days after their match at the Pay Per View, we are going to see Roman Reigns vs Bobby Lashley again, a match that was proposed by both men over 4 weeks ago and Angle said no, but they can be in the “multi man match” that never happened. Weird booking and I don’t feel anywhere near excited for this match as I would, say, Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins or Finn Balor vs Seth Rollins with Balor going over for poetic justice’s sake. I’m just sat here wondering why we put on 2 amazing Triple Threat matches and have the two Superstars in each match who didn’t win, not only look stronger and have more displayed desire to win, but also have the two guys that won be the two guys who literally JUST faced each other at Extreme Rules the night before. I mean, I can’t be the only one in the WWE Universe thinking “what a waste of an opportunity!“, right? Still, at least we know they can put on a great match. I’ll remain on the fence for now.
This week’s Raw was really, really good! I loved almost every segment, I couldn’t complain about match quality, only the finishes, I couldn’t complain about the matchups themselves at all, the promos were good and even the Riott Squad refrained from their schoolyard bully mentality and super cringe worthy antics this week! Ticked all the boxes I think. Other than where they’re taking the stories for the future. Which is why I dropped the 1.5 but I felt it was just so good and I loved the booking for the women this week hence the extra .5
the Bayley and Sasha stuff is annoying, but.. I feel it could be a work. This whole nicey nicey stuff just doesn’t work PLUS it’s Summerslam season so there will be some curve balls and twists coming.
So yeah. 8.5/10. I thought this was a bloody good episode of RAW! Best I’ve seen, in ring wise, in a long while. No KO though but since Braun killed him the night before, so I guess that makes sense. Also, just a quick shout out of love for the Buffalo crowd this evening. Full of passion and support. Lots of cheers and boos. Packed with proper wrestling fans who wanted to soak in the action. Like night and day compared to the Pittsburgh crowd from Extreme Rules. That was the most disrespectful crowd I’ve ever seen and they caused me to disconnect from the main event and find it hard to keep up with. It’s not cool. It’s not funny. It’s disrespectful and just ruins it for the people who actually are fans of the art and want to enjoy it properly.
Thanks so much for reading, you beautiful lot. It means so much to me to have your support each week. Go check out @KayfabeToday with your peepers if you want and as always Too Sweet the like and follow buttons, Superkick the share button, and if you can, cut a promo down in the comments!
Peace and Love.