Ciaran James@TheCiaranJames
An Interview with Dick Riley@DickRileyPro
For those who may not know you (shockingly) please introduce yourself? My name is Dick Riley. Professional wrestler from the South West, I’ve been wrestling for 8 years now. My character is a fun, exciting ladies’ man, in lack of a better term. I wrestle a high-flying style, because that’s the style I grew up idolising, from watching WCW cruiser-weights & a lot of ECW.
You made your debut in 2009, talk to us about the experience. How were you feeling before and after? It was for a holiday camp show in Burnam on Sea. I was bricking it, I think I only found out about one day before. Another lad at our training school got the nod, but he pulled out. I was wrestling our head trainer (Joel Redman) so I was even more nervous. But it went decent enough for the level I was at, I definitely got the buzz for it afterwards.
How did you take to the wrestling business, did you have any second thoughts early on? In my era of coming through, if you messed up in matches, you got battered for it. And there’s definitely a few times you think about throwing in the towel. But I was really driven to make it, so I never stopped. It definitely educates you to not make mistakes, It also used to be about socialising with the guys too. We would go for beers after shows, and that was just as important as being good at wrestling. But I’m a social person. So that was easy for me.

What are your best memories from your first few years in the business? I worked at Thorpe Park for FWA for 3 days. We would just wrestle at allocated slots, the rest of the time we had fast track, so we’d jump the cue to the rides. Doing that with some of my best mates in wrestling was class.
In November 2012 you formed ‘The Magnums’ with Filthy Chris Walker, how did the two of you come together and what inspired the gimmick? We were randomly booked on a Pro EVW Show, as heels (I’d never worked heel before). I was doing Movmeber and Chris had these horrid mutton chops, big slug style. I was like, let’s be a couple of Joey Ryan’s, and that was it. The name came from Magnum P. I.
As The Magnums you wrestled all over the South West in many promotions, how did working as a tag team differ from singles competition, and is it something you’d return to in the future? I love tag team wrestling, it allows you be more inventive in different ways, easy for your body too. I’m really enjoying my singles run at the moment, I’m having some of the best matches I’ve ever had. But never say never, we recently worked 5 Star wrestling as a tag, and that match was great fun.

In January 2017, you returned to singles competition (in ProWrestling Chaos), why the change and do you think you will achieve more on your own? I was working singles in UPW for the whole time I was doing Magnums. I also was having a string of MOTN matches for Kamikaze Pro, in singles matches too during the tag period. But Chris decided to take a break from wrestling, and the Chaos boys always wanted to use me as a singles competitor, so it all fell into place. I’ve known Nick, Dave & Rob (Owners of ProWrestlingChaos) for years, they know I like to work that ‘indy’ style, so it worked for everyone. I think it’s worked so well for me, due to wrestling evolving, being more about wrestling. I’ve been having these kinds of matches with Joel Redman for years, but we were doing them before our time. But now they give you success.
You quickly gained success by capturing the UPW title, what was it like to represent the company and what are your best memories? Ahhh I love UPW. They were the first real company to take a chance on me. As soon as they turned me face, I could show my flashy side. I was heel there (UPW) for so long, as a heel, I feel like I shouldn’t be doing flashy things, I would have got over. So soon as I switched, I could let the lid off. I’ve had some great matches there, and still am. It’s a great place with a great vibe.
Pro Wrestling Chaos also began pushing you and featuring you heavily at all events, did it feel like the company were behind you? Yeah 100%. I think After I wrestled matches against Charlie Sterling & Speedball, the fans and Dave realised I was a good wrestler, and I just seemed to grow from show to show then.

Over the last 18 months you’ve performed consistently at a very high level, do you feel as if you’ve improved in the ring and had to step up your game? Yes definitely. I often go down to DWA, where I learned to wrestle originally and keep sharp, learn new moves and tricks. I have like 3/4 moves (like the Dick Dastardly) I invented myself. So I would go down there and get them 100% right.
Chaos had you face some of the most well-known and talented performers in the world, although you were defeated they were close fought contests. Who was the most challenging and what did you take from those matches? Every person I wrestle I learn something, even if it’s a little. Everybody near enough works different, looks at things differently. So, when you wrestle an ‘import’, it’s good to see how they perceive things. Speedball (Mike ‘”SpeedBall” Bailey) match was really challenging, and also one of my favourites ever. So fast paced, and of course the Osprey match, I learnt an abundance from that match.
In all of your matches, you showed great versatility and skill, especially against Will Ospreay. Do you desire to work overseas and where do you think your style fits? Man, I’d love to work overseas, I believe I can work any style. We were taught chain/Mat wrestling every session in training, it was a huge part of our training system. My trainers were Joel Redman & UK Dominator, so we got taught nearly every style of wrestling. Dom is heavy character and showmanship, Joel was intense mat wrestling.

Your match in January (2018) against Will Ospreay attracted lots of recognition, what did the match do for you? Taught me hell of a lot, It’s the little things you almost don’t think about, it opened my eyes more. It’s up there with one of the best I’ve ever had too. It’s nice to know you can go with someone who’s on top of their game.
You’ve also dipped in and out of ATTACK Pro, what has that experience been like and would you like to feature there more prominently? I love Attack! Great locker room, great fans, I really feel I fit in there. They love wrestling there, great matches, and great characters. And that’s what I love in wrestling. I wrestled there last Sunday (08.04.2018) in Walkabout Cardiff and tore the house down with El Phantasmo, getting my first win there. Yeah I’d love to be back there, so we will see for sure.
As Dick Riley, you have gained huge popularity. What is it about the character that you think the audience connects with? Dick is not far from how I am in real life, I like to have a laugh, and I think that comes across in my persona. Dave (Mercy) said to me, the Dick Riley character, is not a gimmick anymore, it’s you being you. I think people connect with that. Exciting Wrestling definitely helps too, and being called Dick haha. Where else can you get away with the wonderful Dick chants?!

In late 2017 you received a WWE try-out, talk to us about that experience, what was it like? It was a bucket list moment for me. One of my goals I set myself was to have a try out, to see if I could do it, which I did. Experience was hard, but great. It’s a full day from 7:30am till 11pm at night, non stop for 3 days. But I learnt so much. I also got to do it with one of my best mates Iestyn Rees, so made it great for both of us to be doing together.
On April 28th (@ProWrestlingChaos) you were scheduled to face current King of Chaos Matt Riddle, unfortunately on April 12th Riddle pulled out. As someone who has worked hard to achieve a title shot, what do you think should happen? That’s a great question. Whatever is best for the product is best with me, I’m happy wrestling anyone, and then trying to have that match be the best it can be. But obviously I would have loved to have faced Riddle for the belt, would’ve been a bucket list match for me.
What have been some of your best memories of your career so far? It’s hard to put into words my best memories, because there have been so so many!! List is massive. So many countless great road trips, moments, matches, lash ups. Last year, I had some of the best matches of my career for definite. My matches with Speedball and Ospreay are easily in my top 5 matches ever.

And finally, how would you like to end 2018, have you set yourself goals? I think WWE is a goal for every wrestler, no better place to showcase your craft. But I’d love to also work for Progress and ICW, I’m a huge fan of their products. And also keep improving and trying to have the best matches I can.
A special thanks to Dick Riley for giving up his spare time to talk to us, you can follow him on social media @DickRileyPro
Thank you to Jim Maitland @TurningFace for the pictures used.
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