NXT UK – Review 01/05 & 08/05


Better late than never, here is what’s been going on in NXT UK so far in the month of May.

NXT UK 01/05/2019

A third show filmed at Wrestlemania Axxess

Tonight, the advertised main event is Walter v Jordan Devlin in a none title match

Travis banks ‘The Kiwi Buzzsaw’ v Mansoor

I am already loving that the match is officiated by a female referee. I’ve been impressed with what I’ve seen from banks during his time in NXT UK. He has a nice blend of styles, which make him dynamic and interesting. He and Mansoor have good chemistry in the early going, Mansoor selling well, allowing Banks to gain the upper hand. The exchange if chops sounds particularly gnarly as Mansoor takes control with a beautiful Suplex. Banks high-flying style makes for a cracking display as he delivers a Drive-By Kick and a Suicide Dive. Mansoor is articulate and his reverse twister DDT is something special to behold. A turn in the tide sees Banks unleash a Slice of Heaven and a Kiwi Crusher to pick up the win, furthering his momentum.

Xia Brookside cuts a terrible promo. I’m trying really hard to like her because I’ve heard such good things about her but I’m struggling.

Coming soon to NXT UK: Ilja Dragunov. The video package itself is enough for me. I’ll be draining hours out of my life on You Tube looking this guy up!

Nina Samuels talks to herself in the mirror and now she talks about Toni Storm. Another forced rivalry that will last 2 weeks.

Piper Niven v Reina Gonzalez

Hard Lock Up and a battle of strength ensues. These two ladies are very evenly matched but it’s Niven who gains the upper hand, but this is short lived as the goth cowgirl turns the tables, regaining control with a Drop Toe Hold into a Neck Crank. Niven throws Gonzalez out the ring to break up a very tedious hair pulling contest. Niven’s double Arm Chops, Cross Body and Senton see her build some momentum to a lackluster 2 count but it’s Michinoku Driver secures her the victory.

Williams and Jordan cut a backstage promo, stating their claim to a tag team title match. You can’t help but agree with them.

Gallus and another moody promo. Yawn!

Grizzled Young Veterans will defend their NXT UK tag team championships next week against Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan.

Jordan Devlin v Walter – None Title Match

Devlin dances around a little then ducks out of the ring several times. Devlin will not win a battle of chops against Walter, that’s for sure. These guys are in no way evenly matched and the match struggles to find any kind of rhythm, not because of anything other that the fact they are not suited to each other. Thankfully, Devlin can sell, and he makes it look like Walter is brutalizing him. I can’t be the only one who doesn’t really get the format of these NXT UK matches. They always seem to have this lull in the middle where an arm bar or a wrist lock is thrown in and it kills any momentum. Both seem to be working hard but nothing has really happened in terms of a wrestling match. It’s mostly boots and chops and the odd arm bar. A half Crab from Devlin brings the big guy to the mat finally. Walter’s seated Senton lands well and I’ve just noticed he’s bleeding. Walter then delivers the most insane sounding chest chop I’ve ever heard, Devlin, once again selling like a boss. Thankfully the pace has increased and a nice back and forth ensues. A German Suplex brings Walter close to the win but the resilient Devlin kicks out at 2 and a half. The action spills to the outside of the ring, where Walter continues his attack. A Powerbomb is reversed scoring Devlin his nearest count of the bout.

A further exchange of chops and kicks and both men a reeling. A high Angle reverse Suplex and Walter climbs the ropes, brought down by an Enziguri from Devlin and then a Devlin Side and he so very nearly pins the big guy. A Clothesline and a Powerbomb from Walter sees him pick up the victory. The first half of this match was terrible but when they finally found some momentum, it was pretty good.

Pete Dunne’s music hits and he comes face to face with Walter in the ring. ‘Give me my rematch!’ he demands. Walter nods his head in agreement.

NXT UK 08/05/2019 – We’re in Scotland!!

Sid Scala announces a fatal 4 way for the next number 1 contender match for the NXT UK Championship. 8 men have been selected for qualifying matches and the action starts tonight. The winner will face either Pete Dunne or Walter.

