SPOILER ALERT!!!: Spoilers hurt wrestling.


Writen by: Craig Ferriman (@MrImpact_Blog)

This is something I’m strongly against, spoilers. I completely understand why some would want to seek out spoilers as many people have told me that they like to read them because it gets them excited for what they’re about to watch. If that’s how you like to enjoy wrestling then that’s completely fine, But I don’t feel like those who like spoilers really think about those of us who like to be able to watch pro wrestling and enjoy the match without first finding out the result.

I understand that there’s a spoiler culture in pretty much all kinds of TV but I’m sure we can all agree it’s a real problem in pro wrestling?. With the constant need for fans to live tweet what they’re watching it makes it difficult for people who can’t watch live to go on social media. Now I know some say that you should stay off social media once a show has aired which is fair enough but how can you be expected to stay off social media until a pretaped episode has aired?.

It could take months for that show to air and if like me you use social media as a way to cure boredom or to just give you something to do, It can be difficult to stay off and surely it shouldn’t just fall to the people who want to avoid spoilers. If you like to seek out spoilers then fine but surely you can keep them to yourself for a few days?.

It’s all about respecting other fans, we all have our own ways of enjoying wrestling and no one is wrong for the way they enjoy it. As long as all sets of fans respect the other sets then it shouldn’t be a problem, this is a plea to all the fans who are fortunate enough to be able to attend shows that are being made for TV at a later date. Go ahead make memories take pictures and film all I ask is you enjoy the memories but please keep them to yourself until everyone has had a chance to watch that show.

Thanks for reading, and just remember to think about what you’re posting. I think that can be applied to all aspects of life, and most Importantly ENJOY wrestling. There are so many options for us as fans and I think there are enough problems being created between fans and companies without spoilers being one. #WrestlingIsWrestling.