205 Live – 26/02/2019


The 26th of February edition of 205 Live was kicked off with the usual video package. Tony Nese vs Kalisto & Drew Gulak vs The Brian Kendrick was set up for later in the night to mark the start of the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament. That being said, let’s get right into the review.

Tony Nese vs Kalisto

A clash of styles, we saw a technical, agile powerhouse in Nese take on the high-flying Kalisto. This match was back-and-forth, hard-hitting and had some gnarly spots throughout. With business picking up in the match, Nese is in control and he lands a running forearm in the corner, dropping Kalisto. He heads back to the other turnbuckle and goes for his ‘running Nese’ but Kalisto avoids it, rolls Nese through and nails him with his Listo kick. Kalisto nails Nese with a superkick! Kalisto charges Nese but a genius adjustment allows for Nese to turn Kalisto’s momentum against himself and send him flying with a monkey flip. Nese lifts up Kalisto but Kalisto hits a jawbreaker and then a hurricanrana for a near fall. Both men are exhausted but Nese manages to lock in a waist lock on Kalisto and he proceeds to deliver a brutal German suplex into the turnbuckle, sending the back of Kalisto’s head ricocheting off the ropes. Nese follows it up with a running Nese for the 1, 2, 3. Nese is victorious. This was a solid, back-and-forth match. 7/10.

Brian Kendrick vs Drew Gulak

These two men are both crafty, technical veterans. A brilliant match up of technique, submissions and power, these two put on a masterclass. Towards the end of the match, both men are exchanging blows, whipping each other off the ropes until Gulak manages to connect with a trapped-leg German suplex for the near fall. Both men go back-and-forth until Kendrick manages to connect with a trapped-leg half-and-half suplex, Gulak somehow manages to get back to his feet though as he nails Kendrick with a picture-perfect lariat. Kendrick connects with a jawbreaker on Gulak and attempts a sliced bread no. 2 but Gulak tries to lock in the Gu-lock but Kendrick rolls through for a near fall. Kendrick then locks in the captains hook but after a half-minute struggle, Gulak rakes the eyes of Kendrick and hits a huge powerbomb. With Kendrick up against the ropes, Gulak charges him but receives a boot to the face, a superkick and nearly a sliced bread no. 2. Kendrick proceeds to roll up Gulak but Gulak turns the pinfall predicament into a Gu-lock. Kendrick tries to fight it but ultimately, he passes out. Gulak is victorious. This match was incredible, nothing else needs to be said. 9.25/10.