By Ryan Armstorm@RyanArmstorm

So I managed to catch Mark Haskins for a brief interview this week. Very lucky, and personally I am a very big fan so it was an honour to have him for my first interview in this new series of “An interview with…” articles.

Hope you all enjoy the interview with former PROGRESS World Champion Mark Haskins

Please feel free to tweet me for future interview ideas. I’m always happy to listen to all feedback.

What got you into wrestling and was there a certain wrestler that inspired you?
I had a childhood friend called Andy who brought round a VHS of WWF Bad Blood ’97. The first match I watched was Michaels/Undertaker in Hell in a Cell and I’ve been hooked ever since. Shawn Michaels was a huge influence as were guys like Eddie Guerrero. My single biggest influence though was my friend Andy as he suffered from Cerebral Palsy but never let it stop him from getting out and living life. The more he became confined to a wheel chair the more it pushed him to not let it hold him back, and I always thought if he’s not letting something like that stop him then I have no excuse not to chase a childhood dream whole heartedly and make it a reality. He died a few years ago, but I’d say he’s had the single biggest impact not just on my career but on my life, I was really lucky to know him.

Favourite match in 2018 (so far) that you have competed in?
I don’t really have one. I’m such a perfectionist I find it hard to really enjoy what I do because I always want to be better.

What are your main goals for the future?
To be the best I can be at everything. If I can be a great Dad, an awesome husband and a badass wrestler then that would make me real happy.

What is your Dream Match?
v.s Eddie Guerrero, I met him when I was 13 and always wanted to make that happen. I’ll
take Brock Lesnar on any day though.

One for Mrs Haskins (if possible); what is Mark’s worst habit?
Mark doesn’t see how good he is and he’s also really messy.

How long do you plan on wrestling for?
Realistically I don’t know. I’d love to do this forever but I know every career has a shelf life and I want to get out of this game healthy and as injury free as possible.

Due to the boom in the UK scene do you have any advice to people wanting to become wrestlers?
There’s never been a better time to make it happen for you. Social Media has changed the game and it’s a lot easier nowadays to get noticed, just be ready and have what it takes to back it up. If you want it, it’s there for you, don’t be afraid to put the hard work in.

You travel the world a lot but where is your favourite place to wrestle? 
My bedroom, BOOM! Nah, I love wrestling in London, Ireland and Toronto. Saying that though I don’t think there’s a single place I’ve been to that I’ve never wanted to go back to. I’m super lucky to have the following that I do no matter what part of the world I’m in.

You have some amazing merchandise, who comes up with the ideas for this? I know your wife is very artistic but is it a joint effort between you two or do you have help from other people?
I’m super lucky to know the people that I do. Jade Costello and Rob Dobrowsky are both fantastic artists and I can’t sing their praises enough. They put up with no end of over-particular-perfectionist bullshit from me and I appreciate their help to no end. I love working with both of them because their art speaks for itself and I want to produce tee’s that fans love and will happily wear everywhere. I wouldn’t wear a tee with a picture of myself in my little spandex pants down the street so I don’t expect anyone else to.

And finally, Is there any company that you haven’t wrestled for that you would like to and if so why?
I’d love to go back to Dragon Gate in Japan and see some old faces, same as Smash in Canada. It would be great to get to Defy in the US. I hear nothing but great things and I’d love to get to check them out.

I’d like to thank Mark for his giving up time in his busy schedule to do this. An amazing guy in and out of the ring. Please support him anyway you can by giving him a follow or a like on social media links or by checking out his awesome merchandise.


Photo Credit: Rob Brazier –

Photo Credit (Header) Oli Sandler

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