NXT Report Card 3/25/20


Austin Theory vs Tyler Breeze

There’s definitely an interest of sorts in Theory as he’s been put up against some well-established stars. This match was good and Breeze was another good choice as he was able to work well with him. I do think Theory needs to work on his trash talk game though, even if I would’ve preferred him to win this match in order to get some sort of momentum.

Winner: Tyler Breeze

Grade: C+

Killian Dain vs Tehuti Miles

It was a total squash match for Dain, but Miles has some swag about him. I would like to know and see more of him.

Winner: Killian Dain

Grade: C

Cameron Grimes vs Tony Nese

I did appreciate seeing Nese’s glorious abs on my television screen again. This was an okay match; solid and not much to write home about. There was no crowd so I didn’t get to hear them booing Grimes out of the building again.

Winner: Cameron Grimes

Grade: C

Io Shirai vs Aliyah-Qualifying Match for Number One Contender’s Ladder Match

Did anyone really think that Aliyah, who has been on NXT for as long as this version of NXT has existed, even had a chance to win this match? Anyways, Shirai is back with her bad self!

Winner: Io Shirai

Grade: D+

Awkward North American Title Threesome

Something felt off about this whole segment. It wasn’t very smooth. I thought we had finished up the Dijakovic-Lee feud. It’s too soon to bring it back and I don’t know if injecting Damian Priest into the feud is enough to keep it fresh.

Grade: C

Adam Cole on vacation gets an automatic A because I love just about anything he does.

Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan vs Brendan Vink and Shane Thorne

Hey look, Burch and Lorcan won a match! It’s nice to see them come out on top, they’re such a good tag team.

Winner: Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan

Grade: C+

Kayden Carter vs Candice LeRae-Qualifying Match for the Number One Contender Ladder Match

LeRae can wrestle…we all know this. She just needs a personality that’s not just “concerned best friend” and “wife of Johnny Gargano”. Carter is good too, just still green and obviously not in the top tier of women at this current moment.

Winner: Candice LeRae

Grade: C

Matt Riddle vs Roderick Strong

This was easily the best match of the night. It was a bit on the short side, though still one of the longer segments on the show. Riddle and Strong worked well together and put out a solid match; it wasn’t Takeover worthy and probably won’t be memorable down the line but it worked. Also we were introduced to a new tag team afterwards.

Winner: Matt Riddle

Grade: B-

Disappointed Dad Triple H

Why does Triple H always seem like a disappointed dad when it comes to NXT? Anyways, he’s gonna put a ring in an empty building and Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano will end their feud there. Good lord, I hope so. I’m tired.

Grade: B-

Final Thoughts

To be honest, this episode was a bit subpar. I know there’s a pandemic going on and WWE wants to protect everyone’s health but it seems like it’s absolutely random what gets put on the show from week to week. Hopefully that settles as we’re set to get the cancelled Takeover’s matches on NXT television.

Overall Grade: C