WWE Round-Up 6th April 2018 – WrestleMania Special


By Ciaran James@TheCiaranJames

I for one find keeping up with weekly WWE programming very exhausting. Between RAW, SD, 205Live & NXT there is 7 hours of programming, and that’s before you even go through what the Network has to offer. I have decided to consolidate the best moments from each show into a weekly highlight round up, I’m ignoring the bad and just focusing and the best bits. Enjoy.


Steph standing tall

Was that necessary Roman?

Undertaker no show!

Rollins/Balor one more time

Are you ready for Wrestlemania?


Bryan & Shane reconcile before Mania

Styles & Nakamura speak

The Kevin and Sami Show


High Stakes at Wrestlemania


Big men wrestling

Dusty Classic final, or is it?

*NEW* Special highlight of the Week

Wrestlemania build up, Daniel Bryan

Andrade Almas sends out a warning

Gargano vs Ciampa

EC3, Adam Cole & Ricochet talk NXT TakeOver 

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