By Ciaran James@TheCiaranJames

With the recent WWE Superstar Shake-Up many superstars now have a new chapter to write, however 7 hours of WWE wrestling still exists each week, GASP! It’s a slog getting through all of it, so sit back, relax and enjoy the best bits as I filter through the garbage and deliver the best of what WWE has to offer


Team B with potential

Roman, takes Jim’s advice, Don’t Be A Dick!

Seth shinning again

Project Code Name: Get Roman Over……FAIL


Cass has lots to learn

Mella upset

Tranquilo WWE Universe, he’s here

The match we all wanted to see


The UK invades 205Live



The heel of heels

A Ricochet Dream, Perfection

Strong Style

*NEW* Special highlight of the Week

Joe’s Gonna Kill You

WWE UK Championship Tournament Roster Reveal

Lorcan & Burch getting their chance