Moustache Mountain v The Hunt

Both teams are warmly received by the NXT UK crowd. This a nice paced match, with swift tags, high impact moves and excellent chemistry. The Hunt are more visceral and primal, whilst Moustache Mountain bring the technicality and instinctive ring awareness. Some of the high spots include The Hunt’s tandem offence, I like when tag teams throw each other around to create offence. Bate’s Hurricanrana, Flying Uppercut, Belly to Belly overhead toss and a Standing Shooting Star are picture perfect. The Hunt have a great spot where Boar throws Bate into the air and he gets caught and slammed to the mat by Primate. Both teams demonstrating innovative and concise tandem offence throughout the match. Clothesline and Dragon Suplex sees Moustache Mountain secure the victory. Excellent match!

Jordan and Williams are seen hobbling off to the medical room. A twist in the feud which is supposed to see them faced Grixxled Young Veterans later in the show.

Joe Coffey v Flash Morgan Webster – Qualifying match for the upcoming fatal 4 way match.

The crowd are pumped for their home grown, Joe Coffey and he stirs up quite the reaction. Coffey has a notable size advantage but Webster is swift and agile and I enjoy the way he moves around the ring, it’s almost graceful. A Butterfly Swing and a double arm suplex puts Coffey in control. A Full Nelson locked in deep, then broken, then locked in again by Coffey has the crowd cheering once again. Webster counters with a Crucifix pin but to no avail. A High Cross body and then a second to the outside of the ring and a running somersault over the top rope followed by a Rude Boy Block (Moonsault) remind us why Webster is one of the most impressive people to watch on NXT UK. Webster attempts a Swanton Bomb but the knees come up and Coffey advances after landing a brutal Spear and Clothesline.

Gallus promo.

Pete Dunne Vignette – hyping the upcoming rematch

Ilja Dragunov video package

Nina Samuels v Kasey Owens

Samuels looks amazing, I mean, truly amazing but I find her very delicate and I’m waiting for her to show some grit. She has some technique but a long way to go. Owens gets in small flurries of offence. Samuels Tilt-o-whirl backbreaker looks ok and she does a cartwheel from the top rope but I can’t quite work out what the intended purpose of that is. Nina Guroshi is executed well securing Samuels the victory.

In-ring, she’s asked if she has her sights in the NXT UK Women’s title. She responds by cutting down Toni Storms life choices. Here comes another #ThreeWeekFeud

Dave Mastiff interview about his upcoming match with Wolfgang. The match is confirmed for next week. This will culminate their #ThreeWeekFeud

Kay Lee Ray takes the spotlight, saying no-one in NXT UK will forget her name again.

Next week – Ligero v Jordan Devlin in a fatal four-way qualifying match.

Grizzled Young Veterans v Kenny Williams & Amir Jordan

Keep in mind, Amir Jordan was ambushed backstage. Gibson takes the mic, saying Jordan is injured and the match will not be taking place.

Kenny Williams’ music hits and he takes the mic insinuating the champs had something to do with it. He announces his new tag team partner, Noam Dar. The crowd come unglued!!

All four competitors are feral and vicious as the ref struggles to keep a lid on things. The action spills out of the ring, whilst Dar and Gibson go at it back in the ring. Northern Lights Suplex from Dar looks particularly good! The Veterans gain control with impressive tandem offence and swift tags. I have found their character development to be very impressive, they own and confidently deliver their heel personas.

The match itself is a nice pace, the Veterans keeping it at a pace to suit them but once Dar and Williams step up the tempo, and deliver some high flying moves, the match takes on a new depth. Williams’ reversal into a Tornado DDT lands hard and the backwards drop off the top turnbuckle, followed by a flying uppercut has us nearly believing the champs could be upset tonight.

Dar locks in a knee bar and Gibson is reeling in the middle of the ring but he manages a tag to Drake but Dar then has him in an Ankle Lock and Williams has Gibson locked into one also. The anticipation builds and the crowd is going wild.

This match was so exciting, the ebb and flow, the ups and downs, the near falls, the chemistry were all absolutely brilliant. Such instinctive and clever match storytelling. Just when you think the match is about to end, Williams and Gibson are exchanging blows, Williams incredible flip of Gibson into a pin and he kicks out!! I thought this was over. A Helter Skelter and 450 Splash sees the veterans retain. Fantastic match!! Definitely a MOTM contender!!