WWE RAW Review 22/10/2018



Roman Reigns came out on his own, wearing normal people clothes.. that immediately made me think something was wrong.. he looked really sad. He starts by saying that he lied to the WWE Universe because isn’t a fighting champion, he can’t be. He then says he has to vacate the Universal Title and spoke to us, not as Roman Reigns, but as Joe A’noai. He then dropped an emotional bombshell unlike anything I’ve ever seen when he announced that he has been living with Leukemia for the last 11 years and unfortunately it’s come back. He then gave a very emotional speech that brought a tear to my eye, he then said this is not a retirement speech, once he’s done whooping Lieukemia’s ass again, he will be back. He then laid the Universal Championship on the ground, walked to the stage and was met with a hug from a tearful Seth Rollins and a welling up Dean Ambrose. The segment went off the air with the Shield uniting their fists with the roars of “Thank you, Roman” coming from the crowd and tears rolling down their cheeks.

Roman, all of us here at the Pro Wrestling Journal wish you all the best and send nothing but love, strength and positive vibes your way. You got this, Big Dog. Believe that. 💚

Corey Graves and Renee Young both close to crying after the announcement from Roman, watching this was absolutely gut-wrenching.

Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush vs Finn Balor

Lio came out to introduce Lashley and chant his name. Balor won via a roll up, not a terrible big vs little match, but very quick, maybe a little too quick..But it advances the feud I suppose.


Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler are backstage talking about what they’ll have to do to beat Ambrose and Rollins later. McIntyre said he’s not afraid of Strowman and he’s going ‘Monster Hunting’ and said Dolph won’t need to worry after tonight

Sasha Banks w/ Bayley & Natalya vs Ruby Riott w/ The Squad

The match was really decent. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Ruby Riott is the future. She’s outstanding. Ruby got the win after a distraction.


D Generation X came out and at first it looked a little sad to see these two coming out as DX at 50 odd years old clutching at anything to try and stay relevant, until they made it very clear that this was not the old DX we knew. They cut a very stonefaced promo that ended with Taker and Kane on the tron with headstones for HBK and HHH saying that they will own their souls. It was nostalgic, sure. But a teensie little bit awkward.


Paul Heyman cut a beautiful, very supportive and sincere promo on Roman Reigns and the new match at Crown Jewel of Strowman vs Lesnar. He then switched his attention to Strowman and ran him down to the point where Strowman interrupted him. He was on a Mic and looked so angry, he seemed like he was trying to Babyface it up pretty hard and even said when Reigns beats Leukemia and he’s back, he will get the first title shot after Strowman wins at Crown Jewel in S***i Ar***a, but then Drew McIntyre ran in and took Strowman out with a Claymore, then just walks back with a smirk.

Elias segment

Elias wanted to sing his song about Apollo Crews, but instead he was interrupted by his opponent, the man himself.

Apollo Crews vs Elias

Elias got the win after a quick knee to the face into a Drift Away. The match was short, enjoyable but short. I just loved seeing Elias getting a much deserved win!

After the match he decided to sing a song anyway, until Corbin came out and told him to stop, but Elias cut him off and told him to shut his mouth and the Crowd went wild, he began playing but Corbin had Elias’ microphones turned off, he then told Elias that he works for him and if he doesn’t get off the stage he will fire him. So Elias walked off.. then came back out and smashed his guitar on Corbin’s head for a huge pop! I feel like this could have been a Babyface turn for Elias, y’know? Exciting!

Raw Women’s Title Match contract signing

Contract was signed, Bella slapped Rousey, Rousey smiled and walked way. Bella looked terrified. Simple and effective. Ronda doing nothing was scarier than Ronda doing everything. Plus it was a breath of fresh air to have a table stay in one piece for a contract signing.

Fatal 4 Way match Nia Jax vs Dana Brooke vs Tamina vs Ember Moon

Ember Moon won very quickly after an Eclipse on Tamina. Not much else to say. The Go Home show before Evolution and they give 4 women a 30 second match. Mixed messages much?


Trish Stratus & Lita talking to Charles Carusso backstage when they’re jumped by Mickie James and Alicia Fox. The tables turned though and Lita and Trish got the upper hand. Meh.

Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs McZigglIntyre for the WWE RAW Tag Team Championships

The Shield guys are out and they’re looking sad, but determined. They’re dedicating this match to Reigns this evening and even though it’s been hours since I heard his news, I’m still in shock over the announcement.

This next part was the Main Event and it had a BIG match vibe going through it as the two Shield brothers go to war with Ziggler and McIntyre. This was freakin’ awesome to watch! The moves were spectacular, false finishes within a fraction of a second and even finishers being kicked out of. It was a match dedicated to Roman and my word did it go the bloody distance. The match was almost over when McZigglIntyre went to hit their ZigZag/Claymore move but then BRAAAAWWWWAAAOOOR! Braun Strowman came down to the ring, the ref got knocked down by accident, but this allowed Braun to beat the living bageezus out of McIntyre and the two went backstage brawling.. well, Braun was brawling, Drew was legging it, but this left poor old Ziggz in the ring all alone with a Kingslayer and a Lunatic. So, naturally Ziggles tried to use the tag titles as a weapon, but was thwarted by Ambrose, which allowed a distraction to occur, a Curb Stomp to follow and NEW Tag Team Champions to finish.

This was a beautiful moment in which the two Brothers embraced and celebrated with their new gold and then what happened next shook me heavily. On the Night their brother, Roman Reigns announces his departure as he battles Leukemia, the Night they become Tag Team Champions, surely this won’t be the Night? I was wrong. Ambrose drove his foot into Rollins’ abdomen and dropped him with Dirty Deeds. I was gobsmacked. Ambrose appeared remorseful after and said “Why did you do that?” to himself as Rollins told him it was okay, but.. Ambrose continued the onslaught of rights and left’s to Rollins whilst screaming “you knew it was coming. You told me it would happen” and “Say it again, Seth. Is it funny now?”, I knew he was crazy but it seems he’s actually gone full on deranged. He exposed the floor by ripping up the mat and hit yet another Dirty Deeds onto it. This was so bittersweet because I loved it all, yet was heartbroken all at once, this was all very reminiscent of Gargano and Ciampa’s feud on NXT, so I’m thinking they want Dean as their top Heel, which I am all for but.. This night? This night? Man, that is some booking. Such an amazing moment and one that will be remembered for years, possibly forever!

The weirdest bit though, Seth and Dean are still the new Tag Team Champions.. I cannot wait for next week! Again! That’s a modern era record.


This is the first time I’ve ever done this. But this is getting the PERFECT 10! 10! 10! 10!/10! 🌟

I was tempted to give it the 10 stars for Roman’s sheer amount of bravery for announcing to the world that he is going away to battle Leukemia and the optimism and confidence he showed was so inspiring and beautiful, even if it was gut-wrenching, add in our boy, Elias, getting a nice story to work, a clean win and a possible baby face run and the then when it came to that ending.. I was loving everything about it even though I was still seeing and feeling all the hurt from what I was seeing. It was possibly the biggest risk in an opportunity to turn someone Heel that WWE have taken in years. It genuinely blew my mind.

Match of the Night: Has to be the RAW Tag Team Championship match. Everyone had high emotions and it really shone through in this match. The ref being knocked out and the interference and the finish with the new champs, the carpet being ripped from under us with the Heel turn and the savagery that was unleashed upon Seth Rollins, the feuds that this sets up and the amount of potential stories that could come out of it is just mental.

Annoyance of the Night: No Gangrel for a start.. But other than that, the Women’s matches should have been built far more than they have been and I thought this week would be that build, but that’s fine. I know it’s happening this Sunday and I’m gonna watch it regardless. Gotta watch Ronda mess Do Nothin’ Nikki Bella up! Other than those things, it was a solid Raw, possibly the most emotional moment since Edge, Paige or Daniel Bryan announcing retirement. It was hard to hear, but I have nothing but love and respect for Roman Reigns and I wish him every single bit of positivity over the coming trials he’s about to face.

Thank you all so much for stopping by again if you’re a regular reader and if you’re not then thank you for taking the time out to have a little gander, I appreciate every single one of you, please feel free to comment, like and share and make sure to Too Sweet that follow button on the Twitter machine @KayfabeToday. Peace and love to one and all! ✌🏻💚

– CB